Questões de Vestibular CEDERJ 2020 para Vestibular - Inglês
Foram encontradas 60 questões
A probabilidade de Francisco ir ao cinema e não chover nesse dia é igual a:
Considere que para se fabricar 1 m3 de concreto sejam necessários 13 sacos de cimento e que uma indústria receba uma encomenda de 600 desses blocos.
A quantidade mínima de sacos de cimento necessários para a indústria atender esse pedido é:
Seja M o ponto médio do lado AB, e as medidas, em metros, dos segmentos ED, BC e CD respectivamente iguais a x, (2x +12) e 2x. O perímetro do retângulo ABCD corresponde à seguinte quantidade de metros:
Mês t Janeiro 1
Fevereiro 2 Março 3 Abril 4 Maio 5 Junho 6
Com os dados acima, pode-se concluir que essa confecção produziu exatamente 173 camisas no mês de:
Se essa sequência é uma progressão aritmética, nessa semana de testagem o número total de casos com resultados positivos nos 6 municípios foi igual a:
Pelo gráfico, conclui-se que, ao final dessa hora, um celular descarregou por completo e o outro que estava carregando atingiu carga de 60%. O número total de minutos decorridos até que os dois celulares ficaram com a mesma carga foi igual a:
•110 gostam de Matemática •110 gostam de Português • 50 não gostam dessas duas disciplinas • n/8 gostam das duas disciplinas • A soma dos algarismos dené igual a:
A alternativa que mostra corretamente três processos de separação de misturas realizados na etapa de clarificação da água nas estações tratamento é:
"O gosto e cheiro ruins na água do Rio de Janeiro do início do ano não foram causados pela geosmina, segundo análises de pesquisadores da UFRJ (Universidade Federal do RJ). Um laudo do estudo revelou que a substância encontrada na água tem estrutura parecida, mas não é a geosmina.
Por meio de nota, a Cedae informou que tanto a geosmina quanto o 2-Metil-lsoborneol (MIB) são compostos orgânicos produzidos pela cianobactéria Planktotrix. As duas causam alterações no gosto e odor da água, mas nenhuma delas causa danos à saúde.”
(Fonte: ses-ufrj/, acessado em 29 de outubro de 2020)
Uma similaridade estrutural entre a geosmina e o MIB é que ambos:
Considere um frasco de contraste contendo 100 mL de suspensão de sulfato de bário na presença de sulfato de potássio 0,01 mol.L-1. A massa de bário presente na forma de íons Ba2+ na suspensão está na ordem de:
Extrato 1 - Hexano; Extrato 2 - Etanoato de etila; Extrato 3 - Água; Extrato 4 - Solução aquosa de HCl 5 %; Extrato 5 - Solução aquosa de NaOH 5 %.
Em seguida, foi feito o ensaio de inibição enzimática a 0,1 mg/mL de cada extrato, sendo obtido o gráfico abaixo:
Após novos estudos, as pesquisadoras notaram que o Extrato 2 continha todas as moléculas detectadas nos outros extratos com possível atividade inibitória. Suas estruturas são dadas a seguir:
Sabendo dessas informações, a alternativa que indica o provável composto responsável pelo efeito inibitório na enzima é:
Semirreação Eu (V) Al3+ (aq) + 3 e- ⇌ A I (s) -1,66 Zn2+ (aq) + 2 e- ⇌ Zn (s) -0,76 Fe2+ (aq) + 2 e- ⇌ Fe (s) -0,44 Cu2+ (aq) + 2 e- ⇌ Cu (s) +0,34 Ag+ (aq) + e- ⇌ A g (s) +0,80
Com base na tabela, a afirmativa correta em relação ao processo de corrosão de metais é:
Considere a combustão completa de etanol suficiente para gerar um calor de 1.105 kJ.
Com base na entalpia de formação aproximada dos compostos dados na tabela, a massa de gás carbônico, em kg, liberada nessa queima é de, aproximadamente:
Considere que uma colher de sopa de vinagre com um teor de ácido acético de 3,0 % (m/v) foi misturada com 4 colheres de sopa de água para ser usada em limpeza. O valor de pH do vinagre após a diluição é de:
Éster Fragrância ou sabor Acetato de isoamila Banana Acetato de propila Pera 2-metilbutanoato de etila Maçã verde 2-metilpropanoato de propila Rum Hexanoato de alila Abacaxi Acetato de isobutila Framboesa
Em um laboratório de química orgânica, foram feitas transformações com dois destes ésteres:
I) O éster relativo à fragrância de abacaxi foi hidrolisado em meio ácido. O álcool formado sofreu uma hidrogenação catalítica, gerando o composto A. II) O éster relativo à fragrância de framboesa também foi hidrolisado em meio ácido. O álcool formado foi oxidado na presença de KMnO4/H2SO4, gerando o composto B.
