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Ano: 2015 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Instituto Rio Branco
Q1188823 Inglês
    1 Barbara Dawson, director of the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin, remembers very clearly the day in 1997 when she climbed the steep stairs and entered Francis Bacon’s studio at 4 7 Reece Mews, South Kensington. It had been left the way it was when he passed away, on April 28 1992, and it was a chaos of slashed canvases, paint-splashed walls, cloths, 7 brushes, champagne boxes, and a large mirror. She stood and stared for a long time, in a kind of incredulity, “and actually it became quite beautiful.” She began to see “paths cut through 10 it,” and details. “The last unfinished painting was on the easel when I went in there, and on the floor underneath the easel was a short article on George Michael, the singer, about how he 13 liked to be photographed from one side. It was like looking into somebody’s mind”. 
    7 Reece Mews was tiny, and apart from the studio 16 consisted of two rooms — a kitchen that contained a bath, and a living room that doubled as a bedroom. The studio had one skylight, and Bacon usually worked there in the mornings. He 19 tried to paint elsewhere — in South Africa, for example, when he was visiting family, but couldn’t. (Too much light, was the rather surprising objection.) He liked the size and general 22 frugality, too. 
      Dawson recognised that the studio was the making of Bacon’s art in a more profound sense than just being a 25 comfortable space to paint in, and determined that it should not be dismantled. John Edwards, to whom Bacon had bequeathed Reece Mews, felt similarly, and after months of painstaking 28 cataloguing by archaeologists, conservators and photographers, the Hugh Lane Gallery took delivery of the studio, in 1998. It was opened to the public in 2001. 
      31 What is visible now, in a climate-controlled corner of the gallery, a gracious neo-classical building on Parnell Square in Dublin, is in fact a kind of faithful “skin” of objects; the 34 tables and chairs have all been returned to their original places, the work surfaces seem as cluttered as they were — but the deep stuff, the bedrock, has been removed and is kept in 37 climate-controlled archival areas. In the end, there were 7,500 items — samples of painting materials, photographs, slashed canvasses, umpteen handwritten notes, drawings, books, 40 champagne boxes.          Bacon was homosexual at a time when it was still illegal, and while he was open about his sexuality, his notes for 43 prospective paintings refer to “bed[s] of crime]”, and his homosexuality was felt as an affliction, says Dawson. It wasn’t easy. The sense of guilt is apparent in his work, as well as his 46 fascination with violence. “His collections of pictures, dead bodies, or depictions of violence — he’s not looking at violence from the classic liberal position”. It was all, concedes 49 Dawson, accompanied by intellectual rigour, and an insistent attempt at objectivity — “he’s trying to detach from himself as well.” 
      52 Everything was grist, and in his studio even his own art fed other art. He returned to his own work obsessively, repeating and augmenting. And of course, he responded 55 negatively — and violently — as well as positively; a hundred is a lot of slashed canvasses to keep around you when you’re working, especially when they are so deliberately slashed. In 58 a way, all this might serve as a metaphor for the importance of our understanding of his studio as a whole. 
Aida Edemarian. Francis Bacon: box of tricks.  Internet: <> (adapted).
Decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E) according to the ideas and facts mentioned in the text.
The two driving forces behind the Hugh Lane Gallery project were Dawson and Edwards.
