Questões Militares de Inglês - Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

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Q819802 Inglês

Read the sentences below.

I- I work hardly every day.

II- My classmates speak French very well.

III- Ana drives incredibly fast.

IV- Our father is a very carefully driver.

Choose the option according to the correct use of the adverbs and modifiers.

Q816578 Inglês
Read the movie review below and ans wer question.                            The Cutting Edge Skating fans, listen up! The Cutting Edge is a romantic movie with _____ skaters. The stars are practicing for the Winter Olympics. Kate Mosely looks _______ on the ice, but she isn’t a _______ person. All her partners leave _____. Then her coach introduces her to Doug Dorsey. Doug was a hockey star, so he skates well. At first, they argue. To Kate, Doug is the wrong choice (he is not a dancer). To Doug, ice dancing isn’t a serious sport. Adapted from: Grammar Express Basic – For Self-Study and Classroom Use.
Choose the best alternative that completes the blanks with adjectives or adverbs. 
Q816568 Inglês

Read the synopsis and answer question.


A similar meaning to “as”, in bold type in the passage, is
Ano: 2017 Banca: IDECAN Órgão: CBM-DF Provas: IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Serviço Social | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Engenharia Civil | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Enfermagem | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Nutrição | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Psiquiatria | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Medicina do Trabalho | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Pediatria | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Engenharia Elétrica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Engenharia Mecânica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Radiologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Biblioteconomia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Arquivologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Museologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Cirurgião-Dentista Endodontia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Cirurgião-Dentista Odontopediatria | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Cirurgião-Dentista Periodontia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Fisioterapia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Farmácia-Bioquímica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Psicologia Clínica | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Complementar Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Anestesiologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Cardiologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Cirurgia Vascular | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Ginecologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Ortopedia e Traumatologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Proctologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Otorrinolaringologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Reumatologia | IDECAN - 2017 - CBM-DF - 2º Tenente - Médico Urologia |
Q780397 Inglês

                           How things work: 100 scientific explanations

      Preservation property has always been important to humans. Historians in the ninth century were the first to record the use of varnish, a protective liquid composed of resins, natural oils, and alcohol, among other ingredients. Furniture makers learned that if they painted coats of the stuff on a piece of furniture or wood floor, it made it impervious to liquids and their damage and shielded it from normal wear and tear. And the makers liked the shine furniture had after it was varnished.

      Varnish comes in many formulations. Some are oil based, using linseed or tung oil, while others are water-based. Varnish cures, or dries, on what it’s painted, creating a glossy, clear film on the surface. Some oil-based varnishes can turn to a yellowish color; water-based varieties do not. Wood must be carefully cleaned and sanded before any varnish is applied. Several coats are often required. All varnishes contain resins — terpenes with five-carbon molecules called isoprenes and also include a drying oil or solvent to reduce drying time.

     Although furniture and flooors are still the most frequently varnished items, the wooden hulls of boats are also often varnished. Clear nail polish, a type of varnish, can be used for countless small fixes: dab small amounts to keep splintered wood from snagging, prevent ink from running, and stop buttons on clothing or screws on sunglasses from coming loose.

           (National Geographic Special Publication “How Things Work” Adapted.)

In “Although furniture ... varnished items” ALTHOUGH does NOT mean:
Q754421 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto a seguir:

Marque a opção em que o item sublinhado NÃO é classificado como um advérbio.
36: C
37: D
38: A
39: B
40: D