Questões Militares Sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês

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Q1613591 Inglês

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    A ‘dificuldade’ de um texto não se mede pelo tipo de oração ou complexidade sintática que ele contém. Não há texto fácil ou difícil do ponto de vista linguístico, simplesmente. Na sala de aula, o sucesso de um texto como parte de uma atividade depende do que se vai fazer com ele.

    Um texto autêntico oferece mais oportunidades para o aluno e o professor tomarem contato com o inglês “de verdade”, aquele usado em comunicação real, no mundo real. Um texto real possui todos os defeitos e as virtudes da vida real: é complexo, rico, imprevisível, interessante e arriscado. As sequências de palavras de um texto autêntico ecoam nas vozes dos milhões de falantes de inglês no mundo. Um texto artificial, por sua vez, ecoa apenas parcialmente e não exibe o encanto e o desafio do texto autêntico.

(Tony B. Sardinha. “The book is not on the table: autenticidade e idiomaticidade do texto para ensino de inglês na perspectiva da linguística de corpus”. IN: Maria Cristina Damianovic (org). Material Didático: Elaboração e Avaliação. Adaptado)

As they receive an authentic reading passage, a group of students react negatively, and argue that they cannot read the text because they do not understand many of the words in it. A teacher interested in developing their students’ strategic reading abilities will, in this case,
Q1613590 Inglês

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    By the end of the twentieth century English was already well on its way to becoming a genuine lingua franca. Just as in the Middle Ages Latin became for a time a language of international communication, so English is now commonly used in exchanges between, say, Japanese and Argentinian business people or between Singaporeans and their Vietnamese counterparts.

    A number of researchers have studied lingua franca conversations and have noted a number of somewhat surprising characteristics, including:

     • Increasing of redundancy by adding prepositions (We have to study about... and Can we discuss about...?).

    • Large use of certain verbs of high semantic generality, such as do, have, make, put, take.     

    • Pluralisation of nouns which are considered uncountable in native-speaker English (advices, staffs).

    The evidence suggests that non-native speakers are not conforming to a native English standard. Indeed they seem to get along perfectly well despite the fact that they miss things out and put things in which they ‘should not do’. Not only this, but they are actually better at ‘accommodating’ than native speakers are when talking to second language speakers.

(Jeremy Harmer. The practice of English language teaching. Adaptado)

Do conteúdo do excerto, emerge uma relevante questão referente à educação linguística em uma cultura globalizada, qual seja:
Q1613588 Inglês

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    By the end of the twentieth century English was already well on its way to becoming a genuine lingua franca. Just as in the Middle Ages Latin became for a time a language of international communication, so English is now commonly used in exchanges between, say, Japanese and Argentinian business people or between Singaporeans and their Vietnamese counterparts.

    A number of researchers have studied lingua franca conversations and have noted a number of somewhat surprising characteristics, including:

     • Increasing of redundancy by adding prepositions (We have to study about... and Can we discuss about...?).

    • Large use of certain verbs of high semantic generality, such as do, have, make, put, take.     

    • Pluralisation of nouns which are considered uncountable in native-speaker English (advices, staffs).

    The evidence suggests that non-native speakers are not conforming to a native English standard. Indeed they seem to get along perfectly well despite the fact that they miss things out and put things in which they ‘should not do’. Not only this, but they are actually better at ‘accommodating’ than native speakers are when talking to second language speakers.

(Jeremy Harmer. The practice of English language teaching. Adaptado)

The considerations in the excerpt suggest that the teaching of oral skills in an English as lingua franca perspective should
Q1613587 Inglês

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    By the end of the twentieth century English was already well on its way to becoming a genuine lingua franca. Just as in the Middle Ages Latin became for a time a language of international communication, so English is now commonly used in exchanges between, say, Japanese and Argentinian business people or between Singaporeans and their Vietnamese counterparts.

    A number of researchers have studied lingua franca conversations and have noted a number of somewhat surprising characteristics, including:

     • Increasing of redundancy by adding prepositions (We have to study about... and Can we discuss about...?).

    • Large use of certain verbs of high semantic generality, such as do, have, make, put, take.     

    • Pluralisation of nouns which are considered uncountable in native-speaker English (advices, staffs).

    The evidence suggests that non-native speakers are not conforming to a native English standard. Indeed they seem to get along perfectly well despite the fact that they miss things out and put things in which they ‘should not do’. Not only this, but they are actually better at ‘accommodating’ than native speakers are when talking to second language speakers.

