Questões de Vestibular UEPB 2011 para Vestibular, Língua Portuguesa, Literatura Brasileira e Língua Estrangeira (Inglês) - 1º DIA

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Q1355507 Literatura
O mar e o canavial

O que o mar sim aprende do canavial: a elocução horizontal de seu verso; a geórgica de cordel, ininterrupta, narrada em voz e silêncio paralelos. O que o mar não aprende do canavial: a veemência passional da preamar; a mão de pilão das ondas na areia, moída e miúda, pilada do que pilar.
O que o canavial sim aprende do mar: o avançar em linha rasteira da onda; o espraiar-se minucioso,de líquido, alagando cova a cova onde se alonga. O que o canavial não aprende do mar: desmedido do derramar-se da cana; o comedimento do latifúndio do mar, que menos lastradamente se derrama.

MELO NETO. J.C. A educação pela pedra. Rio de Janeiro: Alfaguara/Objetiva, 2009.

Com base no poema “O mar e o canavial” NÃO é correto afirmar:
Q1355508 Literatura
O nome da rapsódia é Macunaíma, mas não é só Macunaíma. Mario de Andrade quis dizer alguma coisa do seu protagonista e acrescentou ao título um atributo paradoxal: O herói sem nenhum caráter. O nome, Macunaíma, centro da rapsódia. O epíteto, herói. A diferença está na cauda de cada proposição: no começo, sem nenhum caráter; no fim, de nossa gente. O que se pode inferir é a presença viva, no autor, de duas motivações tão fortes que se converteram em molas da composição da obra: a) por um lado, o desejo de contar e cantar episódios em torno de uma figura lendária que o fascinara pelos mais diversos motivos e que trazia em si os atributos do herói, entendido no senso mais lato possível de um ser entre humano e mítico, que desempenha certos papéis, vai em busca de um bem essencial, arrosta perigos, sofre mudanças extraordinárias, enfim, vence ou malogra. b) por outro lado, o desejo não menos imperioso de pensar o povo brasileiro, nossa gente, percorrendo as trilhas cruzadas ou superpostas da sua existência selvagem, colonial e moderna, à procura de uma identidade que, de tão plural que é, beira a surpresa e a indeterminação; daí ser o herói sem nenhum caráter. Compreender Macunaíma é sondar ambas as motivações: a de narrar, que é lúdica e estética; a de interpretar, que é histórica e ideológica.
BOSI. A. Situação de Macunaíma. In: ANDRADE. M. Macunaíma. São Paulo: Scipione Cultural, 1997 (adaptado).

Com base no fragmento acima do crítico literário Alfredo Bosi é possível inferir que o Macunaíma de Mário de Andrade
Q1355509 Literatura
Em relação à peça As velhas, de Lourdes Ramalho, marque a única questão que não se coaduna com o texto dramatúrgico:
Q1355510 Literatura
Quando se compara literatura e cinema, o primeiro fato que ocorre ao estudioso é o do enorme fosso semiótico que separa, aparentemente de modo inconciliável, essas duas formas de expressão, fundadas, cada uma, em espécies de signos e códigos tão diferentes. A literatura, acredita-se, não vai ter nunca a mobilidade plástica do cinema, e este, por sua vez, nunca o nível de abstração da literatura. Por outro lado, por grande e intransponível que seja esse fosso, há um número considerável de semelhanças que podem ser apontadas e que mantêm literatura e cinema numa espécie de estado sincrônico de compatibilidade permanente.
BRITO. J.B. Literatura no cinema. São Paulo: Unimarco, 2006.

Os diálogos entre literatura e cinema, frutos da reflexão de diversos pensadores, como o crítico de cinema paraibano João Batista de Brito, e da prática artística de inúmeros escritores e diretores, NÃO permitem concluir que
Q1355511 Literatura
Mario de Andrade assumiu uma perfeita “atitude antropofágica” sem estar completamente integrado no movimento de Oswald de Andrade. Encontrando a antropofagia na mitologia do índio, acolhe-a no romance, dá-lhe função simbólica, mas não a transforma na razão norteadora. A diferença básica e mais importante entre o livro e o filme é, portanto, que o canibalismo é a “razão norteadora” do filme, não, porém, do livro. Seria mais preciso dizer que o filme é Mário de Andrade e Oswald de Andrade “revistos” por Joaquim Pedro de Andrade à luz da situação sócio-econômica e política enfrentada pelo Brasil nos anos 60.
JOHNSON. R. Cinema e literatura. Macunaíma: do modernismo na literatura ao cinema novo. São Paulo: T.A.Queiroz, 1987 (adaptado).

