Questões de Vestibular CÁSPER LÍBERO 2013 para Vestibular

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383531 Conhecimentos Gerais
Sobre São Paulo S/A, de Luís Sérgio Person, é corretor afirmar:
Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383532 Conhecimentos Gerais
Sobre A montanha dos sete abutres, de Billy Wilder, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383533 Inglês
Read the following text to answer question

Spilt Milk by Chico Buarque: review
A mishmash of influences gives rise to a vivid portrait of Brazil

Chico Buarque, bossanovista and novelist, whose latest book is ‘Spilt Milk’ Photo: Sipa Press / Rex Features

By Ian Thomson

Back in the Sixties, Brazil thrilled to a new dance beat called bossa nova. With its languid jazz tones, the music had a hushed intensity and underlying air of sadness. Chico Buarque, a leading bossanovistasongwriter and novelist, is revered in Brazil as a political hero. In 1968, he was imprisoned by the military for “counter-culture activities”.
Spilt Milk, Buarque’s fourth novel, displays a typically Brazilian mishmash of influences ranging from memoir to adventure to political diatribe. A crotchety old man, Eulálio d’Assumpção, lies moribund in a Rio de Janeiro hospital, musing on his life while lashing out at stenographers and “spiteful” orderlies. The food, we learn, reeks unpleasantly of garlic (“Wait till my mother finds out”).
Aged 150, he has come down in the world wretchedly. In pages of rambling monologue, the improbably old narrator describes the decline of his family over generations of Brazilian history. Amid sagas of political tribalism and grievous dictatorship, plantation-owning forebears have squandered fortunes on drink, drugs and armament deals. A souring smell of “spilt milk” hangs over the narrative as it twists round half-remembered family feuds and hatreds.
Along the way, Buarque paints an exceptionally vivid picture of Brazilian high society in the 1890s, with its German governesses, imported French clothes and Chopin waltzes. Though bedbound and drugged, Eulálio recalls the love of his life, Matilde, whose cinnamon-coloured skin and “Moorish eyes” had worked a fatal charm on him years ago. Where is she now? At first glance, Spilt Milk appears to be in narrative disarray, as the book wanders backwards and forwards in time. Eventually, though, the inchoate strands cohere into an absorbing, if bitter, meditation on Brazil.
Just as bossa nova had borrowed from samba and West Coast jazz, so Buarque borrows from Samuel Beckett, Gabriel García Marquez and others. In a now-famous book of 1928, Manifesto Antropófago, Brazil’s leading modernist poet Oswald de Andrade had defined Brazilian literature as anthropophagic, or cannibalistic, “eating” other forms of European and African writing. Spilt Milk, brocaded with a range of literary influences, conforms to the ideal beautifully.

Choose the statement that is true about the book review.
Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383534 Inglês
Read the following text to answer question

Spilt Milk by Chico Buarque: review
A mishmash of influences gives rise to a vivid portrait of Brazil

Chico Buarque, bossanovista and novelist, whose latest book is ‘Spilt Milk’ Photo: Sipa Press / Rex Features

By Ian Thomson

Back in the Sixties, Brazil thrilled to a new dance beat called bossa nova. With its languid jazz tones, the music had a hushed intensity and underlying air of sadness. Chico Buarque, a leading bossanovistasongwriter and novelist, is revered in Brazil as a political hero. In 1968, he was imprisoned by the military for “counter-culture activities”.
Spilt Milk, Buarque’s fourth novel, displays a typically Brazilian mishmash of influences ranging from memoir to adventure to political diatribe. A crotchety old man, Eulálio d’Assumpção, lies moribund in a Rio de Janeiro hospital, musing on his life while lashing out at stenographers and “spiteful” orderlies. The food, we learn, reeks unpleasantly of garlic (“Wait till my mother finds out”).
Aged 150, he has come down in the world wretchedly. In pages of rambling monologue, the improbably old narrator describes the decline of his family over generations of Brazilian history. Amid sagas of political tribalism and grievous dictatorship, plantation-owning forebears have squandered fortunes on drink, drugs and armament deals. A souring smell of “spilt milk” hangs over the narrative as it twists round half-remembered family feuds and hatreds.
Along the way, Buarque paints an exceptionally vivid picture of Brazilian high society in the 1890s, with its German governesses, imported French clothes and Chopin waltzes. Though bedbound and drugged, Eulálio recalls the love of his life, Matilde, whose cinnamon-coloured skin and “Moorish eyes” had worked a fatal charm on him years ago. Where is she now? At first glance, Spilt Milk appears to be in narrative disarray, as the book wanders backwards and forwards in time. Eventually, though, the inchoate strands cohere into an absorbing, if bitter, meditation on Brazil.
Just as bossa nova had borrowed from samba and West Coast jazz, so Buarque borrows from Samuel Beckett, Gabriel García Marquez and others. In a now-famous book of 1928, Manifesto Antropófago, Brazil’s leading modernist poet Oswald de Andrade had defined Brazilian literature as anthropophagic, or cannibalistic, “eating” other forms of European and African writing. Spilt Milk, brocaded with a range of literary influences, conforms to the ideal beautifully.

