Questões de Vestibular UFAC 2011 para Vestibular, PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A

Foram encontradas 65 questões

Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375656 Biologia
As transformações sofridas pelos seres vivos ao longo do tempo são o foco dos estudos evolucionários.

As alternativas abaixo podem ser consideradas evidências evolutivas, exceto:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375657 Biologia
O coração é formado na sua maioria por músculo, sendo responsável pelo bombeamento do sangue no corpo. Sua atividade é realizada durante toda nossa vida. No gráfico abaixo, está demonstrado o fluxo de sangue na aorta ao longo do tempo.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Sobre o gráfico, é correto afirmar que:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375658 Biologia
“No mundo inteiro, a degradação do meio ambiente atinge, cada vez mais frequente, e cada vez mais seriamente, os direitos e as liberdades dos povos: os ecossistemas e os recursos de que esses povos necessitam são progressivamente destruídos. Por outro lado, a degradação do meio ambiente é cada vez mais amiúde um fenômeno mundial, que nenhum país, mesmo entre os maiores, pode mais enfrentar sozinho. Todos os países tornaram-se dependentes uns dos outros e nenhum país tem mais o direito de fazer sozinho opções econômicas e tecnológicas que arrisquem pôr em perigo o meio ambiente mundial. Isso é particularmente verdadeiro para os países desenvolvidos, para os países do Norte, que são os principais responsáveis pela situação degradada do meio ambiente mundial; mas isso também é verdadeiro para os países subdesenvolvidos, que é preciso pois sustentar, ajudar, a fim de que eles possam se desenvolver, sem com isso prejudicar o seu próprio meio ambiente e o meio ambiente mundial.”

RUELLAN, A. Amazônia: questões e responsabilidades. Estudos Avançados. n. 5, vol.13. São Paulo, 1991, p.201.

Apesar de a publicação do artigo datar do ano de 1991, esse tema ainda é bastante atual e reflete uma preocupação persistente. São medidas que visam reduzir a ação predatória do homem sobre o ambiente, exceto:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375659 Biologia
A pirâmide de biomassa é uma representação gráfica da quantidade de matéria orgânica acumulada nos diferentes níveis tróficos. Na figura abaixo, podemos observar duas dessas pirâmides.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Assinale a alternativa correta:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375660 Biologia
Em 1980, Umberto Eco publicou o livro O nome da rosa, romance ambientado em um mosteiro medieval, onde vários crimes aconteceram. Os mortos eram encontrados com a língua e os dedos escuros, indicando que folhearam livros com páginas envenenadas por cianureto (cianeto de potássio). Essa substância é extremamente tóxica, pois compromete a produção do ATP feita na célula, ligando-se ao citocromo a3.

A alternativa que indica a etapa inibida pelo cianureto e o local onde ocorre, respectivamente, é:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375661 Inglês

Google Instant promises live search results

by Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter,
BBC News, Silicon Valley

    “Google has speeded up its internet search engine by launching a product called Instant that displays results as soon as users type in queries.
     The service predicts a user's query and modifies the displayed results as more letters are typed into the search box.
     The company described it as ‘search at the speed of thought’.
    Previously Google's suggested search terms and did not reveal results until the ‘enter’ key was hit or the ‘search’ button was clicked.
Google Instant goes live in the next week and on mobile devices by autumn.
     The service will initially be rolled out in the US, UK, Spain, Germany, France and Russia.
       Challenge to Microsoft?
     In a demo event held at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art, Marissa Mayer, Google's vice-president of search products and user experience, typed in ‘sfm’ into the search box to demonstrate the new service.
    As she typed, results appeared instantly for ‘SF MOMA’ - the first predicted search result. In another demo, when the letter ‘w’ was entered, a list of links offering the ‘weather’ appeared along with images showing the temperature.
    ‘We've actually predicting what query you are likely to do and we're giving you results for that,’ said Ms Mayer.
       Google estimates that the typical user spends nine seconds entering a query and 15 seconds looking for answers.
        The company says Google Instant could shave between two and five seconds off a typical web search.
    ‘Google is betting all they have that speed is everything,’ Harry McCracken of technology blog told the BBC.
     ‘Saving one or two seconds isn't that big of a deal. One of my instant thoughts is that I am going to see results I don't want because until I type enough that it knows what I want, it is going to show me links I am not interested in.’
     Technology commentator Robert Scoble said that the new feature would present a real challenge to Microsoft search engine Bing, which has been slowly chipping away at Google's lead in the search market.
    ‘Playing with it, it dramatically changes the way I do searches. I think it is a pretty major leap forward but this means that Bing becomes far less interesting and they now have to step up,’ said Mr. Scoble.
     Microsoft currently commands around 11% of the US search market compared to Google's 66%, according to research firm Comscore.
     Bing has gradually increased its market share since launch, although its growth has recently slowed.” 