Com base no fragmento acima do crítico de cinema Randal Johnson sobre o filme Macunaíma, NÃO é verdadeiro afirmar:
Q1355512 Inglês

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

by Cecil F. Alexander
Text A speaks of
Q1355513 Inglês

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

by Cecil F. Alexander
The predominant tone in text A is:
Q1355514 Inglês

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

by Cecil F. Alexander
Which of the following groups of words from text A only refers to size:
Q1355515 Inglês

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

by Cecil F. Alexander
Which of the following groups of words from text A is formed by affixation:
Q1355516 Inglês

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

by Cecil F. Alexander
The pronoun ‘who’ in the last line of text A refers to:
Q1355517 Inglês

High Marks for Clean Water

    Retrieve a discarded water bottle. Tear off the label and fill it with any water that’s not too murky from a creek, standpipe or a puddle. Place the bottle on a piece of metal in full sun. In six hours the UVA radiation will kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the water, making it safe to drink.
    SODIS, the acronym for this Swiss - pioneered water - disinfection program, is now being used all over the world to provide drinking water for some four million people. “It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s effective,” says Ibelatha Mhelela, principal of the Ndolela Primary School in Tanzania. In 2006 her school started using SODIS to disinfect its contaminated tap water, placing bottles on the building’s corrugated metal roof. The result? Absenteeism due to diarrhea has dropped considerably, and examination scores soared. “Before we started SODIS, only ten to fifteen percent of the children passed the national sixth grade exams,” says Mhelela, “Now ninety to ninety - five percent of the students pass.”

(National Geographic, April 2010) 
The first sentence of text B is
Q1355518 Inglês

High Marks for Clean Water

    Retrieve a discarded water bottle. Tear off the label and fill it with any water that’s not too murky from a creek, standpipe or a puddle. Place the bottle on a piece of metal in full sun. In six hours the UVA radiation will kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the water, making it safe to drink.
    SODIS, the acronym for this Swiss - pioneered water - disinfection program, is now being used all over the world to provide drinking water for some four million people. “It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s effective,” says Ibelatha Mhelela, principal of the Ndolela Primary School in Tanzania. In 2006 her school started using SODIS to disinfect its contaminated tap water, placing bottles on the building’s corrugated metal roof. The result? Absenteeism due to diarrhea has dropped considerably, and examination scores soared. “Before we started SODIS, only ten to fifteen percent of the children passed the national sixth grade exams,” says Mhelela, “Now ninety to ninety - five percent of the students pass.”

(National Geographic, April 2010) 
The meaning of the word “murky” in the second sentence of text B is:
Q1355519 Inglês

High Marks for Clean Water

    Retrieve a discarded water bottle. Tear off the label and fill it with any water that’s not too murky from a creek, standpipe or a puddle. Place the bottle on a piece of metal in full sun. In six hours the UVA radiation will kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the water, making it safe to drink.
    SODIS, the acronym for this Swiss - pioneered water - disinfection program, is now being used all over the world to provide drinking water for some four million people. “It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s effective,” says Ibelatha Mhelela, principal of the Ndolela Primary School in Tanzania. In 2006 her school started using SODIS to disinfect its contaminated tap water, placing bottles on the building’s corrugated metal roof. The result? Absenteeism due to diarrhea has dropped considerably, and examination scores soared. “Before we started SODIS, only ten to fifteen percent of the children passed the national sixth grade exams,” says Mhelela, “Now ninety to ninety - five percent of the students pass.”

(National Geographic, April 2010) 
The method of disinfecting water discussed in text B is
Q1355520 Inglês

High Marks for Clean Water

    Retrieve a discarded water bottle. Tear off the label and fill it with any water that’s not too murky from a creek, standpipe or a puddle. Place the bottle on a piece of metal in full sun. In six hours the UVA radiation will kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the water, making it safe to drink.
    SODIS, the acronym for this Swiss - pioneered water - disinfection program, is now being used all over the world to provide drinking water for some four million people. “It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s effective,” says Ibelatha Mhelela, principal of the Ndolela Primary School in Tanzania. In 2006 her school started using SODIS to disinfect its contaminated tap water, placing bottles on the building’s corrugated metal roof. The result? Absenteeism due to diarrhea has dropped considerably, and examination scores soared. “Before we started SODIS, only ten to fifteen percent of the children passed the national sixth grade exams,” says Mhelela, “Now ninety to ninety - five percent of the students pass.”

(National Geographic, April 2010) 
Text B states that among the results of using SODIS are:
Q1355521 Inglês

High Marks for Clean Water

    Retrieve a discarded water bottle. Tear off the label and fill it with any water that’s not too murky from a creek, standpipe or a puddle. Place the bottle on a piece of metal in full sun. In six hours the UVA radiation will kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the water, making it safe to drink.
    SODIS, the acronym for this Swiss - pioneered water - disinfection program, is now being used all over the world to provide drinking water for some four million people. “It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s effective,” says Ibelatha Mhelela, principal of the Ndolela Primary School in Tanzania. In 2006 her school started using SODIS to disinfect its contaminated tap water, placing bottles on the building’s corrugated metal roof. The result? Absenteeism due to diarrhea has dropped considerably, and examination scores soared. “Before we started SODIS, only ten to fifteen percent of the children passed the national sixth grade exams,” says Mhelela, “Now ninety to ninety - five percent of the students pass.”

(National Geographic, April 2010) 
According to text B, after adopting SODIS:
Q1355522 Inglês
The modal auxiliary “should” in the first sentence of the second paragraph of text C indicates
Q1355523 Inglês
Which of the following words functions as an adjective in text C?
Q1355524 Inglês
Text C
Q1355525 Inglês
Text C
Q1355526 Inglês
According to text C the advances in synthetic biology will lead to:
21: D
22: B
23: B
24: C
25: B
26: C
27: D
28: B
29: D
30: C
31: D
32: C
33: E
34: E
35: D
36: D
37: D
38: B
39: A
40: B