Questões de Concurso Para diplomata

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Q28932 Relações Internacionais
Nas últimas décadas do século XX e até a crise financeira
de 1977, o leste asiático foi o espaço mais dinâmico da economia
capitalista, aumentando de forma geométrica sua participação na
riqueza mundial. Naquela região do mundo, entretanto, a maior
parte dos Estados nasceu no século XX, sobre bases territoriais,
sociais e culturais milenares.

Na Europa, a unificação é, sem dúvida, o fenômeno
contemporâneo que mais instiga o imaginário e estimula a crença
no fim dos Estados nacionais. Afinal, foi ali que eles nasceram,
nos séculos XV e XVI, junto com a própria idéia de soberania,
mas não há nada que corrobore essa crença, no processo de
unificação européia, porque ninguém ali está se propondo
dissolver em uma globalidade abstrata e cosmopolita. Se há
algum lugar no mundo - além da dramática decomposição de
alguns quase-países africanos - onde se pode falar de Estados
fracos ou fragilizados pelo processo de globalização financeira é
no território dos chamados mercados emergentes, em particular
na América Latina.

José Luís Fiori. 60 lições dos 90: uma década de liberalismo.
Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2001, p. 39-40 (com adaptações).

A partir da análise contida no texto acima e também considerando
os múltiplos aspectos da ordem política e econômica do mundo
contemporâneo, julgue os itens seguintes.
No Cone Sul, o processo de integração que levaria ao Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL) teve sua origem na aproximação argentino-brasileira, em meados da década de 80 do século XX, conduzida pelos presidentes Raúl Alfonsín e José Sarney. Naquela conjuntura de crise econômica, ambos os Estados viviam os primeiros passos da experiência de recomposição da democracia após cerca de duas décadas de regime autoritário, sob o comando de militares.
Q28931 Relações Internacionais
Nas últimas décadas do século XX e até a crise financeira
de 1977, o leste asiático foi o espaço mais dinâmico da economia
capitalista, aumentando de forma geométrica sua participação na
riqueza mundial. Naquela região do mundo, entretanto, a maior
parte dos Estados nasceu no século XX, sobre bases territoriais,
sociais e culturais milenares.

Na Europa, a unificação é, sem dúvida, o fenômeno
contemporâneo que mais instiga o imaginário e estimula a crença
no fim dos Estados nacionais. Afinal, foi ali que eles nasceram,
nos séculos XV e XVI, junto com a própria idéia de soberania,
mas não há nada que corrobore essa crença, no processo de
unificação européia, porque ninguém ali está se propondo
dissolver em uma globalidade abstrata e cosmopolita. Se há
algum lugar no mundo - além da dramática decomposição de
alguns quase-países africanos - onde se pode falar de Estados
fracos ou fragilizados pelo processo de globalização financeira é
no território dos chamados mercados emergentes, em particular
na América Latina.

José Luís Fiori. 60 lições dos 90: uma década de liberalismo.
Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2001, p. 39-40 (com adaptações).

A partir da análise contida no texto acima e também considerando
os múltiplos aspectos da ordem política e econômica do mundo
contemporâneo, julgue os itens seguintes.
O último parágrafo do texto permite supor que o autor acredita que o modelo de inserção internacional praticado por vários países latino-americanos, a partir das duas décadas finais do século XX, tenha exposto suas economias a uma situação de acentuada vulnerabilidade externa, por desregulá-las e abrir suas fronteiras sem os indispensáveis mecanismos de proteção.
Q28930 Relações Internacionais
Nas últimas décadas do século XX e até a crise financeira
de 1977, o leste asiático foi o espaço mais dinâmico da economia
capitalista, aumentando de forma geométrica sua participação na
riqueza mundial. Naquela região do mundo, entretanto, a maior
parte dos Estados nasceu no século XX, sobre bases territoriais,
sociais e culturais milenares.

Na Europa, a unificação é, sem dúvida, o fenômeno
contemporâneo que mais instiga o imaginário e estimula a crença
no fim dos Estados nacionais. Afinal, foi ali que eles nasceram,
nos séculos XV e XVI, junto com a própria idéia de soberania,
mas não há nada que corrobore essa crença, no processo de
unificação européia, porque ninguém ali está se propondo
dissolver em uma globalidade abstrata e cosmopolita. Se há
algum lugar no mundo - além da dramática decomposição de
alguns quase-países africanos - onde se pode falar de Estados
fracos ou fragilizados pelo processo de globalização financeira é
no território dos chamados mercados emergentes, em particular
na América Latina.

