Mark the statements below with T (true) or F (false), accord...

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Ano: 2019 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2019 - UFRGS - Vestibular - UFRGS - Física, Literatura e Inglês |
Q1785237 Inglês
Instrução: A questão está relacionada ao texto abaixo.  

Adapted from: SONTAG, Susan. Agaínst
lnterpretatlon and Other Essays. Penguin Modern
Classics, Straus and Giroux, 2009. p. 3-4.
Mark the statements below with T (true) or F (false), according to the text.
( ) Plato's theory suggests that the value of art is questionable. ( ) Art has been expected to justify itself since people had their earliest experience with it. ( ) Rather than seen as a representation of reality, art is nowadays regarded as a subjective expression by most artists. ( ) The dichotomy between form and content does not prevail, regardless of the contemporary view of art as subjective expression.
The sequence should read, from top to bottom,