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Ano: 2016 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2016 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1264358 Inglês
“All right”, said Mr Wonka, “stop here for a moment and catch your breath, and take a peek through the glass panel of this door. But don’t go in! Whatever you do, don’t go into THE NUT ROOM! If you go in, you’ll disturb the squirrels!”
“Who says I can’t!” shouted Veruca. “I’m going in to get myself one this very minute!
The moment she entered the room, one hundred squirrels stopped what they were doing and turned their heads and stared at her with small black beady eyes. Veruca Salt stopped also, and stared back at them. Then her gaze fell upon a pretty little squirrel sitting nearest to her at the end of the table. The squirrel was holding a walnut in its paws.
“All right”, Veruca said, “I’ll have you!”
She reached out her hands to grab the squirrel... but as she did so... in that first split second when her hands started to go forward, there was a sudden flash of movement in the room, like a flash of brown lightning, and every single squirrel around the table took a flying leap towards her and landed on her body.
Twenty-five of them caught hold of her right arm, and pinned it down.
Twenty-five more caught hold of her left arm, and pinned that down.
Twenty-five caught hold of her right leg and anchored it to the ground.
Twenty-four caught hold of her left leg.
And the one remaining squirrel (obviously the leader of them all) climbed up on to her shoulder and started tap-tap-tapping the wretched girl’s head with its knuckles.
“Save her!” screamed Mrs Salt. “Veruca! Come back! What are they doing to her?”
“They’re testing her to see if she’s a bad nut”, said Mr Wonka. “You watch”.
Veruca struggled furiously, but the squirrels held her tight and she couldn’t move. The squirrel on her shoulder went tap-tap-tapping the side of her head with his knuckles. Then all at once, the squirrels pulled Veruca to the ground and started carrying her across the floor.
My goodness, she is a bad nut after all”, said Mr Wonka. “Her head must have sounded quite hollow”.

(DAHL, R. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Puffin Books, 2007. p.110.) 
A partir da leitura dos trechos sublinhados no conto, assinale a alternativa correta.
Ano: 2016 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2016 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1264356 Inglês

Leia o infográfico a seguir e responda à questão.

(EDMONDS, K. Report Back: your action against Illegal Wildlife Trade. In WWF-Canada Blog. 16 abr. 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 jul. 2016.)

Em relação à frase “Thai Buddhist leaders held the first ever Buddhist merit-making ceremony”, considere as afirmativas a seguir.

I. O uso dos termos grifados demonstra que o enunciador está surpreso com a ação efetuada.
II. Os termos grifados acrescentam ênfase ao ineditismo da celebração budista e equivalem, em português, ao termo “primeiríssima”.
III. Os termos grifados modificam o grupo nominal “Buddhist merit-making cerimony”.
IV. A expressão grifada poderia ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, pela expressão “the very first”.

Assinale a alternativa correta.
Ano: 2013 Banca: PUC-MINAS Órgão: PUC-MINAS Prova: PUC-MINAS - 2013 - PUC-MINAS - Prova - Medicina |
Q1263482 Inglês
Why the Internet is so addictive
    "Checking Facebook should only take a minute." Those are the famous last words of countless people every day, right before getting sucked into several hours of watching cat videos or commenting on Instagrammed sushi lunches. That behavior is natural, given how the Internet is structured, experts say. The Internet’s omnipresence and lack of limits encourage people to lose track of time, making it hard to exercise the self-control to turn it off.
    "The Internet is not addictive in the same way as pharmacological substances are," said Tom Stafford, a cognitive scientist at the University of Sheffield in the U.K. "But it's compulsive; it's compelling; it's distracting." Humans are social creatures. Therefore, people enjoy the social information available via email and the Web.     
    The main reason the Internet is so addictive is that it lacks boundaries between tasks, Stafford said. Someone may set out to "research something, and then accidentally go to Wikipedia, and then wind up trying to find out what ever happened to Depeche Mode," Stafford said, referring to the music band. Studies suggest willpower is like a muscle: It can be strengthened, but can also become exhausted. Because the Internet is always "on," staying on task requires constantly flexing that willpower muscle, which can exhaust a person's self-control.
    For those who want to loosen the grip of the Web on their lives, a few simple techniques may do the trick. Web-blocking tools that limit surfing time can help people regain control over their time. Another method is to plan ahead, committing to work for 20 minutes, or until a certain task is complete, and then allowing five minutes of Web surfing, Stafford said.
(Adapted from: 
The word Therefore in: “Therefore, people enjoy the social information…” (paragraph 2) indicates
Ano: 2017 Banca: PUC - SP Órgão: PUC - SP Prova: PUC - SP - 2017 - PUC - SP - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1263376 Inglês
No excerto do sexto parágrafo “whether it requires ‘merely more than de minimis’, or something greater”, a palavra it se refere a
Ano: 2010 Banca: UNICENTRO Órgão: UNICENTRO Prova: UNICENTRO - 2010 - UNICENTRO - Vestibular - Inglês 1 |
Q1262858 Inglês

BLACK, Richard. Arctic warmest in two millennia. Disponível em:< worldservice/learningenglish/language/wordsinthenews/2009/09/090904_witn_arctic.shtml>. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2010.

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:
101: D
102: E
103: D
104: A
105: C