Questões Militares de Inglês - Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

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Q574626 Inglês
What do police officers do? 
By Emma Woolley 

    The primary responsibility of police officers is to protect the public, or if commissioned, the person, group or organization to which they are assigned. Through detecting and preventing crime, police officers strive to maintain law and order in their respective jurisdictions. 
    Most new police officers work in general duty in patrol divisions, which provides a broad range of experiences and assignments. General duty policing involves patrolling assigned areas to enforce laws, protect public safety, and arrest criminal suspects – either by car, foot, bicycle, or in some cases, horse. 
    Police officers can also do some or all of the following: Investigate accidents and crime scenes; secure evidence and interview witnesses; testify in court; collect notes and reports; provide emergency assistance to victims of natural disasters, crime, and accidents; engage in crime prevention, safety, and public information programs; participate in media relations; and supervise and manage the work of other police officers. 
    Working as a police officer can be one of the most diverse career experiences, as specializations ranging in the hundreds are available. With a few years of service (usually four or more), he or she can move into areas such as criminal identification, drug investigations, sexual assault, fraud, major case and/or crime management, surveillance, aircraft security, explosives disposal, police dog services, and many more. 
    Police officers must be available for shift work at any time of day and any day of the week, including holidays. Shifts tend to be longer than the standard eight-hour office day. Even though many regular police duties are routine in nature, the job can also be dangerous, as well as physically and emotionally stressful. 
( what-do-police-officers-do. Adaptado)
In the last sentence from the text – Even though many regular police duties are routine in nature… – the phrase in bold expresses a relationship of
Q572932 Inglês
Which of the options completes the sentence correctly?
People who are middle-aged and older tend to know more than young adults ________ they have been around longer, and score higher on vocabulary tests, crossword puzzles and other measures of so-called crystallized intelligence.
(Adapted from
Q572740 Inglês
A Chief engineer was reading a manual in order to confirm the procedures for reaction to an oil mist alarm, or other alarms that could lead to the oil mist situation and he found the following instruction: Reduce engine power/pitch down to slow-down levei, if this is not an automatic function. This will drastically reduce the load on the engine bearings, and hence the production of oil mist. The word underlined can be replaced by:
Q571100 Inglês
“we not only lose most of the pleasure […] but also damage our health." (l. 5-7)

In this sentence, the words in bold, not only…but also, express
Q548688 Inglês

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                                  What is organized crime?

      Organized crime was characterised by the United Nations, in 1994, as: “group organization to commit crime; hierarchical links or personal relationships which permit leaders to control the group: violence, intimidation and corruption used to earn profits or control territories or markets; laundering of illicit proceeds both in furtherance of criminal activity and to infiltrate the legitimate economy; the potential for expansion into any new activities and beyond national borders; and cooperation with other organized transnational criminal groups.” 

       It is increasingly global. Although links between, for example, mafia groups in Italy and the USA have existed for decades, new and rapid means of communication have facilitated the development of international networks. Some build on shared linguistic or cultural ties, such as a network trafficking drugs and human organs, which links criminal gangs in Mozambique, Portugal, Brazil, Pakistan, Dubai and South Africa. Others bring together much less likely groups, such as those trafficking arms, drugs and people between South Africa, Nigeria, Pakistan and Russia, or those linking the Russian mafia with Colombian cocaine cartels or North American criminal gangs with the Japanese Yakuza. Trafficked commodities may pass from group to group along the supply chain; for instance heroin in Italy has traditionally been produced in Afghanistan, transported by Turks, distributed by Albanians, and sold by Italians.

Organized crime exploits profit opportunities wherever they arise. Globalization of financial markets, with free movement of goods and capital, has facilitated smuggling of counterfeit goods (in part a reflection of the creation of global brands), internet fraud, and money-laundering. On the other hand, organized crime also takes advantage of the barriers to free movement of people across national borders and the laws against non-medicinal use of narcotics: accordingly it earns vast profits in smuggling migrants and psychoactive drugs. Briquet and Favarel have identified deregulation and the “rolling back of the state” in some countries as creating lacunae that have been occupied by profiteers. The political changes in Europe in the late 1980s fuelled the growth in criminal networks, often involving former law enforcement officers. Failed states, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo or Sierra Leone, have provided further opportunities as criminal gangs smuggle arms in and commodities out, for example diamonds, gold, and rare earth metals, often generating violence against those involved in the trade and in the surrounding communities. Finally, there are a few states, such as the Democratic Republic of Korea and Burma and Guinea-Bissau (once described as a narco-state) where politicians have been alleged to have played an active role in international crime.

       Organized criminal gangs have strong incentives. Compared with legitimate producers, they have lower costs of production due to the ability to disregard quality and safety standards, tax obligations, minimum wages or employee benefits. Once established, they may threaten or use violence to eliminate competitors, and can obtain favourable treatment by regulatory authorities either through bribes or threats.

                                                                               ( Adaptado)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – Trafficked commodities may pass from group to group along the supply chain; for instance heroin in Italy has traditionally been produced in Afghanistan, transported by Turks, distributed by Albanians, and sold by Italians. – a expressão for instance pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por
131: D
132: D
133: A
134: C
135: A