A alternativa que mostra a fragrância do éster formado pela reação entre os compostos AeBem meio ácido é:
What about the artists?
The Guardian - Wed 14 Oct 2020
The government is deaf to the plight of freelance musicians and othercreatives
On Monday, a number of British arts organisations finally heard whether they had received grants from the £1.57bn bailout fund announced in July by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Not a moment too soon, institutions such as Wigmore Hall in London, Bristol Old Vic and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra have been given a cash bufferthatshould keep them alive until March.
The welcome announcement has been marred, though, by the failure of the government to address the question of freelancers and self-employed people in the arts. In an interview with ITV last week, Mr. Sunak was asked what he thought professional musicians ought to do, given that they can’t earn enough to live. He answered that up to 3 million people in the country qualified for help under the self-employed support scheme. Pressed on whether musicians oughttofind differentwork, he mentioned retraining schemes that are "providing new and fresh opportunity”. People must adapt, he said. He added that it was untrue that there was no work for musicians. Music lessons, in his own household at least, were still going on.
Source: The Guardian, available at https://www.theguardian. com/commentisfree/2020/oct/14/the-guardian-view-on-saving-thearts-what-about-the-artists, accessed on October21st, 2020.
What about the artists?
The Guardian - Wed 14 Oct 2020
The government is deaf to the plight of freelance musicians and othercreatives
On Monday, a number of British arts organisations finally heard whether they had received grants from the £1.57bn bailout fund announced in July by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Not a moment too soon, institutions such as Wigmore Hall in London, Bristol Old Vic and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra have been given a cash bufferthatshould keep them alive until March.
The welcome announcement has been marred, though, by the failure of the government to address the question of freelancers and self-employed people in the arts. In an interview with ITV last week, Mr. Sunak was asked what he thought professional musicians ought to do, given that they can’t earn enough to live. He answered that up to 3 million people in the country qualified for help under the self-employed support scheme. Pressed on whether musicians oughttofind differentwork, he mentioned retraining schemes that are "providing new and fresh opportunity”. People must adapt, he said. He added that it was untrue that there was no work for musicians. Music lessons, in his own household at least, were still going on.
Source: The Guardian, available at https://www.theguardian. com/commentisfree/2020/oct/14/the-guardian-view-on-saving-thearts-what-about-the-artists, accessed on October21st, 2020.
What about the artists?
The Guardian - Wed 14 Oct 2020
The government is deaf to the plight of freelance musicians and othercreatives
On Monday, a number of British arts organisations finally heard whether they had received grants from the £1.57bn bailout fund announced in July by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Not a moment too soon, institutions such as Wigmore Hall in London, Bristol Old Vic and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra have been given a cash bufferthatshould keep them alive until March.
The welcome announcement has been marred, though, by the failure of the government to address the question of freelancers and self-employed people in the arts. In an interview with ITV last week, Mr. Sunak was asked what he thought professional musicians ought to do, given that they can’t earn enough to live. He answered that up to 3 million people in the country qualified for help under the self-employed support scheme. Pressed on whether musicians oughttofind differentwork, he mentioned retraining schemes that are "providing new and fresh opportunity”. People must adapt, he said. He added that it was untrue that there was no work for musicians. Music lessons, in his own household at least, were still going on.
Source: The Guardian, available at https://www.theguardian. com/commentisfree/2020/oct/14/the-guardian-view-on-saving-thearts-what-about-the-artists, accessed on October21st, 2020.
What about the artists?
The Guardian - Wed 14 Oct 2020
The government is deaf to the plight of freelance musicians and othercreatives
On Monday, a number of British arts organisations finally heard whether they had received grants from the £1.57bn bailout fund announced in July by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Not a moment too soon, institutions such as Wigmore Hall in London, Bristol Old Vic and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra have been given a cash bufferthatshould keep them alive until March.
The welcome announcement has been marred, though, by the failure of the government to address the question of freelancers and self-employed people in the arts. In an interview with ITV last week, Mr. Sunak was asked what he thought professional musicians ought to do, given that they can’t earn enough to live. He answered that up to 3 million people in the country qualified for help under the self-employed support scheme. Pressed on whether musicians oughttofind differentwork, he mentioned retraining schemes that are "providing new and fresh opportunity”. People must adapt, he said. He added that it was untrue that there was no work for musicians. Music lessons, in his own household at least, were still going on.
Source: The Guardian, available at https://www.theguardian. com/commentisfree/2020/oct/14/the-guardian-view-on-saving-thearts-what-about-the-artists, accessed on October21st, 2020.