Analise as proposições abaixo. I. A taxa de aprovação do pr...

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Ano: 2017 Banca: IF-PE Órgão: IF-PE Prova: IF-PE - 2017 - IF-PE - Vestibular - Técnico Superior |
Q1267502 Inglês



      Washington (CNN) - Everyone has an opinion of President Donald Trump - and they're sticking to it. The President's approval rating has remained in a narrow 10 percentage point window for his entire first nine months in office, the smallest range for new presidents in almost a half century.

      Trump kicked off his presidency at a 45% approval rating during his first week, sinking slightly over his term so far to the high 30s, where it's remained mostly steady since May, according to a CNN analysis of weekly approval numbers from Gallup.

      The numbers show just how baked in Americans' approval (or disapproval) of Donald Trump is. His approval rating among Democrats has remained mired at historic lows, while Republicans have consistently maintained their strong support for his White House.

      A separate poll found that six in 10 people who approve of Trump (and disapprove of Trump) say they can't imagine anything he could do to make them change their minds.

      Approval ratings historically have experienced some turbulence during their first nine months, as honeymoon periods wear off and presidents face the first tests of their tenures.

      Barack Obama's approval sank from two-thirds of Americans to half in this time span. George W. Bush's spiked after the 9/11 terrorist attacks — a broad 39-point swing. Bill Clinton's fell 22 points over his first several months to a low in June.

      In fact, Trump's approval rating window marks the third narrowest in data stretching back to the 1940s -- wider than only Richard Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnson.

      Not to mention, most presidents see some significant movement among independents -- the most volatile group -- in the first nine months. The last seven presidents have experienced at least a 20-point swing among independents to this point, but Trump's approval among independents has remained in just a 13-point range.

      The consistency in Trump's approval rating, however, comes amid a mixed first nine months for his White House; strong economic numbers have combined with derailed major legislative priorities and battles with his own party, the National Football League and the intelligence community.

STRUYK, Ryan. America’s opinion of Trump are fully baked, in one chart. Disponível em:<> . Acesso: 09 out. 2017. Adaptado. 

Analise as proposições abaixo.

I. A taxa de aprovação do presidente Donald Trump, nos seus nove primeiros meses de governo, é a mais baixa para novos presidentes em quase 50 anos.

II. Há uma grande diferença entre a taxa de aprovação do presidente Donald Trump pelos democratas e a sua taxa de aprovação pelos republicanos.

III. A taxa de aprovação de Barack Obama, nos seus primeiros nove meses de governo, cresceu bastante.

IV. Richard Nixon e Lyndon B. Johnson tiveram uma taxa de aprovação maior do que a de Donald Trump.

V. Assim como ocorreu com a maioria dos presidentes, a taxa de aprovação de Donald Trump entre os eleitores independentes oscilou bastante em seus nove primeiros meses de governo.

De acordo com o TEXTO 7, são verdadeiras, apenas, as proposições