José Luís Fiori. 60 lições dos 90: uma década de liberalismo.
Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2001, p. 39-40 (com adaptações).

A partir da análise contida no texto acima e também considerando
os múltiplos aspectos da ordem política e econômica do mundo
contemporâneo, julgue os itens seguintes.
Infere-se do texto que o projeto da União Européia, paciente e meticulosamente construído ao longo dos anos, em um processo ainda inconcluso que se iniciou no pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial, volta-se para a criação de um superestado, que, sem dissolver seus integrantes "em uma globalidade abstrata e cosmopolita", tenha condições de concorrer pelo poder e pela riqueza mundiais, em um cenário global de acentuada competitividade.
Q28929 Relações Internacionais
Nas últimas décadas do século XX e até a crise financeira
de 1977, o leste asiático foi o espaço mais dinâmico da economia
capitalista, aumentando de forma geométrica sua participação na
riqueza mundial. Naquela região do mundo, entretanto, a maior
parte dos Estados nasceu no século XX, sobre bases territoriais,
sociais e culturais milenares.

Na Europa, a unificação é, sem dúvida, o fenômeno
contemporâneo que mais instiga o imaginário e estimula a crença
no fim dos Estados nacionais. Afinal, foi ali que eles nasceram,
nos séculos XV e XVI, junto com a própria idéia de soberania,
mas não há nada que corrobore essa crença, no processo de
unificação européia, porque ninguém ali está se propondo
dissolver em uma globalidade abstrata e cosmopolita. Se há
algum lugar no mundo - além da dramática decomposição de
alguns quase-países africanos - onde se pode falar de Estados
fracos ou fragilizados pelo processo de globalização financeira é
no território dos chamados mercados emergentes, em particular
na América Latina.

José Luís Fiori. 60 lições dos 90: uma década de liberalismo.
Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2001, p. 39-40 (com adaptações).

A partir da análise contida no texto acima e também considerando
os múltiplos aspectos da ordem política e econômica do mundo
contemporâneo, julgue os itens seguintes.
A crise do Estado nacional, de crescente visibilidade a partir dos últimos decênios do século XX, na proporção direta em que avulta a atuação das grandes corporações transnacionais, adquire em larga porção da Ásia dimensão ainda maior. Na base da explicação desse fenômeno, como deixa entrever o texto, reside o que alguns especialistas denominam de baixa densidade histórica, que se explicaria pelo fato de serem Estados recentes, constituídos apenas no século XX.
Q28928 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on text II, it can be concluded that

the physician and the diplomat both play the same role in armed conflicts.
Q28927 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on text II, it can be concluded that

the resolution of a conflict can be compared to the cure of a disease.
Q28926 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on text II, it can be concluded that

in any case, the sooner preventive actions are implemented the better.
Q28925 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on text II, it can be concluded that

preventive diplomacy usually deals with armed conflicts.
Q28924 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on text II, it can be concluded that

preventive diplomacy demands just two conditions to succeed.
Q28923 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
From text II, it can be deduced that

preventive diplomatic actions should rely on previous intelligence.
Q28922 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
From text II, it can be deduced that

preventive peace-building demands several types of action.
Q28921 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
From text II, it can be deduced that

many problems involving refugees occur in frontier areas.
Q28920 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
From text II, it can be deduced that

military actions will necessarily lead to armed conflict.
Q28919 Inglês
It has become clear that preventive diplomacy is only one
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.

The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.

Internet: (with adaptations).
From text II, it can be deduced that

preventive diplomacy has just been considered the only possible action to avoid war.
Q28918 Inglês
Diplomacy can be a risky activity.
Q28917 Inglês
The diplomat should be familiar with foreign cultures.
Q28916 Inglês
Both as man of peace and as a man of power the diplomat has the same goals.
Q28914 Inglês
The diplomat sometimes has to face contradictory situations.
Q28913 Inglês
the diplomat is always subject to tensions, having to decide between war and peace.
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