Questões Militares Comentadas sobre aspectos linguísticos | linguistic aspects em inglês

Foram encontradas 233 questões

Q267285 Inglês
When learners foreignize words (pronounce them as if was an L2 word), which competence are they resorting to?
Q267268 Inglês
In a writing lesson, teacher needs to deploy some or all of the usual roles. However, three of them are especially important. These roles are:
Q267248 Inglês
"The teacher stands outside a circle of students and helps them say what they want to say by translating, suggesting or amending the students' utterances. These utterances are recorded so that they can be analyzed later." This paragraph describes a lesson given according to the principles of:
Q267239 Inglês
Choose the alternative that collacates with the verb to do:
Q267221 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative:

I. The articulatos above the larynx are: pharynx; velum; hard palate; alveolar ridge; tongue and teeth.
II. There are 11 vowel sounds in American English, 6 short and 5 long.
III. Cardinal vowels are a standart reference system, not being the vowels of any particular language.
Q267220 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative:
Q267215 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative:
Q267214 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative.
Q267213 Inglês
World Englishes and ELF have created a dilemma for English teachers, especially those in non-speaking English countries. This dilemma involves mainly the teaching of:
Q267212 Inglês
Choose the alternative that correctly names the parts of speech of the sentence below:
The – principal – sent – them – to – her – office – immediately.
Q267209 Inglês
Choose the alternative in which all the words have the same final sound:
Q245786 Inglês

Match the technique for encouraging motivation with the general advice on motivation, Then choose the altemative that shows the correct sequence,


1. Encourage leamer autonomy

2. Find out what students think

3. Make your feedback positive and constructive.

4. Build variety into your teaching.


( ) Give comments on students work which are helpful and enable them to feel a sense of progress.

( ) Choose activities that different students can respond to in different ways, for example, making posters or writing poems.

( ) Train students to use reference resources to help them study successfully on their own. 

Q245785 Inglês
School-age children and adults require different approaches to teaching. Write "C" (children) if the statement below describes a category for teaching children and "A" (adult) if it describes a category for teaching adults or "B" if it applies to both. Then, choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct sequence.

( ) Don't explain grammar using terms like "relative clause" or " present perfect".
( ) Context-reduced language can be used temporarily.
( ) Certain more difficult concepts or pattern require more repetition.
( ) Activities should be designed to capture their immediate interest.
( ) Use a variety of activities to keep interest and attention alive.
Q245784 Inglês

Match each school of thought in second language acquisition to its corresponding themes. Then, choose the alternative that shows the right sequence.


1. Structuralism and Behaviorism

2. Rationalism and Cognitive psychology

3. Constructivism 


( ) Innateness.

( ) Observable performance.

( ) Conditioning. 

( ) Universal grammar.

( ) Interlanguage variability.

( ) Interactive discourse. 

Q245783 Inglês
Which of the following statements describes a listening bottom-up processing goal?
Q245782 Inglês

Match the learning strategy types with an example and choose the alternative that shows the correct sequence.


1. Memory strategy 

2. Compensation strategy

3. Affective strategy

4. Social strategy


( ) Asking for correction.

( ) Making positive statements.

( ) Coining words.

( ) Using imagery.

( ) Grouping.

( ) Using mime or gesture.

( ) Taking risks wisely.

( ) Cooperating with others. 

Q245781 Inglês
Mark the alternative that is an example of a metacognitive strategy.
Q245780 Inglês

Say whether the following statements are true "T" or false "F" about English as lingua franca ELF and then choose the alternative that shows the correct sequence.

( ) When English is used as a lingua franca, the speakers share the same LI and English is not their mother tongue.

( ) The non-use of the third person present simple tense -s is one of the characteristics of ELF.

( ) Non-native speakers of English seem to be better at ELF communication than native speakers are. 

Q245779 Inglês

Match the type of syllabus on the left to a syllabus item on the right. Then, choose the correct alternative.


1. Grammatical 

2. Notional-functional 

3. Content-based

4. Task-based 


( ) Express likes and dislikes.

( ) Simple present.

( ) Say hello formally and informally. 

( ) Listen to the weather forecast and decide what to wear.

( ) Addition and subtraction. 

( ) Answer a phone call and take a message. 

Q245776 Inglês

Complete the statement below with the words from the box. Then, mark the correct alternative.

"In order to ensure a positive class atmosphere teachers should________ and_________."

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

181: B
182: C
183: D
184: A
185: D
186: A
187: C
188: B
189: E
190: C
191: E
192: C
193: A
194: C
195: B
196: E
197: A
198: D
199: C
200: D