Questões de Concurso Para analista legislativo

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Q2322850 Direito Constitucional
O Estado Alfa, no qual se identificava intensa atuação de seguidores de religiões em cujos rituais era realizado o sacrifício de animais, editou a Lei estadual nº XX, direcionada à proteção animal, que autorizou expressamente essa prática.

Sobre a Lei estadual nº XX, assinale a afirmativa correta. 
Q2322849 Direito Constitucional
O Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), ao apreciar as contas de gestão de João, agente responsável pela ordenação de despesas no âmbito da autarquia federal Alfa, identificou a realização de pagamentos por serviços efetivamente contratados, mas que não foram prestados à Administração Pública, havendo provas robustas de que foram prestados na residência de João.
Com base nas provas colhidas, aplicou multa a João e imputou-lhe débito, daí decorrendo a obrigação de ressarcir os prejuízos causados ao patrimônio público.

À luz dessa narrativa, é correto afirmar que a ação de execução do título executivo extrajudicial formado pelo TCU é
Q2322848 Direito Constitucional
Fábio, Daniel e Luiz travaram intenso debate a respeito da natureza do poder constituinte originário.
Fábio defendia que o caráter fundante do poder constituinte, dando origem ao Estado, é prova insofismável de que se trata de um poder de direito.
Daniel, por sua vez, defendia que o poder constituinte é direcionado por padrões preexistentes ao seu exercício, a serem tão somente conhecidos, lastreados em um referencial metafísico de sustentação, a exemplo da razão humana, sendo, portanto, um poder de fato.
Por fim, Luiz defendia que, uma vez exercido, daria origem a uma nova ordem constitucional, que revogaria a integralidade da ordem anterior, embora fosse possível, a partir de previsão expressa, a desconstitucionalização de normas constitucionais do regime anterior, que permaneceriam em vigor.
Em relação às conclusões de Fábio, Daniel e Luiz, é correto concluir que 
Q2322847 Direito Constitucional
Maria, servidora pública ocupante de cargo de provimento efetivo, que atuava como agente socioeducativa em determinada unidade do Estado Alfa, procurou um advogado e o questionou sobre a possibilidade de se aposentar, de modo voluntário, com o cômputo diferenciado da idade e do tempo de contribuição previdenciária.

Considerando os termos da consulta de Maria, o advogado respondeu corretamente que
Q2322846 Direito Constitucional
Um Estado da Região Norte do país está passando por grande instabilidade institucional em razão de uma greve das forças de segurança pública, o que compromete a ordem pública. Já um Estado da Região Sul está passando por comoção grave, decorrente da atuação de grupos separatistas, que almejam criar um novo Estado de Direito, independente da República Federativa do Brasil, o que compromete a paz social da população dessa Região.

Apesar da efervescência dos acontecimentos que eclodiram no território nacional, inúmeros parlamentares, sensíveis à necessidade de ser realizada uma reforma tributária, iniciaram a colheita de assinaturas para a apresentação de proposta de emenda à Constituição.

Sobre a hipótese narrada, à luz da sistemática constitucional, assinale a afirmativa correta. 
Q2322845 Direito Constitucional
O Estado Beta, com o objetivo de ampliar o nível de proteção das pessoas vulneráveis economicamente, assistidas pela Defensoria Pública estadual, e por identificar uma grande resistência dos órgãos de segurança pública em investigar certos ilícitos rotineiramente praticados em detrimento dessa camada da população, editou a Lei Complementar nº X. De acordo com esse diploma normativo, a Defensoria Pública poderia requisitar a instauração de inquérito policial, no âmbito estadual, sempre que, no exercício de suas atribuições, identificasse a possível prática de infração penal.

Sobre a Lei Complementar nº X, à luz da sistemática constitucional, assinale a afirmativa correta. 
Q2322844 Direito Constitucional
Em sede de reclamação trabalhista, a Justiça do Trabalho reconheceu determinadas verbas salariais que seriam devidas ao trabalhador. Após o trânsito em julgado da decisão, a autarquia federal para a qual seriam direcionadas as contribuições previdenciárias incidentes sobre as referidas verbas, identificou o seu não ingresso nos cofres públicos, o mesmo ocorrendo com as contribuições correspondentes ao período do respectivo contrato de trabalho.

À luz da sistemática constitucional, em relação à competência da Justiça do Trabalho nessa temática, é correto afirmar que ela
Q2322843 Direito Constitucional
Nas últimas eleições para a Câmara dos Deputados, o desempenho dos Partidos Políticos Alfa, Beta e Gama foi considerado decepcionante por seus correligionários.

Alfa obteve três por cento dos votos válidos para a Câmara dos Deputados, distribuídos em oito unidades da federação, atingindo também 3% dos votos válidos em cada uma delas. Beta elegeu dez deputados, distribuídos em dez unidades da Federação. Por fim, Gama elegeu dois deputados em cada estado da Região Nordeste.

Em relação aos Partidos Políticos Alfa, Beta e Gama, à luz da sistemática constitucional afeta à denominada cláusula de desempenho, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q2322842 Inglês
Complex societies and the growth of the law

        Modern societies rely upon law as the primary mechanism to control their development and manage their conflicts. Through carefully designed rights and responsibilities, institutions and procedures, law can enable humans to engage in increasingly complex social and economic activities. Therefore, law plays an important role in understanding how societies change. To explore the interplay between law and society, we need to study how both co-evolve over time. This requires a firm quantitative grasp of the changes occurring in both domains. But while quantifying societal change has been the subject of tremendous research efforts in fields such as sociology, economics, or social physics for many years, much less work has been done to quantify legal change. In fact, legal scholars have traditionally regarded the law as hardly quantifiable, and although there is no dearth of empirical legal studies, it is only recently that researchers have begun to apply data science methods to law. To date, there have been relatively few quantitative works that explicitly address legal change, and almost no scholarship exists that analyses the time-evolving outputs of the legislative and executive branches of national governments at scale. Unlocking these data sources for the interdisciplinary scientific community will be crucial for understanding how law and society interact.
            Our work takes a step towards this goal. As a starting point, we hypothesise that an increasingly diverse and interconnected society might create increasingly diverse and interconnected rules. Lawmakers create, modify, and delete legal rules to achieve particular behavioural outcomes, often in an effort to respond to perceived changes in societal needs. While earlier large-scale quantitative work focused on analysing an individual snapshot of laws enacted by national parliaments, collections of snapshots offer a window into the dynamic interaction between law and society. Such collections represent complete, time-evolving populations of statutes at the national level. Hence, no sampling is needed for their analysis, and all changes we observe are direct consequences of legislative activity. This feature makes collections of nation-level statutes particularly suitable for investigating temporal dynamics.
            To preserve the intended multidimensionality of legal document collections and explore how they change over time, legislative corpora should be modelled as dynamic document networks. In particular, since legal documents are carefully organised and interlinked, their structure provides a more direct window into their content and dynamics than their language: Networks honour the deliberate design decisions made by the document authors and circumvent some of the ambiguity problems that natural language-based approaches inherently face. In this paper, we therefore develop an informed data model for legislative corpora, capturing the richness of legislative data for exploration by social physics.

Adapted from Katz, D.M., Coupette, C., Beckedorf, J. et al. Complex societies and the growth of the law. Sci Rep 10, 18737 (2020). Available at
“Hence” in “Hence, no sampling is needed for their analysis” (1st paragraph) can be replaced without change in meaning by
Q2322841 Inglês
Complex societies and the growth of the law

        Modern societies rely upon law as the primary mechanism to control their development and manage their conflicts. Through carefully designed rights and responsibilities, institutions and procedures, law can enable humans to engage in increasingly complex social and economic activities. Therefore, law plays an important role in understanding how societies change. To explore the interplay between law and society, we need to study how both co-evolve over time. This requires a firm quantitative grasp of the changes occurring in both domains. But while quantifying societal change has been the subject of tremendous research efforts in fields such as sociology, economics, or social physics for many years, much less work has been done to quantify legal change. In fact, legal scholars have traditionally regarded the law as hardly quantifiable, and although there is no dearth of empirical legal studies, it is only recently that researchers have begun to apply data science methods to law. To date, there have been relatively few quantitative works that explicitly address legal change, and almost no scholarship exists that analyses the time-evolving outputs of the legislative and executive branches of national governments at scale. Unlocking these data sources for the interdisciplinary scientific community will be crucial for understanding how law and society interact.
            Our work takes a step towards this goal. As a starting point, we hypothesise that an increasingly diverse and interconnected society might create increasingly diverse and interconnected rules. Lawmakers create, modify, and delete legal rules to achieve particular behavioural outcomes, often in an effort to respond to perceived changes in societal needs. While earlier large-scale quantitative work focused on analysing an individual snapshot of laws enacted by national parliaments, collections of snapshots offer a window into the dynamic interaction between law and society. Such collections represent complete, time-evolving populations of statutes at the national level. Hence, no sampling is needed for their analysis, and all changes we observe are direct consequences of legislative activity. This feature makes collections of nation-level statutes particularly suitable for investigating temporal dynamics.
            To preserve the intended multidimensionality of legal document collections and explore how they change over time, legislative corpora should be modelled as dynamic document networks. In particular, since legal documents are carefully organised and interlinked, their structure provides a more direct window into their content and dynamics than their language: Networks honour the deliberate design decisions made by the document authors and circumvent some of the ambiguity problems that natural language-based approaches inherently face. In this paper, we therefore develop an informed data model for legislative corpora, capturing the richness of legislative data for exploration by social physics.

