The sentence that properly fills in blank I in the text is:

Próximas questões
Com base no mesmo assunto
Ano: 2012 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2012 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1343472 Inglês is a website where you can search for the translation of words and expressions from Portuguese into English or English into Portuguese. However, it is not a translation machine – every entry in its database bas been translated by people and all the translations are lifted from bilingual written texts available in the web. _____( I )_____. Since all the words and expressions are viewed in context (short paragraphs) you can check if the translation fits your personal context. It does not translate sentences; you might therefore have to simplify your search and key in words instead.
    It is a very interesting tool to help both students and teachers expand their own range of the expression searched while enabling the simultaneous visualization of how the same expression translates differently in the varied contexts available.
The sentence that properly fills in blank I in the text is: