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1. Consulta Recursiva é o tipo de consulta que ocorre quando servidor DNS não sabe ou não é responsável pela resolução do nome. O Servidor neste caso realiza consultas recursivas na hierarquia de nomes em busca da resposta para a consulta realizada.
2. Consulta Interativa é o tipo de consulta que ocorre quando servidor DNS não sabe ou não é responsável pela resolução do nome. O Servidor neste caso realiza consultas recursivas na hierarquia de nomes em busca da resposta para a consulta realizada.
3. Consulta Interativa é o tipo de consulta que ocorre quando o servidor DNS apenas responde a consulta caso ele seja responsável pela resolução do nome consultado.
4. Um problema bastante comum de configuração é permitir que qualquer máquina na Internet faça consultas ao servidor DNS recursivo de uma determinada rede. Servidores com esse problema são comumente chamados de servidores DNS recursivos abertos.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
1. Como ponto de partida, o PITR necessita de um arquivo de backup de arquivos de sistema (file system level backup) consistente.
2. Pode-se obter um backup de modo contínuo através do arquivamento contínuo de arquivos WAL, o que é mais rápido que a realização de backups completos (full backup).
3. Para restaurar um banco de dados, faz-se necessário o replay dos arquivos WAL até o fim se quisermos obter um banco de dados consistente como resultado da restauração.
4. pg_dump e pg_dumpall não podem ser utilizados como parte da solução Postgres de arquivamento contínuo e, portanto, não possibilitam implementar PITR.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Com relação a este assunto, assinale a alternativa correta.
1. A utilização de switches em uma rede local não resolve o problema de excesso de colisões.
2. Para a resolução de problema de excesso de broadcasts se faz necessária a segmentação da rede, através de roteadores ou VLAN’s.
3. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) é um protocolo usado como alternativa para impossibilitar que aconteçam loops de Camada de Enlace em redes redundantes de computadores.
4. O Reliable Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) tem como principal finalidade reduzir o tempo de espera da transição da porta bloqueada para a porta ativa.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
1. Uma máquina gerenciada pelo SNMP deve possuir um agente e uma base de informações MIB.
2. O funcionamento do SNMP é baseado em dois dispositivos: o agente e o gerente.
3. O agente é um processo executado na máquina gerenciada, responsável pela manutenção das informações de gerência da máquina.
4. A operação SET é utilizada para alterar o valor da variável; o agente solicita que o gerente faça uma alteração no valor da variável.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
The solid-waste disposal company Daily Disposal services tens of thousands of residences, businesses and construction sites in San Diego. In the past, drivers with residential routes received two printouts each morning: a 30-page document listing more than 1,000 customers they needed to visit that day, and a separate five- or six-page document listing customers with delinquent accounts. As drivers made stops, they had to compare the two lists to determine whether to pick up each customer’s containers. With more than 90 drivers in the field, Daily Disposal needed a more efficient way to route trucks and document trash pickup. So, the company invested in a custom mobile app called eMobile, Samsung Galaxy tablets with 10.1-inch screens and cellular service from Sprint. Rather than receiving stacks of paper each morning, drivers simply download the day’s route onto their tablets via the eMobile app. As they move along, the mounted tablets tell them exactly where to stop. When drivers arrive at customers’ homes, they push one of three buttons on the touchscreen: “done,” “not out” or “skip.” Daily Disposal’s entire fleet now has mounted tablets. All residential drivers are using the solution, and drivers who pick up from commercial and construction sites will begin using it soon. And the company is looking for other ways to automate operations. “What we’re doing may seem simple, but it’s huge for us,” says Todd Ottonello, vice president of the company. “This also helps with our efforts to go green. The solution completely changes an industry.”
Taylor Mallory Holland. Tablets bring waste management technology into the digital age. Internet:
In the following passage from the text, the word “trash” can be substituted by the word garbage: “Daily Disposal needed a more efficient way to route trucks and document trash pickup”
The solid-waste disposal company Daily Disposal services tens of thousands of residences, businesses and construction sites in San Diego. In the past, drivers with residential routes received two printouts each morning: a 30-page document listing more than 1,000 customers they needed to visit that day, and a separate five- or six-page document listing customers with delinquent accounts. As drivers made stops, they had to compare the two lists to determine whether to pick up each customer’s containers. With more than 90 drivers in the field, Daily Disposal needed a more efficient way to route trucks and document trash pickup. So, the company invested in a custom mobile app called eMobile, Samsung Galaxy tablets with 10.1-inch screens and cellular service from Sprint. Rather than receiving stacks of paper each morning, drivers simply download the day’s route onto their tablets via the eMobile app. As they move along, the mounted tablets tell them exactly where to stop. When drivers arrive at customers’ homes, they push one of three buttons on the touchscreen: “done,” “not out” or “skip.” Daily Disposal’s entire fleet now has mounted tablets. All residential drivers are using the solution, and drivers who pick up from commercial and construction sites will begin using it soon. And the company is looking for other ways to automate operations. “What we’re doing may seem simple, but it’s huge for us,” says Todd Ottonello, vice president of the company. “This also helps with our efforts to go green. The solution completely changes an industry.”
