Questões Militares Comentadas sobre comparativo e superlativo de adjetivos | comparative and superlative em inglês

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Q950697 Inglês
The word “latest” underlined in the text is ___________.
Q937069 Inglês

Mark the option that completes the excerpt below correctly.

Our study analyzed 7.1-billion miles ______, to update o u r______distracted driving study w ith _______ and_____data. We covered 4.5-miilion drivers across all American states and territories, from December 2017 through Fébruary 2018. We found that distracted driving is far______previously reported.

(Abridged from http ://blog,

Q929991 Inglês



    Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the 21st century, died on March 14th, 2018. But his ideas on gravity, black holes and the Big Bang are the greatest legacy he left to the world.

Early Life and College

    On January 8th, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born to a successful family in Oxford, England. He was not the best student at fundamental or high school, but he was very smart. His dad wanted him to become a medical doctor, but Stephen really wanted to study math.

    Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college. He was admitted to Oxford University, but they didn't have math as a major. So, he decided to study physics and chemistry instead.

    Stephen became a member of a rowing team when he was in college. After he graduated, he decided to continue his education and went to graduate school.

Graduate School, Marriage and Health Problems

    While in graduate school, he had some health problems. He began tripping for no reason, and his speech became hard to understand. His family encouraged him to go to the doctor. Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was only twenty one, and the doctors initially gave him only a few years to live. Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly than is often the case.

    During this time, Stephen had a relationship with a woman named Jane. He said she and his work were his inspiration for living. Stephen earned his Ph.D. degree in 1965. He started to get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair. Nonetheless, he and Jane married in 1965 and were able to have three children.

    He studied how space and time are related, including scientific studies of black holes in space and how they work in the universe. He also had a lot of success in his work as a college professor.

A New Voice

    In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to save him, but he was unable to speak. He could only use his eyebrows to communicate. Eventually, he was able to use a special voice synthesizer, allowing him to talk by moving his cheek muscles and using a mouse pad.

Famous Works and Prizes

    His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit radiation; also known as Hawking radiation. He received numerous awards but never won the Nobel Prize.

    Stephen always enjoyed writing books. His best seller, “A Brief History in Time” made terms like the Big Bang and black holes easy to understand. Other famous Stephen Hawking books include: “A Briefer History in Time", “On the Shoulders of Giants” and "The Universe in a Nutshell". He also wrote many books for children along with his daughter Lucy. His famous books for children include "George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt" and “George and the Big Bang”.

    His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. However, his theory suggests that scientists will be able to find parallel universes using probes on spaceships.

Mark the sentence which has an adjective that is NOT in the superlative degree.
Q916343 Inglês
Mark the sentence from the text that is an example of comparative form.
Q862196 Inglês
The adjective “healthier”, underlined in the text, is a ____________.
Q848713 Inglês
Which of the following are examples of Comparative and Superlative adjectives, respectively?
Q836414 Inglês
Choose the alternative that contains the correct answer following the comparative form:
Q834771 Inglês
Mark the only option which is NOT grammatically correct.
Q829318 Inglês
The expression “further” (line 51) introduces an idea of
Q819807 Inglês

Complete the dialogue using the right form of the adjectives.

A: Would you like to go to the beach on Friday?

B: Actually, I think Saturday is ___________________ for

me. Friday is my___________________ day.

Choose the item that respectively completes the gaps.

Q816562 Inglês

Read the cartoon and answer question.


“I find the easiest way to expand my vocabulary is to make up words.”  

The underlined word in the cartoon implies an idea of:
Q773807 Inglês

Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.

_________________ place I’ve ever visited was the Netherlands.

Q691519 Inglês

Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are related to our first language are __________ . Learning a completely different writing system is a huge challenge, but that does not necessarily make a language __________ another. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is one language that is ______ language in the world.

(Adapted from

Q679303 Inglês
The adjective that follows the same superlative rule as in “the most rewarding” (line 4) is
Q676995 Inglês

                                                     Text 1


Q666751 Inglês

                                  A Bunch of Butterflies

Priests don’t like confetti, it makes a mess.

The bride and groom rarely like rice, because it hurts. So the latest thing at weddings, at least in America, is butterflies.

