No trecho “And the costs of closure are staggering”, o termo...
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Ano: 2021
VUNESP - 2021 - UNESP - Vestibular- Conhecimentos Gerais - Área de Biológicas |
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*TV and/or radio
Three-quarters of the world’s children live in countries
where classrooms are closed. As lockdowns ease, schools
should be among the first places to reopen. Children seem
to be less likely than adults to catch covid-19. And the costs
of closure are staggering: in the lost productivity of home
schooling parents; and, far more important, in the damage
done to children by lost learning. The costs fall most heavily
on the youngest, who among other things miss out on
picking up social and emotional skills; and on the less welloff, who are less likely to attend online lessons and who may
be missing meals as well as classes. West African children
whose schools were closed during the Ebola epidemic in
2014 are still paying the price.
(, 01.05.2020. Adaptado.)
No trecho “And the costs of closure are staggering”, o termo
sublinhado equivale, em português, a