Texto 2“Parable of the Talents”(Octavia E. Butler)“To surviv...

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Ano: 2024 Banca: COMVEST - UNICAMP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: COMVEST - UNICAMP - 2024 - UNICAMP - Vestibular |
Q3107202 Inglês
Texto 1

The fact that so few African Americans write science fiction is perplexing since they, in a very real sense, inhabit a sci-fi nightmare in which unseen but no less palpable acts of intolerance frustrate their movement; official histories undo what has been done; and technology is too often brought to bear on black bodies. Moreover, the sublegitimate status of science fiction in literature mirrors the subaltern position to which blacks have been relegated throughout American history. The notion of Afrofuturism gives rise to a troubling antinomy: can a community whose past has been deliberately rubbed out, and whose energies have been consumed by the search for legible traces of its history, imagine possible futures?

(Adaptado de DERY, M. Black to the future: interviews with Samuel R. Delany, Greg Tate, and Tricia Rose. In: ___. (Ed.) The Discourse of cyberculture. Durham; London: Duke University Press, p. 179-222, 1994.)
Texto 2
“Parable of the Talents” (Octavia E. Butler)
“To survive, Let the past Teach you-- Past customs, Struggles, Leaders and thinkers. Let These Help you. Let them inspire you, Warn you, Give you strength. But beware: God is Change. Past is past. What was Cannot Come again. To survive, know the past. Let it touch you. Then let The past Go.”
(BUTLER, Octavia E. Parable of the Talents. New York, Durham and London: Open Road, 1998.)

O texto 2 toca em um aspecto central do afrofuturismo e remete ao tema do questionamento do texto 1. Assim, pode-se dizer que o poema reconhece que


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"Past is past. What was Cannot Come again. To survive, know the past. Let it touch you." Aprender com o passado pode ajudar no futuro, porém passado é passado, não mais voltará.

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