Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control? By Jess Bidgood and Sabrina...

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Ano: 2018 Banca: UFU-MG Órgão: UFU-MG Prova: UFU-MG - 2018 - UFU-MG - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q924343 Inglês

Do Gun Owners Want Gun Control?

By Jess Bidgood and Sabrina Tavernise

Tom Galinat signed a letter to lawmakers, urging them to expand background checks for gun purchases. Mr. Galinat, 35, a farmer and hunter who owns nine guns, traveled last month from his home in Peacham, Vt., to Montpelier, the state capital, with a firm goal in mind: Convince lawmakers to enact a ban on high-capacity magazines.

Jonathan Leach, 56, a policy analyst in Augusta, Me., and the owner of about 10 guns, testified before Maine legislators in favor of a bill to let judges order people deemed dangerous to surrender their firearms. Mr. Leach said he wanted to serve as a counterweight to gun rights enthusiasts he knew would speak against the idea.

Disponı́vel em: <>. Acesso em: 24 Abr. 2018.

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