Questões de Vestibular FAG 2014 para Vestibular, Segundo Semestre

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Ano: 2014 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2014 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1355753 Português
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O apanhador de desperdícios

Uso a palavra para compor meus silêncios.
Não gosto de palavras fatigadas de informar.
Dou mais respeito às que vivem de barriga no chão tipo água pedra sapo.
Entendo bem o sotaque das águas.
Dou respeito às coisas desimportantes e aos seres desimportantes.
Prezo insetos mais que aviões.
Prezo a velocidade das tartarugas mais que a dos mísseis.
Tenho em mim esse atraso de nascença.
Eu fui aparelhado para gostar de passarinhos.
Tenho abundância de ser feliz por isso.
Meu quintal é maior do que o mundo.
Sou um apanhador de desperdícios:
Amo os restos como as boas moscas.
Queria que a minha voz tivesse um formato de canto.
Porque eu não sou da invencionática.Só uso a palavra para compor meus silêncios.

Manuel de Barros. Memórias Inventadas: a infância. São Paulo: Planeta do Brasil, 2003.
Neologismo é o emprego de uma palavra nova, criada ou inventada, que poderá ser incorporada aos dicionários. Marque a alternativa que contenha um neologismo usado pelo autor no texto.
Q1355756 Literatura
Assinale a alternativa que não se refere ao Arcadismo:
Ano: 2014 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2014 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1355757 Inglês
Texto 1

Most people would agree that learning a second language in a natural acquisition contexto or “on the street” is not the same as learning it in the classroom. Many believe that learning “on the street” is more effective.The traditional instruction environment is one where the language is being taught to a group of second or foreign language learners. In this case, the focus is on the language itself, rather than on information which is carried by the language. The teacher´s goal is to see to it that the students learn the vocabulary and grammatical rules of the target language. The goal of learners in such courses is often to pass an examination rather than to use the language for daily communicative interaction. Communicative instruction environments also involve learners whose goal is learning the language itself, but the style of instruction places an emphasis on interaction, conversation, and language use, rather than on learning about the language. The topics which are discussed in the communicative instruction environment are often topics of general interest to the learner. In these classes, the focus is not selected on the basis of teaching a specific feature of the language, but on teaching learners to use the language in a variety of contexts. Students´ success in these courses is measured in terms of their ability to “get things done” in the second language, rather than on their accuracy in using certain grammatical features.
(How Languages Are Learned, Oxford University Press, 1998)
Consider the following statements:

I. Learning a language in a natural environment is similar to learning it in a traditional classroom. II. Traditionally, learning a language in the classroom means focusing on the language itself, that is, its grammar and vocabulary. III. Communicative instruction environments focus on using the language. IV. In communicative instruction environments, learners´ mistakes are often corrected.

According to the text:
Q1355758 Inglês
Texto 1

Most people would agree that learning a second language in a natural acquisition contexto or “on the street” is not the same as learning it in the classroom. Many believe that learning “on the street” is more effective.The traditional instruction environment is one where the language is being taught to a group of second or foreign language learners. In this case, the focus is on the language itself, rather than on information which is carried by the language. The teacher´s goal is to see to it that the students learn the vocabulary and grammatical rules of the target language. The goal of learners in such courses is often to pass an examination rather than to use the language for daily communicative interaction. Communicative instruction environments also involve learners whose goal is learning the language itself, but the style of instruction places an emphasis on interaction, conversation, and language use, rather than on learning about the language. The topics which are discussed in the communicative instruction environment are often topics of general interest to the learner. In these classes, the focus is not selected on the basis of teaching a specific feature of the language, but on teaching learners to use the language in a variety of contexts. Students´ success in these courses is measured in terms of their ability to “get things done” in the second language, rather than on their accuracy in using certain grammatical features.
(How Languages Are Learned, Oxford University Press, 1998)
According to the text, lessons taught in communicative instruction environments focus on:
Ano: 2014 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2014 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1355759 Inglês
Texto 1

Most people would agree that learning a second language in a natural acquisition contexto or “on the street” is not the same as learning it in the classroom. Many believe that learning “on the street” is more effective.The traditional instruction environment is one where the language is being taught to a group of second or foreign language learners. In this case, the focus is on the language itself, rather than on information which is carried by the language. The teacher´s goal is to see to it that the students learn the vocabulary and grammatical rules of the target language. The goal of learners in such courses is often to pass an examination rather than to use the language for daily communicative interaction. Communicative instruction environments also involve learners whose goal is learning the language itself, but the style of instruction places an emphasis on interaction, conversation, and language use, rather than on learning about the language. The topics which are discussed in the communicative instruction environment are often topics of general interest to the learner. In these classes, the focus is not selected on the basis of teaching a specific feature of the language, but on teaching learners to use the language in a variety of contexts. Students´ success in these courses is measured in terms of their ability to “get things done” in the second language, rather than on their accuracy in using certain grammatical features.
(How Languages Are Learned, Oxford University Press, 1998)
In the text, the expression target language means:
6: D
7: C
8: D
9: B
10: A