No trecho do segundo parágrafo “but these are no match for ...
In today’s political climate, it sometimes feels like we can’t even agree on basic facts. We bombard each other with statistics and figures, hoping that more data will make a difference. A progressive person might show you the same climate change graphs over and over while a conservative person might point to the trillions of dollars of growing national debt. We’re left wondering, “Why can’t they just see? It’s so obvious!”
Certain myths are so pervasive that no matter how many experts disprove them, they only seem to grow in popularity. There’s no shortage of serious studies showing no link between autism and vaccines, for example, but these are no match for an emotional appeal to parents worried for their young children.
Tali Sharot, a cognitive neuroscientist at University College London, studies how our minds work and how we process new information. In her upcoming book, The Influential Mind, she explores why we ignore facts and how we can get people to actually listen to the truth. Tali shows that we’re open to new information – but only if it confirms our existing beliefs. We find ways to ignore facts that challenge our ideals. And as neuroscientist Bahador Bahrami and colleagues have found, we weigh all opinions as equally valid, regardless of expertise.
So, having the data on your side is not always enough. For better or for worse, Sharot says, emotions may be the key to changing minds.
(Shankar Vedantam. Adaptado.)
Gabarito comentado
Confira o gabarito comentado por um dos nossos professores
Vamos analisar o 2o parágrafo:
Certain myths are so pervasive that no matter how many experts disprove them, they only seem to grow in popularity. There's no shortage of serious studies showing no link between autism and vaccines, for example, but these are no match for an emotional appeal to parents worried for their young children.
Tradução -
Certos mitos são tão difundidos que não importa quantos especialistas os refutem, eles só parecem crescer em popularidade. Não faltam estudos sérios mostrando que não há nenhuma ligação entre autismo e vacinas, por exemplo, mas eles não são páreo para um apelo emocional aos pais preocupados com seus filhos pequenos.
A questão nos pergunta a que se refere o temo em negrito no trecho acima.
Relendo a frase você vai perceber que "eles" se refere a "estudos sérios", pois o pronome se refere a algo que foi mencionado anteriormente e no plural. Os estudos mostram que não há ligação entre autismo e vacinas mas estes estudos não não suficientes para tranquilizar os pais preocupados com seus filhos.
Analisando as alternativas teremos:
A) Incorreto - “experts". = especialistas
B) Correto - “studies". = estudos
C) Incorreto - “autism and vaccines". = autismo e vacinas
D) Incorreto - “parents". = pais
E) Incorreto - “myths". = mitos
Gabarito do Professor: Alternativa B
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