O significado de palavra “kind” no texto acima é
Próximas questões
Com base no mesmo assunto
Ano: 2016
Univap - 2016 - Univap - Vestibular - Processo Seletivo 2 |
Texto associado
A questão é referente ao texto abaixo.
Long trip with no money
A man decided to test lessons, which he learned from the Dalai
Lama, and he went on a pilgrimage. He and others went on a 322-
kilometre journey from London to Glastonbury. The people had no
money – they wanted to see if it was possible to live through
kindness. It seems, that in 21st century Britain, it is. The man talked
about their experience – he said that when you smile at people, take
time to understand their story, then they will come forward and are
naturally kind. One woman gave them rice and a man brought them all
tea. And one time, a person even gave them the keys to his flat!
Disponível em http://www.newsinlevels.com/products/long-trip-with-no-money-level-21/
O significado de palavra “kind” no texto acima