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Q2657440 Pedagogia
De acordo com a obra de Morin “Os sete saberes necessários à Educação do Futuro” (2000), constituem-se eixos e, ao mesmo tempo, caminhos que se abrem a todos os que pensam e fazem educação, e que estão preocupados com o futuro das crianças e adolescentes, exceto:
Q2585235 Inglês

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In the comic strip, what do Calvin's interactions with his dad and Hobbes reveal about his attitude toward learning?

Q2585234 Inglês

Regarding the use of prepositions related to time in English, analyze the following sentences:

I - I have an important meeting ______ Monday morning, so I can't stay out too late on Sunday.

II - The concert is scheduled to start ______ 7:30 PM, so make sure to arrive early.

III - We usually go for a walk in the park _____ the evening, just before sunset.

IV - The museum is closed _____ Mondays, so we'll have to visit on another day.

V - My birthday is _____ March 15, and I'm planning a small celebration with friends.

Select the option that correctly fills in the blanks.

Q2585233 Inglês

In phonology, what is the term for the phenomenon in which one sound becomes more similar to a neighboring sound, resulting in two sounds becoming more alike, such as altering the pronunciation of "handbag" to "hambag" due to the influence of adjacent sounds?

Q2585232 Inglês

Which educational philosophy advocates that students should be active participants in their learning, constructing their own knowledge through hands-on experiences and problem-solving activities, often associated with language teaching that encourages critical thinking and autonomy?

156: C
157: B
158: D
159: B
160: B