Questões Militares Comentadas sobre aspectos linguísticos | linguistic aspects em inglês

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Q245771 Inglês
Which of the reading strategies below is related to bottom-up procedures?
Q245766 Inglês
Despite the differences among the appraoches to teaching English, there are a few similarities. Choose the alternative that describes a similarity among them.
Q245764 Inglês
Chose the alternative that correctly collocates with the verbs below.

make - take - receive - return
Q245763 Inglês
Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentence below:

Ok! I'll ___________ an exception for you.
Q245762 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative.
Q245758 Inglês
Write "T" if the sentence is true or "F" is the sentence is false and choose the alternative that represents the correct sequence.

( ) The simple aspect refers to events that are not presented as allowing for future development.
( ) The core meaning of the perfect aspect is "prior", used in relation to some other point in time.
( ) The progressive aspect refers to events that are incomplete or limited.
Q245756 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative.
Q245755 Inglês
Choose the alternative that correctly identifies the head of the noun phrase in brackets.

We really like [the amusing stories he tells] .
Q245753 Inglês
Choose the alternative that correctly shows the missing words in the sentence below:

The teacher explained ____________.
Q245748 Inglês
According to place and manner of articulation the consonant p is classified as:
Q245665 Inglês
Choose the alternative that shows the correct question for the answer below:

Joana likes her school very much.
Q191563 Inglês
Choose the best reply to this statement.
Mary: I have all the books the teacher told us about last class.

You:___________ (1) .
Q191559 Inglês
Which of the alternatives below completes the text correctly?

"Some people believe that if we are ___________ (1) that they're really, really ________ (2) in our school this will get them off the wait list."
Q191556 Inglês
Which alternative is grammatically correct?
Q190804 Inglês
Which sequence best completes the conversation below?
Jane: Did you paint your bedroom when you (1) ______ to your new flat?
Mary: Yes, I did.
Jane: But did you do it yourself or did you call a painter?
Mary: Oh, I don't think I'd able to do it myself. I (2) _______ my bedroom (3) _______ .

Q190803 Inglês
Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?
I don't mind paying to go to the dentist or_______ my eyes ______.

Q190802 Inglês
Choose the best reply to this statement.
Carol : I got caught up in the traffic.
You : ______________.

Q190795 Inglês
Which alternative expresses the same idea as this sentence?
The Superwoman has been replaced by a "real woman".

Q175818 Inglês
Which of the alternatives below is an example of a cognitive strategy?
Q175812 Inglês
Although computers are useful adjuncts in second language learning there are still things they cannot accomplish. Choose the alternative which describes such things.
201: D
202: D
203: E
204: B
205: B
206: B
207: A
208: B
209: A
210: E
211: D
212: D
213: D
214: B
215: E
216: A
217: D
218: B
219: B
220: E