Taylor Mallory Holland. Tablets bring waste management technology into the digital age. Internet:
On the basis of the last quote the article provides from the vice president of Daily Disposal, one can infer that the company has not invested in any other initiatives to lessen its negative impact on the environment.
The solid-waste disposal company Daily Disposal services tens of thousands of residences, businesses and construction sites in San Diego. In the past, drivers with residential routes received two printouts each morning: a 30-page document listing more than 1,000 customers they needed to visit that day, and a separate five- or six-page document listing customers with delinquent accounts. As drivers made stops, they had to compare the two lists to determine whether to pick up each customer’s containers. With more than 90 drivers in the field, Daily Disposal needed a more efficient way to route trucks and document trash pickup. So, the company invested in a custom mobile app called eMobile, Samsung Galaxy tablets with 10.1-inch screens and cellular service from Sprint. Rather than receiving stacks of paper each morning, drivers simply download the day’s route onto their tablets via the eMobile app. As they move along, the mounted tablets tell them exactly where to stop. When drivers arrive at customers’ homes, they push one of three buttons on the touchscreen: “done,” “not out” or “skip.” Daily Disposal’s entire fleet now has mounted tablets. All residential drivers are using the solution, and drivers who pick up from commercial and construction sites will begin using it soon. And the company is looking for other ways to automate operations. “What we’re doing may seem simple, but it’s huge for us,” says Todd Ottonello, vice president of the company. “This also helps with our efforts to go green. The solution completely changes an industry.”
Taylor Mallory Holland. Tablets bring waste management technology into the digital age. Internet:
The text states that Daily Disposal uses a mobile app, tablets, and cellular phone service for the work they do with both their residential and commercial customers.
The solid-waste disposal company Daily Disposal services tens of thousands of residences, businesses and construction sites in San Diego. In the past, drivers with residential routes received two printouts each morning: a 30-page document listing more than 1,000 customers they needed to visit that day, and a separate five- or six-page document listing customers with delinquent accounts. As drivers made stops, they had to compare the two lists to determine whether to pick up each customer’s containers. With more than 90 drivers in the field, Daily Disposal needed a more efficient way to route trucks and document trash pickup. So, the company invested in a custom mobile app called eMobile, Samsung Galaxy tablets with 10.1-inch screens and cellular service from Sprint. Rather than receiving stacks of paper each morning, drivers simply download the day’s route onto their tablets via the eMobile app. As they move along, the mounted tablets tell them exactly where to stop. When drivers arrive at customers’ homes, they push one of three buttons on the touchscreen: “done,” “not out” or “skip.” Daily Disposal’s entire fleet now has mounted tablets. All residential drivers are using the solution, and drivers who pick up from commercial and construction sites will begin using it soon. And the company is looking for other ways to automate operations. “What we’re doing may seem simple, but it’s huge for us,” says Todd Ottonello, vice president of the company. “This also helps with our efforts to go green. The solution completely changes an industry.”
Taylor Mallory Holland. Tablets bring waste management technology into the digital age. Internet:
The article primarily deals with how one waste management company is incorporating contemporary technology into their routine in order to improve the service they provide.
O DHCP disponibiliza IPs de forma automática para computadores em uma rede, por meio de um servidor que fornece informações essenciais, como a máscara de sub-rede e o gateway padrão.
Entre os princípios orientadores a serem seguidos na implantação de uma API RESTful Java inclui-se o stateless, em que cada solicitação do cliente para o servidor deve conter todas as informações necessárias, independentemente das informações armazenadas no servidor.
O Lavravel é um framework Java, livre e open source, que utiliza a arquitetura MVC (model, view, controller) e trabalha com serviços RESTful e dados no formato JSon.
O PostgreSQL é um sistema gerenciador de banco de dados objeto-relacional (ORDBMS) que oferece suporte a tipos de dados especializados como o JSon e o JSonb.
Para obter uma cópia de um repositório Git existente, é correto utilizar o comando git clone <url>.
O Docker é uma ferramenta open source que permite a criação de ambientes virtuais por meio de Linux Containers, sendo uma das vantagens dos contêineres Docker fornecer uma virtualização em nível de sistema operacional, o que isola as aplicações em execução e não utiliza tantos recursos da máquina quanto as máquinas virtuais.
React Native utiliza componentes nativos em vez de componentes da Web como blocos de construção, existindo dois tipos de dados que controlam um componente: state, definido pelo pai e fixado durante todo o tempo de vida de um componente; e props, utilizado para os dados que irão mudar.
Uma função JavaScript é um bloco de código utilizado para executar tarefas repetidas e é definida pela palavra-chave public seguida por um nome seguido por parênteses ( ).
O Node.js é capaz de gerar conteúdos dinâmicos rodando JavaScript no servidor, porém não tem a capacidade de acessar banco de dados.