Read the following piece of news that shows
evidence that the heavy use of the Internet is considered
to be an illness. Choose the correct sequence of words to
complete the gaps. Excessive gaming, viewing online pornography,
emailing and text messaging _______1 as causes of a
compulsive-impulsive disorder by Dr. Jerald Block, a
leading psychiatrist. A primary case study is South Korea, ______2
has the greatest use of broadband in the world. Their
country now ‘considers internet addiction one of its
______3 serious public health issues’. There has been
alarm at the rising number of addicts dropping ______4
school or quitting their jobs to spend more time ______5
computers. The extent of the disorder is more difficult to
estimate in America ______6 people tend to surf at
home instead of in internet cafes. Dr. Block ______7The
Observer that he did not believe specific websites were
responsible. ‘The relationship is with the computer,’ he
said. (SMITH, David. Internet Addiction ‘is an illness’. The
Observer. 28 March 2008. Adapted from: http://www.
Accessed on: 2 April 2011.)