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Ano: 2016 Banca: FUNTEF-PR Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FUNTEF-PR - 2016 - IF-PR - Vestibular |
Q1269231 Inglês

Millennials Are Giving Their Babies Increasingly Strange Names

Mandy Oaklander

Sept. 29, 2016

The people having the most kids in this country, Millennials, are giving their babies stranger and stranger names. In a time when actual people are naming their children Legendary and Sadman and Lux, that should perhaps come as no surprise.

Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University, and research assistant Lauren Dawson analyzed the first names of 358 million babies in a U.S. Social Security Administration database. Between 2004 and 2006, 66% of boys and 76% of girls had a name that wasn’t one of the 50 most common names of that time period. By contrast, in 2011-2015, 72% of boys and 79% of girls had names that were not in the top 50 most popular. In the top 10 for 2015 in the U.S. were Harper, Liam, Mason, Isabella, Olivia, Ava, and Mia. Brooklyn was ranked 31st most popular for girls across the U.S. (though not for girls in New York, where the name didn’t rank in the top 100).

Twenge credits the rise of stranger names on our increasingly individualistic culture: one that focuses on the self and is less concerned with social rules. “Millennials were raised with phrases like, you shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks of you, you can be anything you want to be, it’s good to be different, you have to love yourself first before you love anyone else,” says Twenge. Our obsession with celebrities is also a hallmark of individualism.

Twenge found that Millennials are much more accepting of same-sex relationships and experiences. “What we’re seeing is this movement toward more sexual freedom,” Twenge told TIME. “There’s more freedom for people to do what they want without following the traditional, often now seen as outdated, social rules about who you’re supposed to have sex with and when.”

Adaptado de: Acesso em: 01º outubro 2016

The researchers analyzed ___ first names of babies.
Ano: 2017 Banca: IF SUL - MG Órgão: IF Sul - MG Prova: IF SUL - MG - 2017 - IF Sul - MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1268747 Inglês
• Leia o texto e responda às questões:
How has Princess Diana's death changed the Royal Family?
The death of Princess Diana in 1997, and the public's response to it, shook the House of Windsor.

Twenty years on, there's been a coup at the palace. It was bloodless. All the royals remain standing. But the power has shifted.
The departure, earlier this month, of the Queen's dedicated senior official Sir Christopher Geidt has meant her eldest son can exert more control over the monarchy's direction of travel.
The comings and goings of courtiers excite those on the inside and leave outsiders cold.
However, recent changes should cheer Prince Charles. The heir who's waited and waited is more content and less anguished.
He's still driven by a desire to deliver change but the royal prophet in the wilderness on climate change has been embraced by the mainstream.
A prince once derided for talking to plants is praised for trying to save the planet.
With each year that passes, his mother will do less and he will do more.
There are fewer clouds on his horizon. It's a horizon that was once obscured by the War of the Waleses:
his televised admission of adultery, and his leaked comments about tampons.

Lasting influence

And yet, and yet. Whatever accommodation he reached with his first wife in life hasn't survived her death. Diana haunts Charles.
A recent YouGov poll commissioned by the Press Association suggested that the number of people who believe the Prince of Wales has made a positive contribution to the Royal Family has fallen over the past four years, down from 60% to 36%.
This polling took place at a time when it was hard to escape references to Charles's painful past.
Newspapers and television channels have reflected at length on the influence of Diana, Princess of Wales, an influence that stretched from fashion to the British monarchy.
It's been a month of coverage that must have perplexed anyone under the age of 25 and would have confused a visiting Martian.
Charles's many supporters will argue that Diana's adverse impact on his popularity will recede with each passing year. But 20 years on, her influence still registers.(...)

Disponível em: < Acesso em: Agosto de 2017)

Observe a frase retirada do texto e escolha a opção CORRETA:

“It’s a horizon that was once obscured by the War of the Waleses”

Ano: 2017 Banca: UNEB Órgão: UNEB Prova: UNEB - 2017 - UNEB - Vestibular - Caderno 1 |
Q1267172 Inglês

TWERSKI, Abraham. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 out. 2017.

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:
Ano: 2018 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2018 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1266540 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.

