Home Vestibulares Questões Q265544 The text says that: Próximas questões Com base no mesmo assunto Q265544 Inglês Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension , Ano: 2012 Banca: CEV-URCA Órgão: URCA Prova: CEV-URCA - 2012 - URCA - Vestibular - Prova 2 | Q265544 Inglês Texto associado The text says that: Alternativas A Italy´s reputation grew enormously during the time Berlusconi was Prime Minister. B Berlusconi was elected three times because he was supported by the Communist Party. C Berlusconi was never involved in corruption or sex scandals during the time he was Prime Minister. D While generations of the same family of Italians share small houses to live, Berlusconi exhibit luxurious large houses. E ExPrime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the entrepreneur Lupo Ratazzi are best friends. Responder Você errou!   Resposta: teste Parabéns! Você acertou! teste Tirar Dúvida Gabarito Comentado (0) Aulas (4) Comentários (2) Estatísticas Cadernos Criar anotações Notificar Erro Salvar novo filtro Nome do novo filtro