Questões de Vestibular Sobre inglês

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Ano: 2010 Banca: UEM Órgão: UEM Prova: UEM - 2010 - UEM - Vestibular - PAS - Etapa 1 - Inglês |
Q1342004 Inglês
The Cell Phone Dilemma

Adapted from texts available at <>  and <>. [07/08/2010].  

Assinale o que for correto, de acordo com o texto.

O verbo “possess” (linha 4) tem o mesmo sentido do verbo “to have”.

Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Segundo Semestre Língua Inglesa |
Q1341568 Inglês

INSTRUÇÃO: Responda à questão com base no texto abaixo.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 set. 2015

A alternativa que NÃO apresenta uma paráfrase do mesmo problema mencionado em “the use of mobile phones and other devices in schools” (l. 02) é
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Segundo Semestre Língua Inglesa |
Q1341567 Inglês

INSTRUÇÃO: Responda à questão com base no texto abaixo.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 set. 2015

As medidas adotadas pelo governo britânico a partir de 2010 e suas consequentes transformações NÃO incluem
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Segundo Semestre Língua Inglesa |
Q1341566 Inglês

INSTRUÇÃO: Responda à questão com base no texto abaixo.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 set. 2015

O trecho “Teachers, however, have reported that the growing number of children...” (l. 08 e 09) apresenta uma oração na mesma voz e tempo verbal de:
I - “has already called for more schools” (l.15)
II - “we have given teachers more power” (l.18)
III - “That is why we have taken the decision” (l.21)
IV- “we hear of lessons being disrupted” (l. 27 e 28)
V - “they can be easilly distracted” (l.30)

Quais estão corretas?
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Segundo Semestre Língua Inglesa |
Q1341565 Inglês

INSTRUÇÃO: Responda à questão com base no texto abaixo.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 set. 2015

A única alternativa que NÃO apresenta um sinônimo para “ban”, como na sentença “One third of schools ban mobile phones...” (l. 35) é
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Segundo Semestre Língua Inglesa |
Q1341564 Inglês

INSTRUÇÃO: Responda à questão com base no texto abaixo.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 set. 2015

De acordo com o texto, é INCORRETO afirmar que
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Primeiro Semestre - Língua Inglesa |
Q1341488 Inglês
Marque a opção na qual a palavra “Period” (linha 21) é empregada com o mesmo significado do texto.
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Primeiro Semestre - Língua Inglesa |
Q1341487 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que contém três palavras pertencentes à mesma classe gramatical.
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Primeiro Semestre - Língua Inglesa |
Q1341486 Inglês
Considere as seguintes afirmativas sobre algumas palavras e expressões usadas no texto.

I - “However” (linha 09) poderia ser substituída, sem prejuízo de significado, por “Moreover”.
II - “Don’t take my word for it” (linha 12) equivale à “Não precisa acreditar em mim”.
III - “They” (linha 21) refere-se a “immigrants” (linha 21).
IV- A palavra “acknowledge“ pode ser usada como antônimo de “deny” (linha 23).

Estão corretas as afirmativas
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Primeiro Semestre - Língua Inglesa |
Q1341485 Inglês
Assinale com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) as seguintes afirmações, conforme elas estejam ou não de acordo com o texto.

(  ) “Expat” has the same meaning of “immigrant”.
(  ) The blog of “The Wall Street Journal” does not support the author’s point of view.
(  ) Social class is one of the factors which differentiates an “expat” from an “immigrant”.
(  ) The author is against the supremacist ideology.

A sequência correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é 
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Órgão: IF Sul Rio-Grandense Prova: IF Sul Rio-Grandense - 2016 - IF Sul Rio-Grandense - Vestibular Primeiro Semestre - Língua Inglesa |
Q1341484 Inglês
Qual o principal tema discutido pelo autor?
Q1341316 Inglês
Leia este texto para responder a questão.

O pronome ―themselves‖ (linha 12) refere-se a: 
Q1341315 Inglês
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No contexto, a frase "Parents must get off the sidelines and get involved!" (linhas 22 e 23) pode ser entendida como:
Q1341314 Inglês
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ASSINALE a afirmativa INCORRETA de acordo com o texto.
Q1341313 Inglês
Leia este texto para responder a questão.

O texto cita diversos exemplos dos sérios efeitos negativos das mídias sociais em adolescentes. ASSINALE a alternativa apresenta o efeito que NÃO consta no texto.
Q1341312 Inglês
Leia este texto para responder a questão.

ASSINALE a alternativa que contém o tema do texto:
Ano: 2017 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2017 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - Segunda Etapa - Seleção Seriada - SASI |
Q1341271 Inglês
Leia o texto II para responder à questão

Texto II

Species are adapting to urban pollution, traffic and shrinking habitats through changes in their genes By Sharon Oosthoek - Apr 6, 2017

    Ever seen a raccoon open a trash can in search of leftovers? Or walk across power lines to get from one rooftop to another? If so, you've witnessed an animal adapting its behavior to city life. That's been going on since people started building cities thousands of years ago. Now, biologists are seeing signs that animals and plants are also adapting in a more basic way to survive in cities. Their genes are changing.
     Genes are segments of DNA that influence how an organism looks and functions. An animal or plant’s DNA is like an instruction book for how it develops and grows. Some instructions guide its reproductive habits. Others influence the way it moves. Still others might let it withstand poison. Urban pollution, traffic and shrinking wild spaces have been causing changes in these genetic instructions. And scientists have been tracking more and more signs of these genetic changes.
    When genes change in response to their environment, it’s called evolution. Some of those changes may leave animals and plants better suited to their homes. It may offer new traits that increase the odds of surviving long enough to reproduce. This means the individuals will pass on these new traits to their offspring. Eventually, traits that had once been rare can now become common throughout a population.

