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Ano: 2018 Banca: EBMSP Órgão: EBMSP Prova: EBMSP - 2018 - EBMSP - Prosef - 2018.2 - Medicina - 1ª Fase |
Q1334924 Inglês

    The aim of mindfulness is not quieting the mind, or attempting to achieve a state of eternal calm. The goal is simple: we’re aiming to pay attention to the present moment, without judgment. Easier said than done, we know. When we notice judgments arise during our practice, we can make a mental note of them, and let them pass. Return to observing the present moment as it is. That’s the practice. The work is to just keep doing it. Results will accrue.

Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: abr. 2018. Adaptado.
The suitable definition of the phrase “Easier said than done” is
Ano: 2018 Banca: ASPEUR Órgão: FEEVALE Prova: ASPEUR - 2018 - FEEVALE - Vestibular de Verão - Prova Objetiva |
Q1333976 Inglês
The word “marginalized” (line 7) CANNOT be replaced by
Ano: 2015 Banca: Cepros Órgão: CESMAC Prova: Cepros - 2015 - CESMAC - Prova Medicina-2015.2- 1° DIA- PROVA TIPO-2 |
Q1333854 Inglês
Read the text/below/and answer following four questions according to it.

Viagra abuse in teens
There are several reasons why teenagers may experiment with erectile dysfunction medication. Of course, a common reason why teens may be tempted to take an erectile dysfunction (ED) medication is out of sexual curiosity. Teens may mistakenly think that these medications will increase sexual potency, make them somehow “better” sexually, or make them last longer. Premature ejaculation is common in this age group, and they may be hoping to find a pill to help. However, they do not realize that Viagra will not help them last longer.
Beyond sexual curiosity, another major reason why some teenagers may think they want Viagra or other erectile dysfunction drugs is that they may have heard a rumor that it can improve their athletic performance. Research has been discussed in The NY Times and NY Daily News about the use of Viagra to relieve constriction of blood vessels in the lungs, improving blood flow, breathing, and athletic endurance.
Another reason why teens may try Viagra or another erectile medication is to attempt to increase the effect of other drugs or alcohol; despite the fact that this is a very dangerous use of these medications. Sometimes this is also related to sports performance, as someone on steroids may think it will enhance the effect of the steroids, or resolve steroidrelated erectile dysfunction. There have also been reports of teenagers and twentysomethings taking Viagra with alcohol or with Ecstasy (the combination called “Sextasy”), since Ecstasy or alcohol may heighten desire while lessening erectile ability. This dangerous combination could be deadly, and at the very least contributes to a reduction of safer sex practices.
Teenagers, (or anyone of any age who does not have clinically diagnosed erectile dysfunction and a prescription from a doctor), must stay away from Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, or any other erectile dysfunction medication. They can certainly cause physical side effects like dizziness, headache, chest tightness, vision problems including loss of vision, irregular heartbeat, and more severe issues. Teachers and parents must teach teenagers about drugs — and sex.
Adaptado de:  <>
Acessado em 01 de maio de 2015.
In the sentence “…as someone on steroids may think it will enhance the effect of the steroids”, enhance is a synonym of
Ano: 2019 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: SEBRAE - SP Prova: FUNDATEC - 2019 - SEBRAE - SP - Vestibular - Graduação em Administração |
Q1321814 Inglês
Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo:

Do you have Fobo?

Para responder à questão considere, além do texto anterior, as figuras abaixo:

Considere as seguintes assertivas sobre o texto “Do you have Fobo?” e as Figuras 1 e 2:
I. O primeiro texto apresenta argumentos de diferentes fontes, tendo um caráter dissertativo-expositivo. II. As Figuras 1 e 2 têm como objetivo realizar uma crítica geral à sociedade cada vez mais dependente de tecnologias. III. Todos os textos tratam de um tema afim, mas usam recursos comunicativos diferentes.
Quais estão corretas?
Ano: 2019 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: SEBRAE - SP Prova: FUNDATEC - 2019 - SEBRAE - SP - Vestibular - Graduação em Administração |
Q1321813 Inglês
Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo:

Do you have Fobo?

Para responder à questão considere, além do texto anterior, as figuras abaixo:

Analise as afirmações que são feitas sobre as Figuras 1 e 2 e assinale V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas.
( ) Na Figura 1, o pássaro usa a palavra “fear” para se referir, especificamente, ao medo de se fazer uma escolha errada. ( ) Na Figura 2, acredita-se que a escolha entre qual elevador utilizar é difícil, pois ambos possuem características completamente diferentes. Refere-se ao medo de fazer uma escolha errada, que o texto chama de Fobo. ( ) Ambas as figuras tratam de medos que são típicos da sociedade hiperconectada: a primeira é um exemplo de Fomo e a segunda de Fobo.
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é: 
271: C
272: A
273: D
274: D
275: A