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Mark the CORRECT item to fill in the blank.
The director, ______ film won several awards, will be speaking at the conference.
Regarding prepositions, number the second column according to the first one so as to fill in the blanks, and then mark the item that corresponds to the CORRECT sequence.
(1) on
(2) at
(3) in
( ) The day was perfect yesterday. There wasn’t a single cloud ___ the sky!
( ) The game is ___ Friday.
( ) I usually get up ____ half past eight.
The mysterious death of Alexander the Great
When Alexander the Great’s body seemingly remained unchanged for six days after his death in 323 BCE, his contemporaries could offer only one explanation. Alexander must have been a god. So… was he?
Alexander the Great first fell ill during a days-long series of parties, during one of which he collapsed, complaining of a searing pain in his back. After 10 days of intense fever, Alexander’s soldiers were brought in to see him one final time. As reported by the historian Arrian, at that point the king “could no longer speak… but he struggled to raise his head and gave each man a greeting with his eyes.”
When Alexander was declared dead on June 13, theories began forming. Had he been poisoned? Sabotaged? Had he been killed by drinking too much wine? Today we have an explanation for Alexander’s death and his period of bodily freshness that relies less on the supernatural and more on science. In 2018 Dr. Katherine Hall, a lecturer in New Zealand, proposed that Alexander the Great had Guillain-Barré syndrome, an acute autoimmune condition that results in muscle paralysis. In other words, Alexander may have been alive when he was declared dead—a mistake that could have been made when physicians mistook the shallow breathing of a coma patient for no breathing at all. If this was the case, Alexander may have been effectively murdered during embalming—a process that would have seen him disemboweled.
While we can’t travel back in time to confirm Hall’s theory, it is the only one that takes into account all the details of Alexander’s death—and his body’s mysterious life.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation
The mysterious death of Alexander the Great
When Alexander the Great’s body seemingly remained unchanged for six days after his death in 323 BCE, his contemporaries could offer only one explanation. Alexander must have been a god. So… was he?
Alexander the Great first fell ill during a days-long series of parties, during one of which he collapsed, complaining of a searing pain in his back. After 10 days of intense fever, Alexander’s soldiers were brought in to see him one final time. As reported by the historian Arrian, at that point the king “could no longer speak… but he struggled to raise his head and gave each man a greeting with his eyes.”
When Alexander was declared dead on June 13, theories began forming. Had he been poisoned? Sabotaged? Had he been killed by drinking too much wine? Today we have an explanation for Alexander’s death and his period of bodily freshness that relies less on the supernatural and more on science. In 2018 Dr. Katherine Hall, a lecturer in New Zealand, proposed that Alexander the Great had Guillain-Barré syndrome, an acute autoimmune condition that results in muscle paralysis. In other words, Alexander may have been alive when he was declared dead—a mistake that could have been made when physicians mistook the shallow breathing of a coma patient for no breathing at all. If this was the case, Alexander may have been effectively murdered during embalming—a process that would have seen him disemboweled.
While we can’t travel back in time to confirm Hall’s theory, it is the only one that takes into account all the details of Alexander’s death—and his body’s mysterious life.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation
The tense and aspect of the underlined verbs below are:
Alexander the Great first fell ill during a days-long series of parties, during one of which he collapsed, complaining of a searing pain in his back. After 10 days of intense fever, Alexander’s soldiers were brought in to see him one final time. As reported by the historian Arrian, at that point the king “could no longer speak… but he struggled to raise his head and gave each man a greeting with his eyes.”
The mysterious death of Alexander the Great
When Alexander the Great’s body seemingly remained unchanged for six days after his death in 323 BCE, his contemporaries could offer only one explanation. Alexander must have been a god. So… was he?
Alexander the Great first fell ill during a days-long series of parties, during one of which he collapsed, complaining of a searing pain in his back. After 10 days of intense fever, Alexander’s soldiers were brought in to see him one final time. As reported by the historian Arrian, at that point the king “could no longer speak… but he struggled to raise his head and gave each man a greeting with his eyes.”
