Questões de Vestibular UNICAMP 2021 para Vestibular - Primeira Fase - Provas E e G - Exatas e Tecnológicas - Humanas e Artes
Foram encontradas 72 questões
(Adaptado de Xico Sá, A vidinha sururu da desigualdade brasileira. Em El País, 28/10/2019. Disponível em DUAw4yZpZ3zyA1ExQx_XB9Kq2qU. Acessado em 25/05/2020.)
Assinale a alternativa que identifica corretamente recursos linguísticos explorados pelo autor nessa crônica.
(ACAPA. Disponível em Acessado em 30/ 04/2020.)
ACAPA é um perfil de Facebook, que publica capas possíveis de revista. O efeito humorístico na leitura dessa edição de ACAPA decorre mais precisamente do uso
Ao reformular a sua pergunta, o Papai Noel
(Disponível em Acessado em 26/05/2020.)
Pode-se dizer que a expressão “little lecture”
While writing, I also started thinking about the middle class in Nigeria. When Yejide visits her mother-in-law, there’s a very low fence in front of their house. It’s barely a fence. When Yejide and Akin build their own house in the early nineties, they erect a fence that’s higher than the house. You can’t see inside. That was something I observed about architecture in Nigeria—that at some point, probably in the eighties and nineties, when things became quite turbulent and there was all of this insecurity, one of the ways the people who could afford to insulate themselves against what was going on did was to build higher fences, to use money as a shield in a sense. I wanted that political turbulence to play in the background. (Adaptado de -interview-ayobami-adebayo/. Acessado em 21/07/2020.)
Segundo a autora, as casas e as cercas na Nigéria representam