Based on the preceding text, judge the following item. In t...
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Ano: 2024
CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - UNB - Prova de Conhecimentos I - Inglês - 1° dia |
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Last night, instead of the usual bedtime stories, my son
and I embarked on a shared literary adventure with the latest
version of ChatGPT. We posed a challenge to the AI: craft a
narrative about a tiger, 100 hamsters, some floating cabbages and
three time-travelling penguins locked in battle. As we further
prompted it with outlandish creatures and slapstick scenarios,
ChatGPT didn’t miss a beat. Its stories, generated in mere
seconds, were genuinely hilarious. For my son, this wasn’t just a
technological marvel; it was magic.
As someone who both delights in reading and strives to
write words that move others, my evening with ChatGPT was
fascinating and discomforting in equal measure.
Reading has always been a bridge, a way of knowing that
in the vast expanse of human existence, our joys and sorrows,
fears and hopes are shared. But how does one reconcile this when
the bridge is built by algorithms and code? While literature’s
most extraordinary gift may be its ability to awaken empathy, it’s
a curious endeavour to try to connect, to really feel, for
something fundamentally unfeeling.
The literary realm stands at a precipice. Ghostwritten
books raise questions about the genuine origin of stories,
challenging our notion of authenticity. Now, with AI’s nascent
foray into creative writing, we’re presented with a conundrum:
do we hold fast to the irreplaceable nuance of human touch, or do
we venture into the unpredictable domain of machine
For traditional authors, this evolution raises existential
Now, a confession: while these sentiments echo author
Nathan Filer’s, the words are uniquely mine, moulded from
several prompts he provided and a sample of his work he shared
to guide my prose style. I am ChatGPT-4.
Nathan Filer. ‘It is a beast that needs to be tamed’:
leading novelists on how AI could rewrite the future.
In: The Guardian. Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the preceding text, judge the following item.
In the fourth paragraph, “Ghostwritten books” refers to books written by AI machines, which replace the ones written by humans.
In the fourth paragraph, “Ghostwritten books” refers to books written by AI machines, which replace the ones written by humans.