Ano: 2015 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Instituto Rio Branco
Q1188820 Inglês
1 Barbara Dawson, director of the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin, remembers very clearly the day in 1997 when she climbed the steep stairs and entered Francis Bacon’s studio at 4 7 Reece Mews, South Kensington. It had been left the way it was when he passed away, on April 28 1992, and it was a chaos of slashed canvases, paint-splashed walls, cloths, 7 brushes, champagne boxes, and a large mirror. She stood and stared for a long time, in a kind of incredulity, “and actually it became quite beautiful.” She began to see “paths cut through 10 it,” and details. “The last unfinished painting was on the easel when I went in there, and on the floor underneath the easel was a short article on George Michael, the singer, about how he 13 liked to be photographed from one side. It was like looking into somebody’s mind”.  7 Reece Mews was tiny, and apart from the studio 16 consisted of two rooms — a kitchen that contained a bath, and a living room that doubled as a bedroom. The studio had one skylight, and Bacon usually worked there in the mornings. He 19 tried to paint elsewhere — in South Africa, for example, when he was visiting family, but couldn’t. (Too much light, was the rather surprising objection.) He liked the size and general 22 frugality, too.  Dawson recognised that the studio was the making of Bacon’s art in a more profound sense than just being a 25 comfortable space to paint in, and determined that it should not be dismantled. John Edwards, to whom Bacon had bequeathed Reece Mews, felt similarly, and after months of painstaking 28 cataloguing by archaeologists, conservators and photographers, the Hugh Lane Gallery took delivery of the studio, in 1998. It was opened to the public in 2001.  31 What is visible now, in a climate-controlled corner of the gallery, a gracious neo-classical building on Parnell Square in Dublin, is in fact a kind of faithful “skin” of objects; the 34 tables and chairs have all been returned to their original places, the work surfaces seem as cluttered as they were — but the deep stuff, the bedrock, has been removed and is kept in 37 climate-controlled archival areas. In the end, there were 7,500 items — samples of painting materials, photographs, slashed canvasses, umpteen handwritten notes, drawings, books, 40 champagne boxes.  Bacon was homosexual at a time when it was still illegal, and while he was open about his sexuality, his notes for 43 prospective paintings refer to “bed[s] of crime]”, and his homosexuality was felt as an affliction, says Dawson. It wasn’t easy. The sense of guilt is apparent in his work, as well as his 46 fascination with violence. “His collections of pictures, dead bodies, or depictions of violence — he’s not looking at violence from the classic liberal position”. It was all, concedes 49 Dawson, accompanied by intellectual rigour, and an insistent attempt at objectivity — “he’s trying to detach from himself as well.”  52 Everything was grist, and in his studio even his own art fed other art. He returned to his own work obsessively, repeating and augmenting. And of course, he responded 55 negatively — and violently — as well as positively; a hundred is a lot of slashed canvasses to keep around you when you’re working, especially when they are so deliberately slashed. In 58 a way, all this might serve as a metaphor for the importance of our understanding of his studio as a whole. 
Aida Edemarian. Francis Bacon: box of tricks. Internet: <> (adapted).
Decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E) according to the ideas and facts mentioned in the text.
Bacon left part of his properties to Edwards.
Ano: 2015 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Instituto Rio Branco
Q1188524 Inglês
1 Barbara Dawson, director of the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin, remembers very clearly the day in 1997 when she climbed the steep stairs and entered Francis Bacon’s studio at 4 7 Reece Mews, South Kensington. It had been left the way it was when he passed away, on April 28 1992, and it was a chaos of slashed canvases, paint-splashed walls, cloths, 7 brushes, champagne boxes, and a large mirror. She stood and stared for a long time, in a kind of incredulity, “and actually it became quite beautiful.” She began to see “paths cut through 10 it,” and details. “The last unfinished painting was on the easel when I went in there, and on the floor underneath the easel was a short article on George Michael, the singer, about how he 13 liked to be photographed from one side. It was like looking into somebody’s mind”.  7 Reece Mews was tiny, and apart from the studio 16 consisted of two rooms — a kitchen that contained a bath, and a living room that doubled as a bedroom. The studio had one skylight, and Bacon usually worked there in the mornings. He 19 tried to paint elsewhere — in South Africa, for example, when he was visiting family, but couldn’t. (Too much light, was the rather surprising objection.) He liked the size and general 22 frugality, too.  Dawson recognised that the studio was the making of Bacon’s art in a more profound sense than just being a 25 comfortable space to paint in, and determined that it should not be dismantled. John Edwards, to whom Bacon had bequeathed Reece Mews, felt similarly, and after months of painstaking 28 cataloguing by archaeologists, conservators and photographers, the Hugh Lane Gallery took delivery of the studio, in 1998. It was opened to the public in 2001.  31 What is visible now, in a climate-controlled corner of the gallery, a gracious neo-classical building on Parnell Square in Dublin, is in fact a kind of faithful “skin” of objects; the 34 tables and chairs have all been returned to their original places, the work surfaces seem as cluttered as they were — but the deep stuff, the bedrock, has been removed and is kept in 37 climate-controlled archival areas. In the end, there were 7,500 items — samples of painting materials, photographs, slashed canvasses, umpteen handwritten notes, drawings, books, 40 champagne boxes.  Bacon was homosexual at a time when it was still illegal, and while he was open about his sexuality, his notes for 43 prospective paintings refer to “bed[s] of crime]”, and his homosexuality was felt as an affliction, says Dawson. It wasn’t easy. The sense of guilt is apparent in his work, as well as his 46 fascination with violence. “His collections of pictures, dead bodies, or depictions of violence — he’s not looking at violence from the classic liberal position”. It was all, concedes 49 Dawson, accompanied by intellectual rigour, and an insistent attempt at objectivity — “he’s trying to detach from himself as well.”  52 Everything was grist, and in his studio even his own art fed other art. He returned to his own work obsessively, repeating and augmenting. And of course, he responded 55 negatively — and violently — as well as positively; a hundred is a lot of slashed canvasses to keep around you when you’re working, especially when they are so deliberately slashed. In 58 a way, all this might serve as a metaphor for the importance of our understanding of his studio as a whole. 
