Questões de Vestibular CESMAC 2017 para Prova de Medicina- 2017.2- 1° DIA- PROVA TIPO 1
Foram encontradas 48 questões
Read the text below and answer the following questions based on it.
The Healing Power of Music
What better “medicine” than a “treatment” that has only positive side effects and “therapy” that is actually enjoyable? Music is shown to have the ability to help organize the brain; especially vital to those who are afflicted with Alzheimer’s.
Studies have shown that the results of a musical therapy session last for several hours afterward. Positive results include elevated mood, increased socialization and appetite and reduction in agitation. These benefits are attributed to the stimulation the brain receives during a music therapy session, a sort of “cognitive workout”.
As speech, writing and traditional forms of communication are compromised, music provides an alternative means of maintaining a connection, thereby helping to normalize interaction between caregiver and patient. Music used therapeutically creates an environment where the patient can be nurtured and cared for in a way that is safe, gentle and appropriate. Music is central to maintaining human bonds when those with dementia have lost the ability to initiate communication or to respond verbally.
The powers of music when focused and used therapeutically are many. Critical to maintaining quality of life for those with Alzheimer’s is management of emotions and preserving the connection with others. Music is conducive to keeping those connections strong as long as possible while helping the participant to focus, increase awareness and orient to the environment. A number of research studies have looked at music therapy as an important adjunct to medical treatment and findings suggest a possible link between the use of music and slowing the progression of dementia.
Music is primal to life and expressed by each of us every day whether through dancing to a favorite tune, keeping rhythm with a pencil or remembering a special time when hearing a forgotten melody. It is central to our lives and is embedded in our culture, defining how we acknowledge milestones, rites of passage and celebrations as well as providing comfort, transformation and inspiration.
Read the text below and answer the following questions based on it.
The Healing Power of Music
What better “medicine” than a “treatment” that has only positive side effects and “therapy” that is actually enjoyable? Music is shown to have the ability to help organize the brain; especially vital to those who are afflicted with Alzheimer’s.
Studies have shown that the results of a musical therapy session last for several hours afterward. Positive results include elevated mood, increased socialization and appetite and reduction in agitation. These benefits are attributed to the stimulation the brain receives during a music therapy session, a sort of “cognitive workout”.
As speech, writing and traditional forms of communication are compromised, music provides an alternative means of maintaining a connection, thereby helping to normalize interaction between caregiver and patient. Music used therapeutically creates an environment where the patient can be nurtured and cared for in a way that is safe, gentle and appropriate. Music is central to maintaining human bonds when those with dementia have lost the ability to initiate communication or to respond verbally.
The powers of music when focused and used therapeutically are many. Critical to maintaining quality of life for those with Alzheimer’s is management of emotions and preserving the connection with others. Music is conducive to keeping those connections strong as long as possible while helping the participant to focus, increase awareness and orient to the environment. A number of research studies have looked at music therapy as an important adjunct to medical treatment and findings suggest a possible link between the use of music and slowing the progression of dementia.
Music is primal to life and expressed by each of us every day whether through dancing to a favorite tune, keeping rhythm with a pencil or remembering a special time when hearing a forgotten melody. It is central to our lives and is embedded in our culture, defining how we acknowledge milestones, rites of passage and celebrations as well as providing comfort, transformation and inspiration.
Read the text below and answer the following questions based on it.
The Healing Power of Music
What better “medicine” than a “treatment” that has only positive side effects and “therapy” that is actually enjoyable? Music is shown to have the ability to help organize the brain; especially vital to those who are afflicted with Alzheimer’s.
Studies have shown that the results of a musical therapy session last for several hours afterward. Positive results include elevated mood, increased socialization and appetite and reduction in agitation. These benefits are attributed to the stimulation the brain receives during a music therapy session, a sort of “cognitive workout”.
As speech, writing and traditional forms of communication are compromised, music provides an alternative means of maintaining a connection, thereby helping to normalize interaction between caregiver and patient. Music used therapeutically creates an environment where the patient can be nurtured and cared for in a way that is safe, gentle and appropriate. Music is central to maintaining human bonds when those with dementia have lost the ability to initiate communication or to respond verbally.