Read the sentences below and judge them (T) TRUE or (F) FALSE:

I. Google Instant makes the queries faster.
II. With Google Instant query results will be revealed before the enter button is hit.
III. Search terms will not be suggested anymore.
IV. Mobile users will not have access until autumn.
V. Initially the service will not be available for the British people.
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375662 Inglês

Google Instant promises live search results

by Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter,
BBC News, Silicon Valley

    “Google has speeded up its internet search engine by launching a product called Instant that displays results as soon as users type in queries.
     The service predicts a user's query and modifies the displayed results as more letters are typed into the search box.
     The company described it as ‘search at the speed of thought’.
    Previously Google's suggested search terms and did not reveal results until the ‘enter’ key was hit or the ‘search’ button was clicked.
Google Instant goes live in the next week and on mobile devices by autumn.
     The service will initially be rolled out in the US, UK, Spain, Germany, France and Russia.
       Challenge to Microsoft?
     In a demo event held at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art, Marissa Mayer, Google's vice-president of search products and user experience, typed in ‘sfm’ into the search box to demonstrate the new service.
    As she typed, results appeared instantly for ‘SF MOMA’ - the first predicted search result. In another demo, when the letter ‘w’ was entered, a list of links offering the ‘weather’ appeared along with images showing the temperature.
    ‘We've actually predicting what query you are likely to do and we're giving you results for that,’ said Ms Mayer.
       Google estimates that the typical user spends nine seconds entering a query and 15 seconds looking for answers.
        The company says Google Instant could shave between two and five seconds off a typical web search.
    ‘Google is betting all they have that speed is everything,’ Harry McCracken of technology blog told the BBC.
     ‘Saving one or two seconds isn't that big of a deal. One of my instant thoughts is that I am going to see results I don't want because until I type enough that it knows what I want, it is going to show me links I am not interested in.’
     Technology commentator Robert Scoble said that the new feature would present a real challenge to Microsoft search engine Bing, which has been slowly chipping away at Google's lead in the search market.
    ‘Playing with it, it dramatically changes the way I do searches. I think it is a pretty major leap forward but this means that Bing becomes far less interesting and they now have to step up,’ said Mr. Scoble.
     Microsoft currently commands around 11% of the US search market compared to Google's 66%, according to research firm Comscore.
     Bing has gradually increased its market share since launch, although its growth has recently slowed.” 

By saying “We’ve actually been predicting what query you are likely to do and we’re giving you results for that”, Google’s vice-president means:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375663 Inglês

Google Instant promises live search results

by Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter,
BBC News, Silicon Valley

    “Google has speeded up its internet search engine by launching a product called Instant that displays results as soon as users type in queries.
     The service predicts a user's query and modifies the displayed results as more letters are typed into the search box.
     The company described it as ‘search at the speed of thought’.
    Previously Google's suggested search terms and did not reveal results until the ‘enter’ key was hit or the ‘search’ button was clicked.
Google Instant goes live in the next week and on mobile devices by autumn.
     The service will initially be rolled out in the US, UK, Spain, Germany, France and Russia.
       Challenge to Microsoft?
     In a demo event held at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art, Marissa Mayer, Google's vice-president of search products and user experience, typed in ‘sfm’ into the search box to demonstrate the new service.
    As she typed, results appeared instantly for ‘SF MOMA’ - the first predicted search result. In another demo, when the letter ‘w’ was entered, a list of links offering the ‘weather’ appeared along with images showing the temperature.
    ‘We've actually predicting what query you are likely to do and we're giving you results for that,’ said Ms Mayer.
       Google estimates that the typical user spends nine seconds entering a query and 15 seconds looking for answers.
        The company says Google Instant could shave between two and five seconds off a typical web search.
    ‘Google is betting all they have that speed is everything,’ Harry McCracken of technology blog told the BBC.
     ‘Saving one or two seconds isn't that big of a deal. One of my instant thoughts is that I am going to see results I don't want because until I type enough that it knows what I want, it is going to show me links I am not interested in.’
     Technology commentator Robert Scoble said that the new feature would present a real challenge to Microsoft search engine Bing, which has been slowly chipping away at Google's lead in the search market.
    ‘Playing with it, it dramatically changes the way I do searches. I think it is a pretty major leap forward but this means that Bing becomes far less interesting and they now have to step up,’ said Mr. Scoble.
     Microsoft currently commands around 11% of the US search market compared to Google's 66%, according to research firm Comscore.
     Bing has gradually increased its market share since launch, although its growth has recently slowed.” 

Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence:

According to Google, it takes _________ seconds for a typical user to do a web search.
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375664 Inglês

Google Instant promises live search results

by Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter,
BBC News, Silicon Valley

    “Google has speeded up its internet search engine by launching a product called Instant that displays results as soon as users type in queries.
     The service predicts a user's query and modifies the displayed results as more letters are typed into the search box.
     The company described it as ‘search at the speed of thought’.
    Previously Google's suggested search terms and did not reveal results until the ‘enter’ key was hit or the ‘search’ button was clicked.
Google Instant goes live in the next week and on mobile devices by autumn.
     The service will initially be rolled out in the US, UK, Spain, Germany, France and Russia.
       Challenge to Microsoft?
     In a demo event held at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art, Marissa Mayer, Google's vice-president of search products and user experience, typed in ‘sfm’ into the search box to demonstrate the new service.
    As she typed, results appeared instantly for ‘SF MOMA’ - the first predicted search result. In another demo, when the letter ‘w’ was entered, a list of links offering the ‘weather’ appeared along with images showing the temperature.
    ‘We've actually predicting what query you are likely to do and we're giving you results for that,’ said Ms Mayer.
       Google estimates that the typical user spends nine seconds entering a query and 15 seconds looking for answers.
        The company says Google Instant could shave between two and five seconds off a typical web search.
    ‘Google is betting all they have that speed is everything,’ Harry McCracken of technology blog told the BBC.
     ‘Saving one or two seconds isn't that big of a deal. One of my instant thoughts is that I am going to see results I don't want because until I type enough that it knows what I want, it is going to show me links I am not interested in.’
     Technology commentator Robert Scoble said that the new feature would present a real challenge to Microsoft search engine Bing, which has been slowly chipping away at Google's lead in the search market.
    ‘Playing with it, it dramatically changes the way I do searches. I think it is a pretty major leap forward but this means that Bing becomes far less interesting and they now have to step up,’ said Mr. Scoble.
     Microsoft currently commands around 11% of the US search market compared to Google's 66%, according to research firm Comscore.
     Bing has gradually increased its market share since launch, although its growth has recently slowed.” 

In the sentence, “I think it is a pretty major leap forward but this means that Bing becomes far less interesting and they now have to step up”, the verb “to step up” would best be replaced by:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375665 Inglês
Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence:

Charles normally ________ water, but now he ________ coke.
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375666 Inglês
“They can’t put up with this any longer” means:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375667 Inglês

Starting a new job
by Rose Walker

    “You just got the phone call and the position is yours. It’s been a long time since you have started a new job and you need to prepare yourself for it. Will you really like your new position? How will the people treat you and can you get along with them? These are some of the questions that might run through your mind when you start a new job.
    Before you start your new position you need to get in the right frame of mind, so you can do the best job you can do.
    The first step in preparation for this new journey is to let all your fears go. Don’t walk into a new job with fear. This will keep you from being productive. Having negative thoughts about your new job will become a reality and this will cause problems right there. Stay in the same frame of mind you had when you applied for the position. This was something that you obviously wanted to do and was excited about doing. Keep those same thoughts and attitude when you actually start working your new job. By keeping that attitude you will eliminate a lot of your problems in the beginning with this new position. Your way of thinking will become your way of acting. Do a thorough research on your new company so you can understand what they do and how you will play a part in it.
    Have a good understanding about the company in full detail so it will give you that ease you need to have for you to succeed. This will allow you to have the confidence you will need to start this new job and you won’t feel so lost when you start interacting with your co-workers. Having the right attitude will allow you to get along with your co-workers even better. Everyone when they start a new job is considered the new kid on the block. This can make you feel left out right there, since everyone usually know everyone else and already have a comfort zone with each other. You have to let them know by being in the right frame of mind when you start that you can work with each and every one of them. If you come in with that fear, it’s going to seem like you are a unfriendly person and automatically no one will want to have anything to do with you. This will be a bad way to start off on your new job. You plan to be there for awhile and communicating with your co-workers on a daily base.
    Your attitude and the way you present yourself in the beginning is very important. It will determine how your relationship will be throughout the job. Getting along with your boss and coworkers is important, it can help you to succeed or be one of the causes to make you want to leave.
    Starting a new job can be a wonderful experience. Sure all of us are nervous about stepping into a new environment and meeting and dealing with new people. That’s what’s so exciting about it, everything is new. You have to look at it as a new journey in your life and not a dreaded trip that you have to make. Erase all those negative thoughts and fears you have so you can go in with a positive attitude that will let you be a positive person. Let this be a new spectacular and fantastic time in your life. When you stop and prepare yourself mentally for your new job, you will be a success at it.”
Read the sentences below and judge them (T) TRUE or (F) FALSE:

I. It’s not important to have a good understanding about the new company.
II. Your way of thinking will become your way of acting.
III. The first step in preparation for a new job is to let your fears go.
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375668 Inglês

Starting a new job
by Rose Walker

    “You just got the phone call and the position is yours. It’s been a long time since you have started a new job and you need to prepare yourself for it. Will you really like your new position? How will the people treat you and can you get along with them? These are some of the questions that might run through your mind when you start a new job.
    Before you start your new position you need to get in the right frame of mind, so you can do the best job you can do.
    The first step in preparation for this new journey is to let all your fears go. Don’t walk into a new job with fear. This will keep you from being productive. Having negative thoughts about your new job will become a reality and this will cause problems right there. Stay in the same frame of mind you had when you applied for the position. This was something that you obviously wanted to do and was excited about doing. Keep those same thoughts and attitude when you actually start working your new job. By keeping that attitude you will eliminate a lot of your problems in the beginning with this new position. Your way of thinking will become your way of acting. Do a thorough research on your new company so you can understand what they do and how you will play a part in it.
    Have a good understanding about the company in full detail so it will give you that ease you need to have for you to succeed. This will allow you to have the confidence you will need to start this new job and you won’t feel so lost when you start interacting with your co-workers. Having the right attitude will allow you to get along with your co-workers even better. Everyone when they start a new job is considered the new kid on the block. This can make you feel left out right there, since everyone usually know everyone else and already have a comfort zone with each other. You have to let them know by being in the right frame of mind when you start that you can work with each and every one of them. If you come in with that fear, it’s going to seem like you are a unfriendly person and automatically no one will want to have anything to do with you. This will be a bad way to start off on your new job. You plan to be there for awhile and communicating with your co-workers on a daily base.
    Your attitude and the way you present yourself in the beginning is very important. It will determine how your relationship will be throughout the job. Getting along with your boss and coworkers is important, it can help you to succeed or be one of the causes to make you want to leave.
    Starting a new job can be a wonderful experience. Sure all of us are nervous about stepping into a new environment and meeting and dealing with new people. That’s what’s so exciting about it, everything is new. You have to look at it as a new journey in your life and not a dreaded trip that you have to make. Erase all those negative thoughts and fears you have so you can go in with a positive attitude that will let you be a positive person. Let this be a new spectacular and fantastic time in your life. When you stop and prepare yourself mentally for your new job, you will be a success at it.”
The text Starting a new job is about:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375669 Inglês
On the first square, the expression “getting on my nerves”, means:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375670 Inglês
“Wanna” in the second square is used in informal language, during conversation. It is the short form of:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375671 Geografia
O carvão mineral é uma rocha sedimentar de origem orgânica, resultante da transformação de antigos vegetais submetidos a certas condições, no decorrer do tempo geológico. No Brasil, o consumo de carvão mineral representa apenas 0,5% do mundial. Sobre o carvão mineral no Brasil, pode-se dizer:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375672 Geografia
Com relação à Hidrografia Brasileira, é incorreto afirmar:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375673 Geografia
Cada rio tem suas próprias características, que podem variar bastante ao longo de seu curso. A figura abaixo, apresenta os quatro tipos fundamentais de canal fluvial:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

RICCOMINI, C. et al. Rios e processos aluviais. In: TEIXEIRA, W. et al (orgs). Decifrando a terra. São Paulo: Oficina de textos, 2000, p.197. (adaptado).

Em relação aos canais apresentados na figura, é correto afirmar:

Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375674 Geografia
Com base na figura, aponte a alternativa correta:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Ano: 2011 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2011 - UFAC - Vestibular - PRIMEIRO DIA - CADERNO A |
Q1375675 Geografia
“A globalização é o atual momento da expansão capitalista. Pode-se afirmar que ela está para o capitalismo informacional assim como o colonialismo esteve para a sua etapa comercial ou o imperialismo para o final da fase industrial e início da financeira. Trata-se de uma expansão que visa aumentar os mercados e, portanto, o lucro, o que de fato move os capitais, tanto produtivos quanto especulativos, no mercado mundial [...]”
MOREIRA, João Carlos Moreira & SENE, Eustáquio de. Geografia Geral e do Brasil. São Paulo: Scipione, 2007. p. 175.

No Brasil, a expansão capitalista trouxe muitas mudanças, dentre elas:
21: E
22: B
23: A
24: D
25: A
26: C
27: B
28: E
29: A
30: A
31: D
32: A
33: E
34: C
35: D
36: C
37: E
38: E
39: B
40: A