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British Government to Recruit Teens as Next Generation of Spies
In the 50 years since the first James Bond movie created a lasting impression of a British secret agent, a completely different character is about to emerge. Britain’s intelligence agencies are to recruit their next generation of cyber spies by harnessing the talents of the “Xbox generation”.
In an expansion of a pilot program, Foreign Secretary William Hague announced Thursday that up to 100 18-year-olds will be given the chance to train for a career in Britain’s secret services. The move to recruit school-leavers marks a break with the past, when agencies mainly drew their staff from among university graduates.
“Young people are the key to our country’s future success, just as they were during the War”, Hague said. “Today we are not at war, but I see evidence every day of deliberate, organized attacks against intellectual property and government networks in the United Kingdom.”
The new recruitment program, called the Single Intelligence Account apprenticeship scheme will enable students with suitable qualifications in science, technology or engineering, to spend two years learning about communications, security and engineering through formal education, technical training and work placements.
JEARY, P. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 nov. 2012.
Segundo informações veiculadas pela NBC News, a
geração digital já tem seu espaço conquistado nas
agências britânicas de inteligência. O governo britânico
decidiu que
One of the things that made an incredible impression on me in the film was Frida’s comfort in and celebration of her own unique beauty. She didn’t try to fit into conventional ideas or images about womanhood or what makes someone or something beautiful. Instead, she fully inhabited her own unique gifts, not particularly caring what other people thought. She was magnetic and beautiful in her own right. She painted for years, not to be a commercial success or to be discovered, but to express her own inner pain, joy, family, love and culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who she was. The trueness of her own unique vision and her ability to stand firmly in her own truth was what made her successful in the end.
HUTZLER, L. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 maio 2013.
A autora desse comentário sobre o filme Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a pintora
Newvaccine could fight nicotine addiction
Cigarette smokers who are having trouble quitting because of nicotine's addictive power may some day be able to receive a novel antibody-producing vaccine to help them kick the habit.
The average cigarette contains about 4 000 different chemicals that — when burned and inhaled — cause the serious health problems associated with smoking. But it is the nicotine in cigarettes that, like other addictive substances, stimulates rewards centers in the brain and hooks smokers to the pleasurable but dangerous routine.
Ronald Crystal, who chairs the department of genetic medicine at Weill-Cornell Medical College in New York, where researchers are developing a nicotine vaccine, said the idea is to stimulate the smoker's immune system to produce antibodies or immune proteins to destroy the nicotine molecule before it reaches the brain.
BERMAN, J. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2012.
Muitas pessoas tentam parar de fumar, mas fracassam e sucumbem ao vício. Na tentativa de ajudar os fumantes, pesquisadores da Weill-Cornell Medical College estão desenvolvendo uma vacina que
Anúncios publicitários buscam chamar a atenção do
consumidor por meio de recursos diversos. Nesse pôster,
os números indicados correspondem ao(à)
Mauritius: gender roles and statuses
Division of Labor by Gender. The economic success of industry has led to low unemployment rates. This has changed the workplace and home life as women joined the workforce. This industrialization also led to women being promoted faster. According to the Minister of Women, Family Welfare, and Child Development, a quarter of all managers are now women.
Women are the traditional homekeepers of the society. Between 1985 and 1991 the number of women working outside the home increased from 22 percent to 41 percent. With that trend continuing, hired housekeeping and child care have become relatively new and important industries.
The Relative Status of Women and Men. Historically, women have had subordinate roles in Mauritian society. However, the Constitution specifically prohibits discrimination based on sex, and women now have access to education, employment, and governmental services.
In March 1998 the Domestic Violence Act was passed. This gave greater protection and legal authority to combat domestic abuse. In that same year it also became a crime to abandon one's family or pregnant spouse for more than two months, not to pay food support, or to engage in sexual harassment.
Women are underrepresented in the government. The National Assembly has seventy seats, of which women hold five.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 fev. 2013.
Bansky é um grafiteiro famoso. Na obra pintada em um
muro da cidade de Claremont, Califórnia, em 2007, ele
fez uso de um trocadilho com a palavra “change”, o que
caracteriza seu grafite como um protesto contra a
A campanha desse pôster, direcionada aos croatas, tem
como propósito
Ebony and ivory
Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?
We all know that people are the same wherever we go
There is good and bad in ev'ryone,
We learn to live, we learn to give
Each other what we need to survive together alive
McCARTNEY, P Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 maio 2016.
Em diferentes épocas e lugares, compositores têm utilizado seu espaço de produção musical para expressar e problematizar perspectivas de mundo. Paul McCartney, na letra dessa canção, defende
Italian university switches to English
By Sean Coughlan, BBC News education correspondent
16 May 2012 Last updated at 09:49 GMT
Milan is crowded with Italian icons, which makes it even more of a cultural earthquake that one of Italy's leading universities — the Politecnico di Milano — is going to switch to the English language. The university has announced that from 2014 most of its degree courses — including all its graduate courses — will be taught and assessed entirely in English rather than Italian.
