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Can Audio or Digital Books Improve Learning Outcomes?
Children with learning disabilities (LD), like dyslexia, have trouble
understanding words they read. Causes are unclear, but we now know that
LD is not due to a lack of intelligence or a desire to learn.
While dyslexia is a life-long condition, early identification, support from a
parent or teacher, and access to digital or audio books and other learning
materials may help your child to improve their learning outcomes and be
better prepared to successfully work around their LD.
Research now demonstrates that when children with LD are given
accessible instructional materials (often referred to as AIM) — textbooks or
learning materials that are delivered in audio and/or digital formats — they
can excel in school and also learn to enjoy reading.
Reading with digital (or e-books) and audio books can enrich a user's
learning experience by engaging them in the content in multi-sensory ways.
(National Center for Learning Disabilities. . p. 23. - acesso em 08/04/2014 The Dyslexia Toolkit )
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