The word ideal in the last sentence of the book review refers to
Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383535 Inglês
Read the following text to answer question

Spilt Milk by Chico Buarque: review
A mishmash of influences gives rise to a vivid portrait of Brazil

Chico Buarque, bossanovista and novelist, whose latest book is ‘Spilt Milk’ Photo: Sipa Press / Rex Features

By Ian Thomson

Back in the Sixties, Brazil thrilled to a new dance beat called bossa nova. With its languid jazz tones, the music had a hushed intensity and underlying air of sadness. Chico Buarque, a leading bossanovistasongwriter and novelist, is revered in Brazil as a political hero. In 1968, he was imprisoned by the military for “counter-culture activities”.
Spilt Milk, Buarque’s fourth novel, displays a typically Brazilian mishmash of influences ranging from memoir to adventure to political diatribe. A crotchety old man, Eulálio d’Assumpção, lies moribund in a Rio de Janeiro hospital, musing on his life while lashing out at stenographers and “spiteful” orderlies. The food, we learn, reeks unpleasantly of garlic (“Wait till my mother finds out”).
Aged 150, he has come down in the world wretchedly. In pages of rambling monologue, the improbably old narrator describes the decline of his family over generations of Brazilian history. Amid sagas of political tribalism and grievous dictatorship, plantation-owning forebears have squandered fortunes on drink, drugs and armament deals. A souring smell of “spilt milk” hangs over the narrative as it twists round half-remembered family feuds and hatreds.
Along the way, Buarque paints an exceptionally vivid picture of Brazilian high society in the 1890s, with its German governesses, imported French clothes and Chopin waltzes. Though bedbound and drugged, Eulálio recalls the love of his life, Matilde, whose cinnamon-coloured skin and “Moorish eyes” had worked a fatal charm on him years ago. Where is she now? At first glance, Spilt Milk appears to be in narrative disarray, as the book wanders backwards and forwards in time. Eventually, though, the inchoate strands cohere into an absorbing, if bitter, meditation on Brazil.
Just as bossa nova had borrowed from samba and West Coast jazz, so Buarque borrows from Samuel Beckett, Gabriel García Marquez and others. In a now-famous book of 1928, Manifesto Antropófago, Brazil’s leading modernist poet Oswald de Andrade had defined Brazilian literature as anthropophagic, or cannibalistic, “eating” other forms of European and African writing. Spilt Milk, brocaded with a range of literary influences, conforms to the ideal beautifully.

Based on the book review, it is correct to affirm about Chico Buarque that
Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383536 Inglês
The ad on the left, produced by the Agency DDB, Paris, was considered one of the best print ads 2012-2013 and has earned it a Gold Lion. Read it and choose the alternative that best shows its main idea.

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(Source: worlds-best-print-ads-2012-13-150758#gold-lion-anlci-1-of-6-42)
Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383537 Matemática
Leia o texto abaixo, extraído de uma notícia de um site da internet, em 4 de julho de 2013:

“No período de 2000 a 2012, o preço das tarifas do transporte público urbano subiu mais do que a inflação que o preço dos combustíveis e dos automóveis, segundo nota técnica divulgada pelo Ipea (Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada) na manhã desta quinta-feira (4), em Brasília.”
“O relatório compilou dados do IPCA (Índice Geral de Preços ao Consumidor) e preços das tarifas de ônibus de nove capitais brasileiras. Enquanto o IPCA teve alta de 125% no período de janeiro 2000 a dezembro 2012, as tarifas dos ônibus aumentaram 192%, 67 pontos percentuais acima da inflação.” Fonte:

Considerando a cidade de São Paulo, onde a tarifa de ônibus foi de R$ 1,40 para R$ 3,00 no período citado, esse aumento foi de:
Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383538 Matemática

Observe o gráfico:

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“Os dados são do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), que divulgou na última semana os dados sobre desemprego de janeiro a junho deste ano.”

Fonte: Blog do Planalto em 29 de julho de 2013 A partir do gráfico, fica evidente que o período em que houve a mais acentuada diminuição na taxa de desemprego foi de

Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383539 Matemática
Em 2014 os transgênicos completam 10 anos na agricultura e na mesa dos brasileiros. Enquanto os hectares de lavouras transgênicas seguiam aumentando, foram surgindo muitas controvérsias sobre os riscos sociais, políticos, ambientais, econômicos e à saúde humana. Segundo dados da Monsanto, indústria multinacional de agricultura e biotecnologia, em 2008, os agricultores brasileiros cultivaram 15,8 milhões de hectares de lavouras transgênicas, de acordo com levantamento da ISAAA (International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications). O país foi responsável por pouco mais de 12% dos hectares de culturas transgênicas plantadas no mundo, ocupando a terceira posição entre as nações que usam sementes geneticamente modificadas, atrás dos Estados Unidos e da Argentina.
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Para se ter uma ideia desta área, lembrando que o Estado de São Paulo tem 25 milhões de hectares, apenas as lavouras de soja ocupam uma área equivalente
Ano: 2013 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2013 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1383540 Matemática
Em tempos de Copa do Mundo, é muito comum estabelecimentos comerciais oferecerem prêmios àqueles clientes que acertarem os três ganhadores do campeonato, levando em consideração a sua colocação, ou seja: a aposta 1º Brasil, 2º Espanha e 3º Itália é diferente da aposta 1º Espanha, 2º Brasil e 3º Itália, por exemplo. Lembrando que estão na competição 32 times, e considerando que todos os inscritos têm o mesmo potencial de vitória, a chance de acertar uma aposta dessas é de:
21: B
22: B
23: C
24: A
25: E
26: D
27: A
28: C
29: E
30: D