Questões de Vestibular FAG 2015 para Vestibular, Segundo Semestre - Medicina

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Ano: 2015 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2015 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1365543 Literatura
"A moça agitou então a fronte com uma vibração altiva: – Mas o senhor não me abandonou pelo amor de Adelaide e sim pelo seu dote, um mesquinho dote de trinta contos! [...] Desprezasse-me embora, mas não descesse da altura em que o havia colocado dentro da minha alma. Eu tinha um ídolo; o senhor abateu-o de seu pedestal, e atirou-o no pó. Essa degradação do homem a quem eu adorava, eis o seu crime." O excerto se refere à obra:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2015 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1365544 Literatura
Como escola literária, o Realismo é caracterizado:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2015 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1365545 Inglês
Text 1:


What's the furthest you have ever cycled?
Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or maybe at most a short cycling trip with friends?
How would you feel about spending months on the road travelling solo from the UK to China, by bike?
For British cyclist Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are second nature. Mr Jones is currently undertaking a mammoth trip across the Eurasian continent from Britain to China.
Pete Jones is no stranger to China. But he says many people there are puzzled by his passion for cycling, asking why he would choose to cycle when he can afford a car.
Indeed, while there are an estimated 400 million bicycles in China, where it has long been the preferred form of transport, rapid economic growth has fuelled an explosive expansion in car ownership.
Edward Genochio, another British cyclist who completed a 41,000km trip to China and back, said one of his aims was to "promote cycling as a safe, sustainable and environmentally benign means of getting about".
In the UK, the last few years have seen a rise in the number of people choosing two wheels over four, with some estimates saying the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last five years.
Politicians also see cycling as a way to boost their eco-credentials, with people such as London mayor Boris Johnson often riding to work under his own steam. But we may have to wait some time before we see him emulating Pete Jones in attempting to cycle all the way to China!
According to the information from the text 1, it is correct to say that:

I. for Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are the most common activity for british people. II. despite cycling has long been the preferred form of transport in China, car ownership has increased a lot because of country’s economic growth. III. it’s very important to wear a helmet while cycling. IV. in the UK, some estimates say the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last twenty five years. V. London mayor often cycles to work.
Ano: 2015 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2015 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1365546 Inglês
Text 1:


What's the furthest you have ever cycled?
Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or maybe at most a short cycling trip with friends?
How would you feel about spending months on the road travelling solo from the UK to China, by bike?
For British cyclist Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are second nature. Mr Jones is currently undertaking a mammoth trip across the Eurasian continent from Britain to China.
Pete Jones is no stranger to China. But he says many people there are puzzled by his passion for cycling, asking why he would choose to cycle when he can afford a car.
Indeed, while there are an estimated 400 million bicycles in China, where it has long been the preferred form of transport, rapid economic growth has fuelled an explosive expansion in car ownership.
Edward Genochio, another British cyclist who completed a 41,000km trip to China and back, said one of his aims was to "promote cycling as a safe, sustainable and environmentally benign means of getting about".
In the UK, the last few years have seen a rise in the number of people choosing two wheels over four, with some estimates saying the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last five years.
Politicians also see cycling as a way to boost their eco-credentials, with people such as London mayor Boris Johnson often riding to work under his own steam. But we may have to wait some time before we see him emulating Pete Jones in attempting to cycle all the way to China!
According to the text 1, judge the items and choose the CORRECT answer.

I. People are cycling more because they want to lose weight. II. In the UK, people are choosing two wheels over four just because it’s cheaper. III. Cycling is a sustainable way of getting about and this means that cause no damage to the environment. IV. China has grown economically because of its major transportation method.
Ano: 2015 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2015 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1365547 Inglês
Text 2

Here is a response to a debate on patents and medicine:

Mr. Przemek Kordasiewicz,
I agree wholeheartedly with your recommendation of a ban on all patents on all life saving medical discoveries. Again, I would take it a step further. I think that the virtues of a purely capitalist system seem to have fallen apart at this point. In this literal life-anddeath issue, ethics take priority over everything else.
Just as Congress stepped forward to place a ban on the patenting of surgical procedures, they need to step forward and place a similar ban on these new medical patents (drugs, procedures and human genome work) which are having the identical effect. Additionally, Congress need to heavily legislate in favor of patients worldwide to keep drug patents limited, short, and drug prices at an affordable level. Something in the system is wrong when drug companies are the most profitable of all publicly traded companies and huge populations across the world are living in pain and dying because they are unable to afford the sky-high drug prices, inflated by the patent holders’ monopoly. The government needs to look into the situation independently and take a stand for the well-being of the taxpayers and citizens they suppose to be representing. Thank you, Benjamin (Mako) Hill.
(Intellectual Property in Cyberspace 2000,
As regards capitalist policies for drug patents, the author, according text 2:
11: A
12: C
13: C
14: A
15: B