Adapted from Katz, D.M., Coupette, C., Beckedorf, J. et al. Complex societies and the growth of the law. Sci Rep 10, 18737 (2020). Available at
The word “corpora” is in the plural as is
Q2322840 Inglês
Complex societies and the growth of the law

        Modern societies rely upon law as the primary mechanism to control their development and manage their conflicts. Through carefully designed rights and responsibilities, institutions and procedures, law can enable humans to engage in increasingly complex social and economic activities. Therefore, law plays an important role in understanding how societies change. To explore the interplay between law and society, we need to study how both co-evolve over time. This requires a firm quantitative grasp of the changes occurring in both domains. But while quantifying societal change has been the subject of tremendous research efforts in fields such as sociology, economics, or social physics for many years, much less work has been done to quantify legal change. In fact, legal scholars have traditionally regarded the law as hardly quantifiable, and although there is no dearth of empirical legal studies, it is only recently that researchers have begun to apply data science methods to law. To date, there have been relatively few quantitative works that explicitly address legal change, and almost no scholarship exists that analyses the time-evolving outputs of the legislative and executive branches of national governments at scale. Unlocking these data sources for the interdisciplinary scientific community will be crucial for understanding how law and society interact.
            Our work takes a step towards this goal. As a starting point, we hypothesise that an increasingly diverse and interconnected society might create increasingly diverse and interconnected rules. Lawmakers create, modify, and delete legal rules to achieve particular behavioural outcomes, often in an effort to respond to perceived changes in societal needs. While earlier large-scale quantitative work focused on analysing an individual snapshot of laws enacted by national parliaments, collections of snapshots offer a window into the dynamic interaction between law and society. Such collections represent complete, time-evolving populations of statutes at the national level. Hence, no sampling is needed for their analysis, and all changes we observe are direct consequences of legislative activity. This feature makes collections of nation-level statutes particularly suitable for investigating temporal dynamics.
            To preserve the intended multidimensionality of legal document collections and explore how they change over time, legislative corpora should be modelled as dynamic document networks. In particular, since legal documents are carefully organised and interlinked, their structure provides a more direct window into their content and dynamics than their language: Networks honour the deliberate design decisions made by the document authors and circumvent some of the ambiguity problems that natural language-based approaches inherently face. In this paper, we therefore develop an informed data model for legislative corpora, capturing the richness of legislative data for exploration by social physics.

Adapted from Katz, D.M., Coupette, C., Beckedorf, J. et al. Complex societies and the growth of the law. Sci Rep 10, 18737 (2020). Available at

Analyse the assertions below based on the text:

I. Lawmakers tend to be quite sensitive to social demands.

II. Natural language-based approaches are liable to ambiguity.

III. The authors state that they eschew large corpora in their study.

Choose the correct answer:

Q2322839 Inglês
Complex societies and the growth of the law

        Modern societies rely upon law as the primary mechanism to control their development and manage their conflicts. Through carefully designed rights and responsibilities, institutions and procedures, law can enable humans to engage in increasingly complex social and economic activities. Therefore, law plays an important role in understanding how societies change. To explore the interplay between law and society, we need to study how both co-evolve over time. This requires a firm quantitative grasp of the changes occurring in both domains. But while quantifying societal change has been the subject of tremendous research efforts in fields such as sociology, economics, or social physics for many years, much less work has been done to quantify legal change. In fact, legal scholars have traditionally regarded the law as hardly quantifiable, and although there is no dearth of empirical legal studies, it is only recently that researchers have begun to apply data science methods to law. To date, there have been relatively few quantitative works that explicitly address legal change, and almost no scholarship exists that analyses the time-evolving outputs of the legislative and executive branches of national governments at scale. Unlocking these data sources for the interdisciplinary scientific community will be crucial for understanding how law and society interact.
            Our work takes a step towards this goal. As a starting point, we hypothesise that an increasingly diverse and interconnected society might create increasingly diverse and interconnected rules. Lawmakers create, modify, and delete legal rules to achieve particular behavioural outcomes, often in an effort to respond to perceived changes in societal needs. While earlier large-scale quantitative work focused on analysing an individual snapshot of laws enacted by national parliaments, collections of snapshots offer a window into the dynamic interaction between law and society. Such collections represent complete, time-evolving populations of statutes at the national level. Hence, no sampling is needed for their analysis, and all changes we observe are direct consequences of legislative activity. This feature makes collections of nation-level statutes particularly suitable for investigating temporal dynamics.
            To preserve the intended multidimensionality of legal document collections and explore how they change over time, legislative corpora should be modelled as dynamic document networks. In particular, since legal documents are carefully organised and interlinked, their structure provides a more direct window into their content and dynamics than their language: Networks honour the deliberate design decisions made by the document authors and circumvent some of the ambiguity problems that natural language-based approaches inherently face. In this paper, we therefore develop an informed data model for legislative corpora, capturing the richness of legislative data for exploration by social physics.

