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Ano: 2018 Banca: IF Sudeste - MG Órgão: IF Sudeste - MG Prova: IF Sudeste - MG - 2018 - IF Sudeste - MG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1273136 Matemática Financeira
Ana recebeu uma herança e resolveu aplicá-la. Do valor recebido, 60% foram aplicados a juros simples à taxa de 4% ao mês por um ano; os outros 40% também foram aplicados a juros simples por 2 anos à taxa de 18% ao semestre. Sabendo que os juros totais recebidos foram de R$ 57.600,00, qual o valor da herança que Ana recebeu?
Ano: 2018 Banca: IF Sudeste - MG Órgão: IF Sudeste - MG Prova: IF Sudeste - MG - 2018 - IF Sudeste - MG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1273135 Matemática

Dado o triângulo retângulo ABC, conforme apresentado na figura a seguir, o valor de x + y equivale a:

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Ano: 2018 Banca: IF Sudeste - MG Órgão: IF Sudeste - MG Prova: IF Sudeste - MG - 2018 - IF Sudeste - MG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1273134 Raciocínio Lógico
Em um grupo de 100 estudantes, verificou-se que 5 usam as redes sociais twitter, shapchat e Instagram, 15 usam Instagram e shapchat, 10 usam twitter e snapchat, 6 usam twitter e Instagram, 44 usam Instagram, 37 usam twitter e 42 usam shapchat. Qual a probabilidade de um estudante desse grupo não utilizar nenhuma dessas redes sociais?
Ano: 2018 Banca: IF Sudeste - MG Órgão: IF Sudeste - MG Prova: IF Sudeste - MG - 2018 - IF Sudeste - MG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1273132 Inglês

To answer question, read the following text.

The movies that rose from the gave

It may disappear for a while, stay out of sight, out of mind, but sooner or later it will rise again, and no matter what we do, or how hard we try, it will never, ever die. A zombie? Hardly, rather our own fascination with what popular culture now refers to as “the living dead”.

Zombies have dominated mainstream horror for more than half a decade. They’re everywhere: movies, books, videogames, comics, even a new Broadway musical adaptation of Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead. Not only have they replaced previous alpha-monsters such as vampires and werewolves, (1) ___________ are continuing to generate more interest (and revenue) than almost all other creatures put together. Given that several years ago the living dead were considered an obscure and largely underground sub-genre, it would not be an exaggeration to state that they have enjoyed a spectacular rebirth (2) ___________ anything in the history of modern horror.

Where did these creatures come from? Why are they so popular now? And when, if ever, will their reign of terror cease?

(3) ___________ many cultures have their own myths concerning the raising of the dead (one going as far back as the epic of Gilgamesh), the word “zombie” can trace its origins back to west Africa. The legend involves a “houngan” (wizard) using a magical elixir to transform a living human into a mobile, docile and obedient corpse. The fact that this legend is deeply rooted in reality (Haitian zombie powder was discovered to contain a powerful neuro-toxin that caused a live victim to behave like a resurrected corpse) may explain why, when African slaves were brought to the Americas, European colonists also embraced the notion of the living dead.

For several centuries the voodoo zombie remained the staple of tall tales, stage productions, and even early Hollywood movies (4) ___________White Zombie (1932) and I Walked With a Zombie (1943). It wasn’t until 1968 that up-and-coming film maker George A Romero gave us a whole new reason to be afraid. Night of the Living Dead replaced the image of a harmless voodoo-created zombie with a hostile, flesh-eating ghoul that swelled its numbers to pandemic proportions. This new ghoul was the result of science, not magic, specifically radiation from a returning space probe. This new ghoul could, likewise, only be dispatched by a scientific solution: destroying the brain or severing it from the rest of the body. This new ghoul obeyed no one, (5) ___________its own insatiable craving for living, human flesh. In fact, this new ghoul was only referred to throughout the movie as a ghoul. The word zombie was never mentioned.

Available at :<>. Acess on: 23 mar. 2018.

Check the alternative that shows the sequence of words that CORRECTLY fill in the spaces 1-5.

Ano: 2018 Banca: IF Sudeste - MG Órgão: IF Sudeste - MG Prova: IF Sudeste - MG - 2018 - IF Sudeste - MG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1273131 Inglês

Read the article “The Olympic Games”, to answer question.

The Olympic Games

The ancient Olympic Games were originally a festival, or celebration of and for Zeus; later, events such as a footrace, a javelin contest, and wrestling matches were added. The Olympic Games were a series of athletic competitions among representatives of city-states and one of the Panhellenic Games of ancient Greece. They were held in honor of Zeus, and the Greeks gave them a mythological origin. The first Olympics is traditionally dated to 776 BC. They continued to be celebrated when Greece came under Roman rule, until the emperor Theodosius I suppressed them in AD 393 as part of the campaign to impose Christianity as the State religion of Rome. The games were held every four years, or olympiad, which became a unit of time in historical chronologies.

During the celebration of the games, an Olympic Truce was enacted so that athletes could travel from their cities to the games in safety. The prizes for the victors were olive leaf wreaths or crowns. The games became a political tool used by city-states to assert dominance over their rivals. Politicians would announce political alliances at the games, and in times of war, priests would offer sacrifices to the gods for victory. The games were also used to help spread Hellenistic culture throughout the Mediterranean. The Olympics also featured religious celebrations. The statue of Zeus at Olympia was counted as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Sculptors and poets would congregate each olympiad to display their works of art to would-be patrons.

The ancient Olympics had fewer events than the modern games, and only freeborn Greek men were allowed to participate, although there were victorious women chariot owners. As long as they met the entrance criteria, athletes from any Greek citystate and kingdom were allowed to participate, although the Hellanodikai, the officials in charge, allowed king Alexander I of Macedon to participate in the games only after he had proven his Greek ancestry. The games were always held at Olympia rather than moving between different locations as is the practice with the modern Olympic Games. Victors at the Olympics were honored, and their feats chronicled for future generations.

Available at:<> . Access on: 23 mar. 2018.

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71: C
72: E
73: C
74: B
75: D