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Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348108 Inglês
Considere o texto sobre as manifestações ocorridas em meados de 2013 no Brasil para responder a questão.

Brazil Leader Suffers Setback on Overhaul

    While the president and other politicians have publicly sympathized with the protesters, passing major changes remains daunting and demonstrations continue to simmer across the country. Still, some changes have come at a surprising pace, including harsher penalties for government corruption and rollbacks of transit fares. Legislation to put 75 percent of oil royalties toward education and 25 percent toward health care — two areas that have been a focus of the protests — is moving quickly through Congress.
    But political change has proved sticky for Ms. Rousseff. She first called for a constituent assembly, but withdrew the proposal under criticism from politicians and legal experts. Then she proposed a plebiscite to be held in time for changes to take effect by next year’s election, meaning the vote would have to be held, and subsequent congressional legislation enacted, by early October.
( - acesso em 08/07/2013)
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