Questões Militares Comentadas sobre aspectos linguísticos | linguistic aspects em inglês

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Q676278 Inglês

                                                         TEXT III

        A new Aviation English Test Speaks of Pilots’ voices and aviation safety

In addition ___(1) the development ___(2) various tests ___(3) response ___(4) the ICAO’s language proficiency requirement, a new test has been designed using flight simulators, ___(5) consideration of both the test takers and the ICAO’s fundamental focus ___(6) aviation safety. The test provides a familiar and work-related testing environment ___ (7) pilots, an efficient and cost-effective test system ___(8) airlines, and international credibility and valid evaluation tools to states, while fully covering both aviation and plain English Assessment needs.

                         (Jason Park and Tyler Kong ALTEON Training Asia LLC Seoul, Korea.) 

“The test provides a familiar and work-related…” Choose the alternative in which the word “familiar” is used correctly.

I. I have a familiar crisis going on presently.

II. I am very familiar with all my in-laws.

III. The witch and her familiar are by the fire.

IV. The duke and his familiars are heading to Paris.

Q676273 Inglês

                                                         TEXT III

        A new Aviation English Test Speaks of Pilots’ voices and aviation safety

In addition ___(1) the development ___(2) various tests ___(3) response ___(4) the ICAO’s language proficiency requirement, a new test has been designed using flight simulators, ___(5) consideration of both the test takers and the ICAO’s fundamental focus ___(6) aviation safety. The test provides a familiar and work-related testing environment ___ (7) pilots, an efficient and cost-effective test system ___(8) airlines, and international credibility and valid evaluation tools to states, while fully covering both aviation and plain English Assessment needs.

                         (Jason Park and Tyler Kong ALTEON Training Asia LLC Seoul, Korea.) 

According to this paragraph the target professionals to be tested are
Q676270 Inglês

                                                     TEXT II

                                      LANGUAGE TEACHING

Languages are taught and learned in various places, some in informal settings, others in formal contexts, such as classrooms. It is common knowledge that regardless of the method used, second language learners achieve mastery of the target language to varying degrees. Although 10 individuals may be in the same language class for a year, their eventual proficiency level and profile will be different from one another. This is the result of a combination of the factors briefly mentioned above, compounded with the pedagogical methods that the learner has encountered. Generally speaking, it can be stated that most individuals learn to communicate basic information through a conversation in the target language in the first few years of active language study (provided that there are opportunities to use the language to create personal meaning). It is important to note that mere exposure or contact with the target language in most cases is not sufficient to result in productive language skills.


This is a result of a combination of the factors briefly mentioned above” (sentence 04) is a sentence in which the subject is clearly in evidence. Now, mark the alternative in which the underlined word(s) is the subject.

I. Who is the pilot that flew the TAM aircraft which burnet out in São Paulo?

I. Who is the pilot that flew the TAM aircraft which burnet out in São Paulo?

III. What was responsible for the TAM aircraft crash in São Paulo?

IV. What was responsible for the TAM aircraft crash in São Paulo?

Q676268 Inglês

                                                     TEXT II

                                      LANGUAGE TEACHING

Languages are taught and learned in various places, some in informal settings, others in formal contexts, such as classrooms. It is common knowledge that regardless of the method used, second language learners achieve mastery of the target language to varying degrees. Although 10 individuals may be in the same language class for a year, their eventual proficiency level and profile will be different from one another. This is the result of a combination of the factors briefly mentioned above, compounded with the pedagogical methods that the learner has encountered. Generally speaking, it can be stated that most individuals learn to communicate basic information through a conversation in the target language in the first few years of active language study (provided that there are opportunities to use the language to create personal meaning). It is important to note that mere exposure or contact with the target language in most cases is not sufficient to result in productive language skills.


In the sentence “…it can be stated that most individuals learn to communicate basic information…” we have a general example of the use of the verb learn which can
Q676266 Inglês

                                                     TEXT II

                                      LANGUAGE TEACHING

Languages are taught and learned in various places, some in informal settings, others in formal contexts, such as classrooms. It is common knowledge that regardless of the method used, second language learners achieve mastery of the target language to varying degrees. Although 10 individuals may be in the same language class for a year, their eventual proficiency level and profile will be different from one another. This is the result of a combination of the factors briefly mentioned above, compounded with the pedagogical methods that the learner has encountered. Generally speaking, it can be stated that most individuals learn to communicate basic information through a conversation in the target language in the first few years of active language study (provided that there are opportunities to use the language to create personal meaning). It is important to note that mere exposure or contact with the target language in most cases is not sufficient to result in productive language skills.


