Read the text below to answer question 19: According to the...

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Ano: 2011 Banca: COPESE - UFT Órgão: UFT Prova: COPESE - UFT - 2011 - UFT - Vestibular - Prova 1 |
Q228503 Inglês
Read the text below to answer question 19:

Imagem 022.jpg
Imagem 023.jpg

According to the text:

I. Regardless of the strong security, the slum inhabitants enjoyed Obama‘s presence.

II. Despite the police pacification program, inhabitants of City of God want more attention from government.

III. Sasha and Malia refused to play with the shantytown children.

IV. The slum inhabitants‘ support for Obama is partially explained by the identification with the skin color of the American president.

V. Obama promised to improve basic services in City of God, which explained his approval amongst the local residents.

VI. The story of the occupation by cocaine gangs of City of God is not unique amongst other Rio de Janeiro‘s slums.

Mark the CORRECT answer: