Read the lyrics for the song “Smile”, by Charlie Chaplin.Ava...

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Ano: 2016 Banca: IF Sudeste - MG Órgão: IF Sudeste - MG Prova: IF Sudeste - MG - 2016 - IF Sudeste - MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1272600 Inglês

Read the lyrics for the song “Smile”, by Charlie Chaplin.

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Available at: <>.Accessed on: 20 set. 2016.

Put T (true) or F (false) by the propositions below and then check the CORRECT sequence:

( ) The song suggests we should not smile if our heart is aching.

( ) Life still has meaning, despite fear and sorrow, if you just smile.

( ) Since life has no meaning at all, there is no use smiling.

( ) The song’s overall meaning is to motivate us to remain positive.

( ) The song encourages us to give up the pleasures of life.
