No que se refere à Quarta Revolução Industrial, o texto aci...
The Future of Jobs Acessado em 19/09/2016
Today, we are at the beginning of a Fourth Industrial
Revolution. Developments in genetics, artificial intelligence,
robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing and biotechnology, to
name just a few, are all building on and amplifying one
another. This will lay the foundation for a revolution more
comprehensive and all-encompassing than anything we have
ever seen. Smart systems — homes, factories, farms, grids or
cities — will help tackle problems ranging from supply chain
management to climate change. The rise of the sharing
economy will allow people to monetize everything from their
empty house to their car.
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''Conforme o trecho “This will lay the foundation for a revolution more comprehensive and all-encompassing than anything we have ever seen.” é possível afirmar que esta será a revolução mais abrangente e inclusiva vista até agora. Resposta: C''
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