Fonte: <> Acesso: 06/06/2017.
Segundo o texto, a evolução ocorre quando os genes:
Ano: 2017 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2017 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - Segunda Etapa - Seleção Seriada - SASI |
Q1341270 Inglês
Leia o texto II para responder à questão

Texto II

Species are adapting to urban pollution, traffic and shrinking habitats through changes in their genes By Sharon Oosthoek - Apr 6, 2017

    Ever seen a raccoon open a trash can in search of leftovers? Or walk across power lines to get from one rooftop to another? If so, you've witnessed an animal adapting its behavior to city life. That's been going on since people started building cities thousands of years ago. Now, biologists are seeing signs that animals and plants are also adapting in a more basic way to survive in cities. Their genes are changing.
     Genes are segments of DNA that influence how an organism looks and functions. An animal or plant’s DNA is like an instruction book for how it develops and grows. Some instructions guide its reproductive habits. Others influence the way it moves. Still others might let it withstand poison. Urban pollution, traffic and shrinking wild spaces have been causing changes in these genetic instructions. And scientists have been tracking more and more signs of these genetic changes.
    When genes change in response to their environment, it’s called evolution. Some of those changes may leave animals and plants better suited to their homes. It may offer new traits that increase the odds of surviving long enough to reproduce. This means the individuals will pass on these new traits to their offspring. Eventually, traits that had once been rare can now become common throughout a population.

Fonte: <> Acesso: 06/06/2017.
De acordo com o texto, o comportamento de animais e plantas tem se modificado ao longo do tempo devido:
Ano: 2017 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2017 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - Segunda Etapa - Seleção Seriada - SASI |
Q1341269 Inglês
Leia o texto I para responder à questão

Texto I

By Alex Riccardi - Yesterday at 4:23 pm

     No one should have to live in fear but right now, in the wake of the Manchester attacks, some teens and young adults are scared. And you have a good reason. Bombs went off just minutes after Ariana Grande's performance in England taking the lives of 22 people and injuring many others. But, it's important to remember that concert venues and staff try to do everything they can to keep the audience members safe.
    Ariana has officially postponed her "Dangerous Woman" until at least the beginning of June, however, there's no telling if she will cancel more shows after that. In the wake of all of this, fans are encouraging Justin Bieber to pull out of his performances in the U.K. The "Sorry" singer is set to headline at the British Summertime Festival on July 2nd. But, fans don't think it's a good idea.
    They have been expressing their concern on social media and even starting the trend, #nopurposetour. One fan wrote, "@scooterbraun please. We're so worried about Justin's Security.... please please cancel Justin's purpose tour #NoPurposeTour." Another fan said, "Justin, please cancel Purpose Tour, we want you to be safe, we want you alive! We love you! #prayersforManchester #NoPurposeTour." This is absolutely heartbreaking. A third Belieber wrote, "#NoPurposeTourUK @justinbieber I don't want you to die, please do something."
    Justin nor his manager Scooter Braun have yet to comment on the whole thing. However, we also must note that Scooter is Ariana's manager too. He definitely has his clients' best interest and their safety in mind. Now that Ariana has canceled some of her upcoming shows, Scooter definitely had a role in that decision. While fans may be scared for Justin, we have a feeling he is in good hands. If there was any chance of a threat or immediate danger, he wouldn't do the performance. However, the music can't be stopped because of evil in this world. Katy Perry, The Chainsmokers, and Lorde have all vowed to continue doing their upcoming shows in the wake of this tragedy.

Fonte: <> Acesso: 24 May 2017.
Segundo o texto, as apresentações musicais não podem ser interrompidas por causa:
Ano: 2017 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2017 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - Segunda Etapa - Seleção Seriada - SASI |
Q1341267 Inglês
Leia o texto I para responder à questão

Texto I

By Alex Riccardi - Yesterday at 4:23 pm

     No one should have to live in fear but right now, in the wake of the Manchester attacks, some teens and young adults are scared. And you have a good reason. Bombs went off just minutes after Ariana Grande's performance in England taking the lives of 22 people and injuring many others. But, it's important to remember that concert venues and staff try to do everything they can to keep the audience members safe.
    Ariana has officially postponed her "Dangerous Woman" until at least the beginning of June, however, there's no telling if she will cancel more shows after that. In the wake of all of this, fans are encouraging Justin Bieber to pull out of his performances in the U.K. The "Sorry" singer is set to headline at the British Summertime Festival on July 2nd. But, fans don't think it's a good idea.
    They have been expressing their concern on social media and even starting the trend, #nopurposetour. One fan wrote, "@scooterbraun please. We're so worried about Justin's Security.... please please cancel Justin's purpose tour #NoPurposeTour." Another fan said, "Justin, please cancel Purpose Tour, we want you to be safe, we want you alive! We love you! #prayersforManchester #NoPurposeTour." This is absolutely heartbreaking. A third Belieber wrote, "#NoPurposeTourUK @justinbieber I don't want you to die, please do something."
    Justin nor his manager Scooter Braun have yet to comment on the whole thing. However, we also must note that Scooter is Ariana's manager too. He definitely has his clients' best interest and their safety in mind. Now that Ariana has canceled some of her upcoming shows, Scooter definitely had a role in that decision. While fans may be scared for Justin, we have a feeling he is in good hands. If there was any chance of a threat or immediate danger, he wouldn't do the performance. However, the music can't be stopped because of evil in this world. Katy Perry, The Chainsmokers, and Lorde have all vowed to continue doing their upcoming shows in the wake of this tragedy.

Fonte: <> Acesso: 24 May 2017.
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