Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). It’s st...

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Ano: 2014 Banca: UNEB Órgão: UNEB Prova: UNEB - 2014 - UNEB - Vestibular - Português/Inglês/Ciências |
Q1284515 Inglês

Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). It’s stated in the text:

( ) As far as education is concerned, learning is what really counts, no matter how you gain knowledge.

( ) Educated people have a critical view of their environment and are, therefore, better able to fight for their rights.

( ) Education is a powerful tool for uncovering people’s hidden talents.

( ) People should be discouraged to achieve success and popularity through education.

The correct sequence, from top to bottom, is
