Questões de Vestibular UFRGS 2019 para Vestibular - UFRGS - Física, Literatura e Inglês
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I - A expressão give yellow a go (l. 08) indica que amarelo não é uma cor popular para roupas. II - A expressão wear and tear (l. 30) diz respeito aos vários ternos rasgados durante a gravação do filme em que Cary Grant atuou. IlI - O paralelismo das ocorrências da palavra enough permite afirmar que, na construção enough enough (l. 57), o primeiro termo funciona como um adjetivo, ao passo que o segundo é um advérbio.
Quais estão corretas?
( ) O trecho Bari wants us to think not so much about what clothes say as how they make us feel (l. 20-21) pode ser substituído por Bari wants us to think more of how clothes make us feel rather than of what they say, sem prejuízo da correção gramatical e do significado original do texto. ( ) O segmento it is (l. 47) pode ser omitido, sem prejuízo da correção gramatical e do significado original do texto. ( ) O trecho It is this sense of the dress as an alternative se/f that(I. 47-48) pode ser substituído por This sense of the dress as an alternative self is what, sem prejuízo da correção gramatical e do significado original do texto. ( ) A palavra since (l. 29) pode ser substituída por as from, sem prejuízo de correção gramatical e do significado original do texto.
A sequência correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é
I - Roupas novas nos dão satisfação e nos fazem sentir inteligentes desde o momento em que as compramos. II - A expressão waltlng for f/esh and blood (l. 46-47) denota a expectativa por parte das mulheres de que a roupa se ajuste ao corpo. III - O vestido é apresentado como uma peça de vestuário associada a diferentes situações da vida da mulher e a aspectos de sua identidade.
Quais estão corretas?
( ) Plato's theory suggests that the value of art is questionable. ( ) Art has been expected to justify itself since people had their earliest experience with it. ( ) Rather than seen as a representation of reality, art is nowadays regarded as a subjective expression by most artists. ( ) The dichotomy between form and content does not prevail, regardless of the contemporary view of art as subjective expression.
The sequence should read, from top to bottom,
I - ln must have been that it was incantatory(I. 01-02), it belongs to the sarne word class as in that of the Greek philosophers (I. 04). II - ln that of the Greek phi/osophers (I. 04), it belongs to the sarne word class as in proposed that art was mlmesls, lmitation of reality (I. 04-05). III- ln must have been that lt was incantatory (I. 01-02), it belongs to the sarne word class as in proposed that art was mlmesls, lmitation of reality (I. 04-05).
Which ones are correct?
I -The word it(I. 22) refers to art(I. 21) II -The word lt (I. 39) refers to the defense of art (I. 39) III- The word its (I. 56) refers to art (I. 57)
Which ones are correct?
I - Content still comes first regardless of whether we conceive of the work of an art on the model of a picture or on the model of a statement. II - Content, whether conceived on the model of a picture ar on the model of a statement, still comes first. III - Whether being conceived the work of art on the model of a picture or on the model of a statement, content still comes first.
If applied to the text, which ones would be correct and keep the literal meaning?
The earliest experience of art must have been incantatory, magical.
Select the alternative that best presents its negative form.