’Hitting women isn’t normal’: tackling male violence in Brazil
A rehabilitation programme for violent men in Espírito Santo is cutting reoffending rates In the state of Espírito Santo, violence against women is rampant. From 2005 to 2012, the state had the highest rate of murders of women in the country. In the years since, it has been in the top five. Nationwide, almost a third of girls and women said in a 2017 survey that they had suffered violence -– ranging from threats and beatings to attempted murder – during the previous year.
The problem permeates all levels of society and it is a huge challenge, says Gracimeri Gaviorno, chief officer of the civil police in Espírito Santo. Gaviorno saw many men reoffend while they waited -– in some cases for years — for their trial, so she decided to do something about it. “You can’t just wait with your arms folded while the justice system takes its time to do something,” she says. In 2016, she worked with psychologists, social workers and other police departments to develop the Homem que é Homem programme to rehabilitate aggressive men.
The programme is voluntary and offered to all men who come into contact with the police for violence against women. For those who complete it, there is no reduction in sentencing, but it can be presented to the judge as a kind of character witness. There are seven courses a year, with four 90-minute sessions a week for five weeks. Everyone arrested for violence against women must attend an introductory lecture.
Ana Paula Milani, a police psychologist involved in running the programme, says: “I start off explaining that hitting a woman isn’t normal and is a crime, and that there is a programme to help them. The majority of men don’t know why they are there, and even after my lecture, some still think it was the woman’s fault.” For every course, around 60 men will come to the first lecture; around 20 agree to participate in the programme and 15 complete it.
Group sessions are run like an AA group. Participants sit in a circle and discussions revolve around gender roles in society. They examine the concept of masculinity -– machismo is rife in Brazil -– and talk about why men are more likely to take drugs and why the male suicide rate is higher. They then discuss how to manage and resolve conflict without resorting to violence. The last meeting is about how to return to having a relationship and how to regain trust. The programme, run by police professionals, has been successful. In its first year, 6% of attendees reoffended; the number fell to 3% in its second year and in 2017, when 73 men completed the course, 2% reoffended. The project has been replicated in three other areas of the state, and there are plans to launch it in two other municipalities.
Gaviorno, who was a finalist in the first awards in Brazil to recognise outstanding contributions to the public sector, is aware that the project plays only a small part in tackling violence against women, which she says continues to be “a huge challenge”. “From the female lawyer who asks for something from the judge and gets it because she is pretty, to the woman who is murdered by her husband, there are a lot of layers of sexism in Brazil,” she says. Until this changes, Gaviorno and her colleagues will have their work cut out.
(Adaptado de: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2018.)

Em relação aos recursos linguístico-semânticos do texto, relacione as colunas de modo a identificar a função dos termos em destaque.

(I) Until this changes, Gaviorno and her colleagues will have their work cut out.

(II) From the female lawyer who asks for something from the judge and gets it because she is pretty, to the woman who is murdered by her husband. . .

(III) Everyone arrested for violence against women must attend an introductory lecture.

(IV) “You can’t just wait with your arms folded while the justice system takes its time to do something,”

(V) Group sessions are run like an AA group.

(A) Demonstra obrigatoriedade de uma ação.
(B) Aponta “limite” de algo.
(C) Demonstra que duas ações acontecem ao mesmo tempo.
(D) Aponta “origem e limite” de algo.
(E) Compara duas ideias.

Assinale a alternativa que contém a associação correta.

Ano: 2017 Banca: COMVEST UFAM Órgão: UFAM Prova: COMVEST UFAM - 2017 - UFAM - Vestibular |
Q1265338 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão: (acessado em 07 de setembro de 2017)
Barbuda, the first island to feel the force of Hurricane Irma was devastated by its high winds, with Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, saying 90% of buildings had been destroyed and 50% of the population of around 1,000 people left homeless. Critical facilities including roads and communications systems were ravaged, with the recovery effort set to take months or years. Some residents are expected to be evacuated to the larger sister island of Antigua – where damage was less severe – as part of relief efforts and ahead of the prospective arrival of Hurricane Jose this weekend. At least eight people were killed in St Martin, according to French officials. The number of victims on the Dutch half of the island, St Maarteen, is unknown. Netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte says there has been “enormous material damage” to St Maarten. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, earlier said he expected Irma-related damage to St Martin and another French overseas collectivity, Saint Barthélemy (St Barts), would be “considerable”. France’s overseas minister, Annick Girardin, was travelling to the Caribbean with emergency teams and supplies. The most recent island to be hit was Puerto Rico, where lashing winds and rains have left most of the population without power and tens of thousands without water. Images from the island showed flash flooding, and hospitals were forced to rely on generators. Irma is the worst hurricane to hit the island since 1928, when Hurricane San Felipe killed more than 2,700 people across Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Florida .More than two thirds of homes in Puerto Rico are without electricity, and 17% are without water, officials have said.. Florida’s governor, Rick Scott, warned that the arrival of Irma’s lifethreatening wind field and storm surge was imminent, and urged residents in coastal areas to leave immediately. About 250,000 people were ordered to evacuate, making it of the largest evacuations in US history as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) placed south Florida, including the southernmost counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward, under a hurricane watch. Preparations were escalating at a furious pace as the storm’s forecast path narrowed in on the south-eastern portion of the state, home to 7 million residents. Philip Levine, the mayor of Miami Beach, ordered a mandatory evacuation of the barrier island beginning at daybreak on Thursday. “This is a nuclear hurricane,” he said. “I’ll do anything in my power to convince them to leave. Get off Miami Beach.”Scott warned that that effects of the storm could begin to be felt later on Friday, with the NHC predicting Irma’s full wrath would strike the south-east coast near Miami sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning then move north.“Look at the size of the storm,” Scott said. “It’s huge, it’s wider than our entire state right now. If you are under an evacuation order do not wait. Leave and get out. We can rebuild your home but you can’t get your life back.”
“Them”, em negrito, se refere a:
86: B
87: D
88: C
89: C
90: B