Adapted from Katz, D.M., Coupette, C., Beckedorf, J. et al. Complex societies and the growth of the law. Sci Rep 10, 18737 (2020). Available at
The word “dearth” in “there is no dearth of empirical legal studies” (1st paragraph) means
Q2322838 Inglês
Complex societies and the growth of the law

        Modern societies rely upon law as the primary mechanism to control their development and manage their conflicts. Through carefully designed rights and responsibilities, institutions and procedures, law can enable humans to engage in increasingly complex social and economic activities. Therefore, law plays an important role in understanding how societies change. To explore the interplay between law and society, we need to study how both co-evolve over time. This requires a firm quantitative grasp of the changes occurring in both domains. But while quantifying societal change has been the subject of tremendous research efforts in fields such as sociology, economics, or social physics for many years, much less work has been done to quantify legal change. In fact, legal scholars have traditionally regarded the law as hardly quantifiable, and although there is no dearth of empirical legal studies, it is only recently that researchers have begun to apply data science methods to law. To date, there have been relatively few quantitative works that explicitly address legal change, and almost no scholarship exists that analyses the time-evolving outputs of the legislative and executive branches of national governments at scale. Unlocking these data sources for the interdisciplinary scientific community will be crucial for understanding how law and society interact.
            Our work takes a step towards this goal. As a starting point, we hypothesise that an increasingly diverse and interconnected society might create increasingly diverse and interconnected rules. Lawmakers create, modify, and delete legal rules to achieve particular behavioural outcomes, often in an effort to respond to perceived changes in societal needs. While earlier large-scale quantitative work focused on analysing an individual snapshot of laws enacted by national parliaments, collections of snapshots offer a window into the dynamic interaction between law and society. Such collections represent complete, time-evolving populations of statutes at the national level. Hence, no sampling is needed for their analysis, and all changes we observe are direct consequences of legislative activity. This feature makes collections of nation-level statutes particularly suitable for investigating temporal dynamics.
            To preserve the intended multidimensionality of legal document collections and explore how they change over time, legislative corpora should be modelled as dynamic document networks. In particular, since legal documents are carefully organised and interlinked, their structure provides a more direct window into their content and dynamics than their language: Networks honour the deliberate design decisions made by the document authors and circumvent some of the ambiguity problems that natural language-based approaches inherently face. In this paper, we therefore develop an informed data model for legislative corpora, capturing the richness of legislative data for exploration by social physics.

Adapted from Katz, D.M., Coupette, C., Beckedorf, J. et al. Complex societies and the growth of the law. Sci Rep 10, 18737 (2020). Available at
Based on the text, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) Diachronic studies are required for the study of the interaction between law and society.

( ) The studies of legal change and those of societal change have had an equivalent number of quantitative approaches.

( ) Legal scholars have traditionally applied data science methods to study the history of change.

The statements are, respectively,
Q2322837 Português
Assinale a opção em que ocorreu uma substituição da voz passiva com o verbo ser pela voz passiva com o pronome se de forma correta. 
Q2322836 Português
Em todas as frases a seguir foi feita a substituição de uma oração adjetiva por um adjetivo de valor semântico equivalente.

Assinale a frase em que essa substituição foi feita inadequadamente.
Q2322835 Português
Assinale a frase em que, segundo a norma culta tradicional, houve troca indevida entre o e lhe.
Q2322834 Português
Assinale a opção que apresenta a única construção que mostra erro de concordância do verbo haver.
Q2322833 Português
A correção gramatical é indispensável na boa escrita. Assinale a opção que apresenta a frase que está integralmente correta. 
Q2322832 Português
As frases a seguir apresentam problemas de repetições inadequadas de ideias ou palavras, à exceção de uma. Assinale-a.
Q2322831 Português

Nas frases a seguir há anglicismos bastante comuns em nosso cotidiano.

Assinale a frase em que houve a substituição adequada de um desses estrangeirismos. 

3701: B
3702: C
3703: E
3704: B
3705: A
3706: A
3707: B
3708: C
3709: E
3710: A
3711: D
3712: C
3713: B
3714: B
3715: E
3716: A
3717: B
3718: E
3719: C
3720: B