The waters of globalisation are rising around higher education — and the university believes that if it remains Italian-speaking it risks isolation and will be unable to compete as an international institution. “We strongly believe our classes should be international classes — and the only way to have international classes is to use the English language”, says the university’s rector, Giovanni Azzone.
COUGHLAN, S. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jul. 2012.
Orientações à população são encontradas também em
sites oficiais. Ao clicar no endereço eletrônico mencionado
no cartaz disponível na internet, o leitor tem acesso aos(às)
Frankentissue: printable cell technology
In November, researchers from the University of Wollongong in Australia announced a new bio-ink that is a step toward really printing living human tissue on an inkjet printer. It is like printing tissue dot-by-dot. A drop of bioink contains 10,000 to 30,000 cells. The focus of much of this research is the eventual production of tailored tissues suitable for surgery, like living Band-Aids, which could be printed on the inkjet.
However, it is still nearly impossible to effectively replicate nature’s ingenious patterns on a home Office accessory. Consider that the liver is a series of globules, the kidney a set of pyramids. Those kinds of structures demand 3D printers that can build them up, layer by layer. At the moment, skin and other flat tissues are most promising for the inkjet.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 dez. 2012
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As instituições públicas fazem uso de avisos como instrumento de comunicação com o cidadão. Esse aviso, voltado a passageiros, tem o objetivo de
For decades, researchers have been exploring just how unreliable our own memories are. Not only is memory fickle when we access it, but it's also quite easily subverted and rewritten. Combine this susceptibility with modem image-editing software at our fingertips like Photoshop, and it's a recipe for disaster. In a world where we can witness news and world events as they unfold, fake images surround us, and our minds accept these pictures as real, and remember them later. These fake memories don't just distort how we see our past, they affect our current and future behaviour too - from what we eat, to how we protest and vote. The problem is there's virtually nothing we can do to stop it.
Old memories seem to be the easiest to manipulate. In one study, subjects were showed images from their childhood. Along with real images, researchers snuck in manipulated photographs of the subject taking a hotair balloon ride with his or her family. After seeing those images, 50% of subjects recalled some part of that hot-air balloon ride - though the event was entirely made up.
EVELETH, R. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jan. 2013 (adaptado).
A reportagem apresenta consequências do uso de novas tecnologias para a mente humana. Nesse contexto, a memória das pessoas é influenciada pelo(a)
ANZALDÚA, G. E. Speaking in tongues: a letter to third world women writers. In: HERNANDEZ, J. B. (Ed.). Women w riting resistance: essays on Latin America and the Caribbean. Boston: South End, 2003.
Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa, falecida em 2004, foi uma escritora americana de origem mexicana que escreveu sobre questões culturais e raciais. Na citação, o intuito da autora é evidenciar as
Na tira da série For better or for worse, a comunicação entre as personagens fica comprometida em um determinado momento porque
Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 ago. 2012.
Produções artístico-culturais revelam visões de mundo próprias de um grupo social. Esse poema demonstra a estreita relação entre a tradição oral da cultura indígena norte-americana e a
PARIS — It happens all the time: during an airport delay the man to the left, a Korean perhaps, starts talking to the man opposite, who might be Colombian, and soon they are chatting away in what seems to be English. But the native English speaker sitting between them cannot understand a word.
They don't know it, but the Korean and the Colombian are speaking Globish, the latest addition to the 6,800 languages that are said to be spoken across the world. Not that its inventor, Jean-Paul Nerrière, considers it a proper language.
“It is not a language, it is a tool,” he says. “A language is the vehicle of a culture. Globish doesn't want to be that at all. It is a means of communication.”
Nerrière doesn't see Globish in the same light as utopian efforts such as Kosmos, Volapuk, Novial or staunch Esperanto. Nor should it be confused with barbaric Algol (for Algorithmic language). It is a sort of English lite: a means of simplifying the language and giving it rules so it can be understood by all.
BLUME, M. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 out. 2013 (fragmento).
Considerando as ideias apresentadas no texto, o Globish (Global English) é uma variedade da língua inglesa que
A internet tem servido a diferentes interesses, ampliando, muitas vezes, o contato entre pessoas e instituições. Um exemplo disso é o site WeFeedback, no qual a internauta Kate Watts
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 nov. 2011 (fragmento).
Estes são os versos finais do famoso poema The Road Not Taken, do poeta americano Robert Frost. Levando-se em consideração que a vida é comumente metaforizada como uma viagem, esses versos indicam que o autor
Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks.
You that never done nothin’
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly.
Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain.
BOB DYLAN. The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan. Nova York: Columbia Records, 1963 (fragmento)
Na letra da canção Masters of War, há questionamentos e reflexões que aparecem na forma de protesto contra