The powers of music when focused and used therapeutically are many. Critical to maintaining quality of life for those with Alzheimer’s is management of emotions and preserving the connection with others. Music is conducive to keeping those connections strong as long as possible while helping the participant to focus, increase awareness and orient to the environment. A number of research studies have looked at music therapy as an important adjunct to medical treatment and findings suggest a possible link between the use of music and slowing the progression of dementia.
Music is primal to life and expressed by each of us every day whether through dancing to a favorite tune, keeping rhythm with a pencil or remembering a special time when hearing a forgotten melody. It is central to our lives and is embedded in our culture, defining how we acknowledge milestones, rites of passage and celebrations as well as providing comfort, transformation and inspiration.
Read the demographics below and answer the following question based on it.
As regards the California nursing home residents
demographics above it is true to state that
Autor da obra ‘Do Espírito das Leis’, Montesquieu fez parte do grupo de intelectuais, com bases filosóficas fixadas no Iluminismo, reconhecido por
1) a criação da Companhia Geral de Comércio de Pernambuco e Paraíba.
2) a extinção do monopólio comercial da Coroa portuguesa sobre o açúcar do Brasil.
3) a instituição do Governo Geral com sede em Salvador.
4) a retirada dos Jesuítas da direção das missões indígenas.
5) a transferência para o Rio de Janeiro da capital do Brasil.
Estão corretas apenas
São exemplos desses “diversos impactos”:
1) Perda da diversidade biológica, sobretudo de plantas coníferas e xerófilas. 2) Emissões de gás carbônico à troposfera. 3) Diminuição da potencialidade econômica do capital natural da vegetação. 4) Degradação das condições de vida dos aborígenes. 5) Expansão das matas ciliares e redução dos campos-cerrados.
Estão corretos:
No conjunto da economia, as indústrias de transformação mineral ocupam um lugar de destaque no Brasil. De fato, as indústrias de extração e de transformação de minérios respondem por um percentual razoável do PIB.
Sobre esse assunto, é correto afirmar que:
1) A exploração mineral exige investimentos vultosos e envolve grandes riscos decorrentes da variação dos preços dos produtos no mercado internacional.
2) A província mineral da Serra do Navio constitui um dos mais antigos exemplos da dominação do capital estrangeiro no setor da extração mineral e dos impactos ambientais provocados pela atividade de mineração de ouro, níquel e ferro.
3) O projeto Trombetas, no Estado do Pará, volta-se para a exploração da bauxita e incluiu a construção de um porto e de uma ferrovia, ligando a área de extração à usina de beneficiamento, situada junto ao porto de Trombetas.
4) A extração de petróleo na Região Sudeste do Brasil verifica-se em áreas de terrenos cristalinos pré-cambrianos ricos em hidrocarbonetos e antracito; já as indústrias de transformação desses produtos concentram-se no Rio de Janeiro e na Bahia, considerando que seria menor a previsão de custos.
5) O PIB da metalurgia, que compreende a produção de ferro gusa, ferros-liga, fundição, siderurgia e metais não ferrosos, foi fortemente afetado pela crise mundial ocorrida em 2008, tanto pela queda das exportações como pelo aumento das importações.
Estão corretas as afirmações apenas:
Essa paisagem esquematizada indica:
Sobre esse assunto referido na afirmação acima, é correto fazer as seguintes considerações, exceto:
Analise o mapa do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) e assinale a alternativa correta.
1) O comércio exterior do Brasil é multidirecional, podendo ser considerado um global trader.
2) O Brasil tem procurado incrementar o intercâmbio com os países de todos os continentes.
3) Os Estados Unidos sempre foram e continuam sendo o principal parceiro comercial do Brasil.
4) Na América do Sul, o principal parceiro comercial do Brasil é o Chile.
Estão corretas apenas:
Analise as afirmativas abaixo relacionadas à economia do Estado de Alagoas.
1) Em 2013, o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) de Alagoas atingiu cerca R$ 37.223 bilhões, com uma participação de 0,7% do PIB nacional e ficou na 20ª posição entre todos os Estados do Brasil.
2) Alagoas é o maior produtor de cana-de-açúcar do Nordeste; em 2014, foi o sétimo maior produtor de cana-de-açúcar do país.
3) Em 2014, as exportações de Alagoas superaram as importações, o que apresenta uma balança comercial favorável ao Estado.
4) Alagoas conta com a exploração de petróleo e gás natural, predominantemente em áreas terrestres.
Estão corretas