As medidas de 16 mil quilômetros e 8 mil quilômetros, no tex...
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How INTERPOL supports Brazil to tackle international crime
Brazil is the largest South American country, with 16,000 km of land
border and 8,000 km of coastline to protect against incoming crime. Its
geographic location at the heart of the Americas, and its numerous
maritime ports sitting on transshipment routes to global markets, make it
attractive to organized crime.
The capacity to take investigations beyond this vast expanse of territory
to work with police forces the world over is crucial to safeguarding Brazilian
national security.
The INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB) in Brasilia plays a
fundamental role in protecting the country’s economy, institutions and
businesses against global crime.
(Adaptado de:
Member-countries/Americas/BRAZIL - Acessado em: 05/03/2019.)
As medidas de 16 mil quilômetros e 8 mil quilômetros, no texto, referem-se