Home Vestibulares Questões Q1338860 Which of the following is most supported by the information ... Próximas questões Com base no mesmo assunto Q1338860 Inglês Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension , Ano: 2014 Banca: FGV Órgão: FGV Prova: FGV - 2014 - FGV - Administração Pública - Vestibular | Q1338860 Inglês Texto associado Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article? Alternativas A In general, it is easier to discover who committed a crime than to understand why that crime was committed. B If laws dealing with punishments are not clear and specific, judges and juries will tend to be too lenient with criminals. C In every society, the idea of what constitutes any crime is always evolving. D Abstract legal philosophy has nothing to do with the way the law really works. E In their essence, criminal law systems share a fundamental purpose. Responder Você errou!   Resposta: teste Parabéns! Você acertou! teste Tirar Dúvida Gabarito Comentado Aulas (4) Comentários Estatísticas Cadernos Criar anotações Notificar Erro Salvar novo filtro Nome do novo filtro