A new study, published Monday in the journal Nature Ast...

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Ano: 2018 Banca: UFU-MG Órgão: UFU-MG Prova: UFU-MG - 2018 - UFU-MG - Vestibular - 2º Dia |
Q924345 Inglês
A new study, published Monday in the journal Nature Astronomy, established the chemical composition of Uranus’ upper cloud deck for the first time. Using an instrument called the Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrometer (NIFS) at the Gemini North telescope in Hawaii, researchers determined that Uranus’ cloud cover is composed of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas, which is what gives rotten eggs their distinctive, noxious scent.
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Disponı́vel em: <http://time.com>. Acesso em: 24 abr. 2018.
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