When Alexander was declared dead on June 13, theories began forming. Had he been poisoned? Sabotaged? Had he been killed by drinking too much wine? Today we have an explanation for Alexander’s death and his period of bodily freshness that relies less on the supernatural and more on science. In 2018 Dr. Katherine Hall, a lecturer in New Zealand, proposed that Alexander the Great had Guillain-Barré syndrome, an acute autoimmune condition that results in muscle paralysis. In other words, Alexander may have been alive when he was declared dead—a mistake that could have been made when physicians mistook the shallow breathing of a coma patient for no breathing at all. If this was the case, Alexander may have been effectively murdered during embalming—a process that would have seen him disemboweled.
While we can’t travel back in time to confirm Hall’s theory, it is the only one that takes into account all the details of Alexander’s death—and his body’s mysterious life.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Adaptation
Considerando-se a Lei nº 14.113/2020 – Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação (Fundeb), assinalar a alternativa que preenche as lacunas abaixo CORRETAMENTE.
Os eventuais saldos de recursos financeiros disponíveis nas contas específicas dos Fundos cuja perspectiva de utilização seja superior a ____ dias deverão ser aplicados em operações financeiras de ________ prazo ou de mercado aberto, lastreadas em títulos da dívida pública, na instituição financeira responsável pela movimentação dos recursos, de modo a preservar seu poder de compra.
A respeito da Lei nº 9.394/1996 — Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, sobre as finalidades do Ensino Superior, analisar a sentença.
A educação superior tem por finalidade suscitar o desejo permanente de aperfeiçoamento cultural e profissional e possibilitar a correspondente concretização (1ª parte). A educação superior tem por finalidade promover a divulgação de conhecimentos científicos e técnicos, apenas, que constituem patrimônio da humanidade e geram lucro, e comunicar o saber através de publicações ou em outros meios de comunicação (2ª parte).
A sentença está:
As metodologias ativas partem do princípio de que a vida é um processo de aprendizagem ativa, de enfrentamento de desafios cada vez mais complexos. Na educação formal, existem muitas combinações possíveis de técnicas de ensino. Considerando-se a técnica da sala de aula invertida, avaliar se as afirmativas são certas (C) ou erradas (E) e assinalar a sequência correspondente.
( ) Ao inverter a sala de aula, é importante engajar os alunos em questionamentos e resoluções de problemas, aplicando o que foi aprendido on-line com atividades bem planejadas.
( ) A aula invertida é uma estratégia que consiste em um único formato: assistir, de forma autônoma, vídeos antes das aulas e realizar atividades presenciais depois.
( ) A estratégia da sala de aula invertida, conforme sua estrutura básica, não contempla a necessidade de instrumentos avaliativos e feedbacks aos estudantes.
Alinhada à Lei nº 1.318/2002 − Estatuto dos Servidores Públicos do Município, o servidor responde civil, penal e administrativamente pelo exercício irregular de suas atribuições:
I. A responsabilidade administrativa decorre de procedimento doloso que importe em prejuízo à Fazenda Municipal.
II. A responsabilidade penal abrange os crimes e contravenções imputados ao servidor nessa qualidade.
III. A responsabilidade civil resulta de omissões praticadas no desempenho do cargo ou função.
Está CORRETO o que se afirma:
Em conformidade com a Lei nº 1.318/2002 − Estatuto dos Servidores Públicos do Município, os servidores que se deslocarem a trabalho para outros locais terão direito a diárias para cobrir gastos com alimentação e hospedagem. Sobre as diárias, avaliar se as afirmativas são certas (C) ou erradas (E) e assinalar a sequência correspondente.
( ) Quando o deslocamento constituir exigência permanente do cargo ou função, serão concedidas as diárias.
( ) A diária será concedida por dia de afastamento, sendo devida pela metade quando o deslocamento não exigir pernoite fora da sede.
( ) O servidor que receber diária e não se afastar do município, por qualquer motivo, fica facultado de restituição dos valores.