In the extract of sentence “(Languages are learned in places)… such as classrooms (sentence 01).” We have an example of the use of such as. Choose the alternative in which such as is used correctly.
Q676265 Inglês

                                                     TEXT II

                                      LANGUAGE TEACHING

Languages are taught and learned in various places, some in informal settings, others in formal contexts, such as classrooms. It is common knowledge that regardless of the method used, second language learners achieve mastery of the target language to varying degrees. Although 10 individuals may be in the same language class for a year, their eventual proficiency level and profile will be different from one another. This is the result of a combination of the factors briefly mentioned above, compounded with the pedagogical methods that the learner has encountered. Generally speaking, it can be stated that most individuals learn to communicate basic information through a conversation in the target language in the first few years of active language study (provided that there are opportunities to use the language to create personal meaning). It is important to note that mere exposure or contact with the target language in most cases is not sufficient to result in productive language skills.


In the sentence: “Languages are taught and learned in various places…(line 01)”, mark the alternative in which the forms of the word “various” are presented correctly, as well as its grammar classification
Q676255 Inglês

                                                          TEXTO I


      Far from diminishing the human element in the learning process, the advent of computer technology as an integral part of language learning provides an opportunity to reflect upon and implement principles that enhance the learner’s status and expand the teacher’s role.

      Most teachers would probably agree on how:

•        Respecting learners` particular needs and learning habits increases their learning potential;

•        Learner self-esteem and involvement foster learning efficiency; and

•        The best use of a teacher’s time is not to teach vocabulary and grammar or provide listening practice, but to foster speech production and live interaction.

      Now, paradoxically, the use of computer technology can enable precisely these features to be developed by providing the means to create a learning environment in which each learner or learning group can select speed, level and content to suit their specific learning needs and styles.

      ‘Guided freedom would be a feature of intelligent CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning), where the program would make suggestions, but the learner would make the choices.’ (Warschauer & Healey 1998)

      At the same time, the teacher’s role expands beyond being a provider and assessor of knowledge and know-how (i.e. someone in front of the class) to being also a coordinator of media and a tutor (i.e. someone who is also in the midst of his/her learners).

      Teachers become freer to use their time more efficiently by devoting their time to:

•           Facilitating communicative oral activities;

•           Assisting those learners who need their support most; and

•           Discussing effective learning strategies.

      Experience shows how the proper use of technological tools can be an extraordinary means of generating peer discussion, knowledge exchange, curiosity, motivation and relaxation: all prerequisites of effective learning.

      These values are inherent in the content-based, blended-learning English for Aviation Safety courseware designed by AES. The flexibility, availability and depth of relevant informational content of its web-based training mean that learners come to the classroom for the Intensive Speaking Seminars ready to use their time to the full in communicative interaction, putting into practice the skills, knowledge and know-how they have acquired at their own pace.

      Especially for pilots and controllers, learning English is not primarily about learning a language; it is learning how to perform certain essential functions in English in a timely and efficient manner.

Philip Shawcross is Director of Training Curriculum at AES.

                * ICAO Document 9835: Manual on the Implementation of the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements 

Mark the sentences in which the idea introduced by the underlined word is correctly described.

I. “… the advent of computer technology as an integral part of language learning provides an opportunity…”

- exemplification -

II. “Guided freedom would be a feature of intelligent CALL, where the program would make suggestions,…”

- situation –

III. “…someone who is also in the midst of his/her learners.”

- addition -

IV. “Far from diminishing the human element in the learning process…”

- contradiction –

V. “…not to teach vocabulary and grammar or provide listening practice, but to foster speech production and live interaction.”

- addition –

Q676253 Inglês

                                                          TEXTO I


      Far from diminishing the human element in the learning process, the advent of computer technology as an integral part of language learning provides an opportunity to reflect upon and implement principles that enhance the learner’s status and expand the teacher’s role.

