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Ano: 2016 Banca: IFN-MG Órgão: IFN-MG Prova: IFN-MG - 2016 - IFN-MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1275118 Inglês


There's no stink like our own stink: We are more forgiving of the disgusting smells of those we have been told are members of our own group than of outsiders. So say researchers at St. Andrews University after pushing stinky gym shirts into the noses of people who were told the garments belonged to either their own college or a nearby one. Reporting in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they find that people are far less tolerant when the stench comes from outsiders, which they say has implications for not just social exclusion but even prejudice and discrimination. 

Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: 24 ago. 2016 

Muitas vezes, artigos científicos são publicados em revistas de notícias de maneira simplificada para ficarem mais prazerosos para o público em geral. O TEXTO 9 resume uma pesquisa feita pela revista científica norte americana National Academy of Sciences cujo tema principal é: