According to the text, choose the right alternative.

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Ano: 2010 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2010 - MACKENZIE - Vestibular |
Q1336273 Inglês

Get into a comfortable, relaxed position. / Shut your eyes and turn your attention inwards. / Think about that assertive experience (real or imagined, yours or someone else’s) and really get into it. / Re-live it as though you are there all over again. / See everything there is to see, / the face of the other person or people / and how they’re responding to you. / Hear the sound of your own voice as you speak. / Hear the sound of any other voices. / Feel really good about the situation. / Feel confident and assertive / and enjoy the feeling. / And when you’re deeply involved in those feelings, capture them for a few seconds with your word, image or gesture. / Stay in the experience a while longer but take away the word, image or gesture. / And now come slowly and gently back to the room.

Success Over Stress by Jane Revell
According to the text, choose the right alternative.