      Most teachers would probably agree on how:

•        Respecting learners` particular needs and learning habits increases their learning potential;

•        Learner self-esteem and involvement foster learning efficiency; and

•        The best use of a teacher’s time is not to teach vocabulary and grammar or provide listening practice, but to foster speech production and live interaction.

      Now, paradoxically, the use of computer technology can enable precisely these features to be developed by providing the means to create a learning environment in which each learner or learning group can select speed, level and content to suit their specific learning needs and styles.

      ‘Guided freedom would be a feature of intelligent CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning), where the program would make suggestions, but the learner would make the choices.’ (Warschauer & Healey 1998)

      At the same time, the teacher’s role expands beyond being a provider and assessor of knowledge and know-how (i.e. someone in front of the class) to being also a coordinator of media and a tutor (i.e. someone who is also in the midst of his/her learners).

      Teachers become freer to use their time more efficiently by devoting their time to:

•           Facilitating communicative oral activities;

•           Assisting those learners who need their support most; and

•           Discussing effective learning strategies.

      Experience shows how the proper use of technological tools can be an extraordinary means of generating peer discussion, knowledge exchange, curiosity, motivation and relaxation: all prerequisites of effective learning.

      These values are inherent in the content-based, blended-learning English for Aviation Safety courseware designed by AES. The flexibility, availability and depth of relevant informational content of its web-based training mean that learners come to the classroom for the Intensive Speaking Seminars ready to use their time to the full in communicative interaction, putting into practice the skills, knowledge and know-how they have acquired at their own pace.

      Especially for pilots and controllers, learning English is not primarily about learning a language; it is learning how to perform certain essential functions in English in a timely and efficient manner.

Philip Shawcross is Director of Training Curriculum at AES.

                * ICAO Document 9835: Manual on the Implementation of the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements 

“The use of computer technology can enable precisely these features to be developed by providing measures…” All the sentences below can replace the extract underlined in the sentence, except for:
Q670220 Inglês
Tomorrow I’m going to ______________ at the hairdresser’s.
Q670219 Inglês
All teachers are ________ to 30 vacation days a year.
Q670215 Inglês
Internships have value, ________ or not students are paid.
Q670213 Inglês
Not alone __________ the race, but she also beat the record.
Q670210 Inglês
No sooner had we arrived at the beach, _________ it began pouring down.
Q670208 Inglês

Para a questão, encontram-se em destaque cinco termos ou expressões. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego está incorreto

You must serve at least five years of active duty and three years in a Reserve Component, a total of eight years, after your graduate. The active duty obligation is the nation's return on a West Point graduate's fully funded, four-year college education that is valued in excess of $225,000.
Q670207 Inglês

Para a questão, encontram-se em destaque cinco termos ou expressões. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego está incorreto

The United States Military Academy, founded on March 16, 1802, is a college that educates, trains and inspires the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country. Each graduate has the essential attributes for professional growth throughout a career as a U.S. Army officer. West Point graduates earn Bachelor of Science degrees and are graduate as second lieutenants in the United States Army.
Q666951 Inglês
Mark the correct question for the sentence “prejudice based on religious affiliation” (lines 40 and 41).
Q666948 Inglês
The underlined word in “those in wheelchairs or with a learning disability.” (lines 25 and 26) is used in the same grammatical way as in
Q666856 Inglês

Match the proverbs (1-5) in question 49 above with these explanations:

( ) Don’t antecipate the future before it happens.

( ) Accept a present graciously and gratefully, without criticizing the present or giver.

( ) Don’t invest all your efforts, or attention, in just one thing.

( ) Don’t judge people or things by their outward appearance.

( ) Take care of small sums of money and they will become large sums.

Q666855 Inglês

Choose the best answer to have these proverbs completed.

1- Never judge a book by its _____ .

2- Take care of the pence and the _____ will take care of themselves.

3- Don’t count your chickens before they are _____.

4- Never look a gift horse in the _____.

5- Don’t put all your _____ in one basket.

Q665981 Inglês
Select the alternative in which the use of “so” does not express the result of an action:
101: B
102: A
103: A
104: A
105: A
106: D
107: D
108: C
109: D
110: B
111: C
112: D
113: A
114: C
115: E
116: A
117: D
118: A
119: D
120: C