What could be nicer than having a bunch of butterflies released into the air around the marriage couple? Companies are now springing up in the US to meet the new demand, but animal rights groups are concerned. How are the butterflies caught, how are they transported to the wedding and what happens to them afterwards?

The wedding party thinks the butterflies fly away, but often the insect cannot survive in their new environment and die.


spring up – surgir 

In “ What could be nicer than having a bunch of butterflies ...”, the underlined words give the idea of
Q664067 Inglês

The right foot is more ticklish than the left one. It is not related to laterality but in scientific experiments most people report that their right foot is more ticklish.

                                                                                (Adapted from Speak up)


ticklish – ter cócegas

laterality – lateralidade 

The underlined words, in the text, give us an idea of
Q661752 Inglês
Police and Human Rights – Manual for Police Training
How can respecting human rights help the police?
Respect for human rights by law enforcement agencies actually enhances the effectiveness of those agencies. Where human rights are systematically respected, police officers have developed professionalism in their approaches to solving and preventing crime and maintaining public order. In this sense, respect for human rights by police is, in addition to being a moral, legal and ethical imperative, also a practical requirement for law enforcement. When the police are seen to respect, uphold and defend human rights:
• Public confidence is built and community cooperation fostered.
• Legal prosecutions are successful in court.
• Police are seen as part of the community, performing a valuable social function.
• The fair administration of justice is served, and, consequently, confidence in the system.
• An example is set for respect for the law by others in the society.
• Police are able to be closer to the community, and, therefore, in a position to prevent and solve crimes through proactive policing.
• Support is elicited from the media, from the international community, and from higher authorities.
• A contribution is made to the peaceful resolution of conflicts and complaints.
An effective police service is one that serves as the first line of defense in the protection of human rights. Its members carry out their work in a way, which does not rely upon fear and raw power but, on the contrary, is based on regard for the law, honor, and professionalism.
What role does training play in protecting human rights?
The effective training of police in human rights is an essential element in the global efforts to promote and protect human rights in every country. In order to protect human rights, the police must first know and understand them. Furthermore, police officers must be familiar with the various international guidelines and bodies of principles – such as the Code of Conduct for law enforcement officials and the principles on the use of force and firearms – and be able to use them as tools in their everyday work. They must understand the fact that international human rights standards concerning their work were developed to provide invaluable guidance for the performance of their crucial functions in a democratic society. However, police officers in the line of duty should know not only what the rules are, but also how to do their job effectively within the confines of those rules.
Doesn’t concern for human rights hinder effective police work?
Most people have heard the argument that respect for human rights is somehow opposed to effective law enforcement. And effective law enforcement means to capture the criminal. And to secure his conviction, it is necessary to “bend the rules” a little. A tendency to use overwhelming force in controlling demonstrations, physical pressure to extract information from detainees, or excessive force to secure an arrest can be observed now and then. In this way of thinking, law enforcement is a war against crime, and human rights are merely obstacles thrown in the path of the police by lawyers and NGOs. In fact, violations of human rights .... police only make the already challenging task of law enforcement _____________ . When the law enforcer ..... the lawbreaker, the result is an assault on human dignity, on the law itself and on all institutions of public authority. 
(G. Kalajdziev, et al. Adaptado.)
Assinale a alternativa que complete corretamente a respectiva lacuna,no último período do texto.  
Q659669 Inglês

Spades take up leaves

No better than spoons,

And bags full of leaves

Are light as balloons.

I make a great noise

Of rustling all day

Like rabbit and deer

Running away.


rustle - rastelar 

In “ ... bags full of leaves are light as balloons”, the underlined word gives the idea of
Q652176 Inglês

Choose the alternative so as to have the passage completed correctly.

Many people believe that pilots earn a lot of money. But the real fact is _____ the airline is, _____ pilots’ salary is. Smaller budget airlines can not afford to pay their pilots that much.

21: B
22: A
23: E
24: C
25: D
26: B
27: A
28: E
29: D
30: B
31: B
32: C
33: D
34: B
35: A
36: D
37: D
38: E
39: D
40: D