Aida Edemarian. Francis Bacon: box of tricks. Internet: <> (adapted).
Decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E) according to the ideas and facts mentioned in the text.
The author of the text claims that the fact that George Michael liked having his profile photographed revealed a lot about his personality.
Q1113322 Noções de Informática
Um dos componentes de um computador é a parte lógica, que é criada por um programador e executada pelo processador. A essa parte lógica é dado o nome de
Q1113321 Noções de Informática
Uma prática muito comum em ambientes corporativos é anotar senhas de acesso em pedaços de papel e deixá-los sobre a mesa ou grudados na parte inferior do monitor. Essa prática é errônea e compromete a segurança do sistema. Com base no exposto, assinale a alternativa correspondente a uma forma de impedir que o acesso ao sistema seja realizado com sucesso por usuários indesejados, mesmo sem proibir essa prática.
Q1113320 Secretariado
Para desenvolver um bom relacionamento interpessoal com colegas de trabalho, o secretário deve praticar a seguinte premissa:
Q1113319 Secretariado
Capacidade de interagir com as pessoas, respeitando-as e agindo eticamente. É importante ao se trabalhar em equipe e contribui para que se atinja um objetivo de forma eficaz.
A informação apresentada refere-se à (ao)
Q1113318 Secretariado
A comunicação interna é um setor planejado, com objetivos bem definidos, para viabilizar toda a interação possível entre a organização e os respectivos empregados, utilizando-se de ferramentas de comunicação institucional. Com base no exposto, quanto aos veículos de comunicação que podem ser utilizados dentro da comunicação interna, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1113317 Secretariado
A respeito da comunicação no ambiente organizacional, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1113316 Secretariado
Saber usar o aparelho telefônico é uma habilidade indispensável ao profissional de secretariado. Com base nisso, quanto às atitudes comportamentais ao telefone, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1113315 Secretariado
Em relação à preparação de viagens, é correto afirmar que o profissional de secretariado
Q1113313 Redação Oficial
Ata é um resumo escrito do que se disse ou se fez em uma reunião. Nesse registro, relata-se, de forma resumida, o que se passou e o que foi decidido em uma sessão, convenção, reunião ou assembleia.
MAZULO, Roseli; LIENDO, Sandra. Secretária: rotina gerencial, habilidades comportamentais e plano de carreira. São Paulo: Editora Senac, 2010, com adaptações.
Considerando o exposto, acerca das normas referentes à elaboração da ata, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1113312 Secretariado
A respeito de reuniões dentro do ambiente organizacional, assinale a alternativa que corresponde a um dos procedimentos a serem adotados por um profissional de secretariado.
Q1113311 Secretariado
A técnica de acompanhamento que complementa a agenda é o
Q1113310 Secretariado

A organização do trabalho compreende o conhecimento dos propósitos da organização, de suas dependências, de seu modo de produzir, das técnicas que emprega.

MEDEIROS, João Bosco; HERNANDES, Sonia. Manual da Secretária. Técnicas de Trabalho. São Paulo: Atlas, 2010, com adaptações

Considerando o exposto, assinale a alternativa que apresenta os serviços típicos de secretaria.

Q1113309 Arquivologia
Assinale a alternativa correspondente a um fator que promove a deterioração do documento em papel
Q1113308 Arquivologia
Assinale a alternativa que indica a operação de conservação.
Q1113307 Arquivologia
Os documentos em formatos e dimensões variáveis, contendo representações geográficas, arquitetônicas ou de engenharia são de que tipo de gênero documental?
Q1113306 Arquivologia
Os arquivos estabelecidos junto aos órgãos operacionais são denominados arquivos
Q1113305 Arquivologia
Na classificação dos documentos quanto à espécie, qual deles se classifica nos atos de correspondência?
541: C
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