(Jeremy Harmer. The practice of English language teaching. Adaptado)

The expression lingua franca refers to
Q1613585 Inglês

Considere a reflexão a seguir e responda à questão.

A partir da leitura do livro Hipermodernidade, multiletramentos e gêneros discursivos, é possível dizer que os gêneros textuais, os gêneros do discurso e a tipologia textual são construtos cada vez mais importantes para o professor, especialmente aquele que ensina línguas.

(ROJO, R. e BARBOSA, J. P. Hipermodernidade, multiletramentos e gêneros discursivos.)

Sobre os gêneros do discurso, pode-se afirmar que
Q1613584 Inglês

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The discussion of the worldliness of English (…) suggests that it is impossible to separate English from its many contexts, and therefore, that the idea that it might be possible to ‘just teach the language’ - is (…) indefensible. (…) To teach is to be caught up in an array of questions concerning curriculum, educational systems and classroom practices: (1) whose knowledges and cultures are given credence? (2) to what extent does an educational system reproduce social and cultural inequalities? And (3) what understandings of language, culture, education, authority, knowledge or communication do we assume in our teaching?

(PENNYCOOK, A. The cultural politics of English as an international language. Adaptado).

Um plano de curso para o ensino de língua inglesa que siga os pressupostos discutidos por Pennycook no excerto deveria levar em consideração
Q1613583 Inglês

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The discussion of the worldliness of English (…) suggests that it is impossible to separate English from its many contexts, and therefore, that the idea that it might be possible to ‘just teach the language’ - is (…) indefensible. (…) To teach is to be caught up in an array of questions concerning curriculum, educational systems and classroom practices: (1) whose knowledges and cultures are given credence? (2) to what extent does an educational system reproduce social and cultural inequalities? And (3) what understandings of language, culture, education, authority, knowledge or communication do we assume in our teaching?

(PENNYCOOK, A. The cultural politics of English as an international language. Adaptado).

According to Daniels and Hedegaard (2011/2013), one can say that the greatest challenges for teachers to formulate their actions in classes with students with disabilities would be the
Q1613581 Inglês

The term pedagogy of multiliteracies was created in 1996, by the New London Group. According to Rojo and Moura (2012), the group asked themselves questions such as “O que é uma educação apropriada para mulheres, para indígenas, para imigrantes que não falam a língua nacional, para falantes dos dialetos não padrão? (...).”

(ROJO, R.; MOURA, E. (orgs). Multiletramentos na escola.)

Assinale a alternativa que melhor caracteriza a pedagogia dos multiletramentos.

Q1613579 Inglês

Read the following extract and answer question.

    The disjunction between method as conceptualized by theorists and method as conducted by teachers is the direct consequence of the inherent limitations of the concept of method itself. First and foremost, methods are based on idealized concepts geared toward idealized contexts. Since language learning and teaching needs, wants, and situations are unpredictably numerous, no idealized method can visualize all the variables in advance in order to provide situation-specific suggestions that practicing teachers so clearly need in order to tackle the challenges they confront every day of their professional lives. As a predominantly top-down exercise, the conception and construction of methods have been largely guided by a one-size-fits-all (…) approach that assumes a common clientele with common goals.

(KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Beyond methods: macrostrategies for language teaching. Adapted)

Considering the excerpt above, it is fair to say that the writer argues for the
Q175808 Inglês
Choose the alternative that describes one of the purposes of reflective teaching.
Q175807 Inglês
Which alternative describes the stages of a lesson in Task-based learning?
Q175806 Inglês

Regarding approaches to teaching writing, match the second column according to the first. Then, choose the alternative that shows the correct sequence.


1. Product

2. Process 


( )Students produce and submit a complete finished text.

( )Students submit a draft and get feedback on it.

( )It focuses on form.

( )It focuses on the writer.

( )The writing task is tightly controlled.

Q175805 Inglês
Which of the activities below is an example of a top-down exercise to teaching listening?
Q175804 Inglês
Which of the theories/hypothesis below provides arguments against the explicit teaching of pronunciation?
Q175803 Inglês
Appropriate grammar-focusing techniques:
Q175802 Inglês
The direct teaching of vocabulary is more effective for learners at:
Q175801 Inglês
Which intelligence does the activity described below mostly focus on?

Activity: Students are asked to close their eyes and imagine a painting while the teacher describes it to them.
Q175800 Inglês
Which of the statements below describes one of the principles of Communicative Language Teaching?
Q175799 Inglês
Which of the statements below describes one of the principles of the Participatory Approach?
39: D
40: E
41: C
42: B
43: A
44: B
45: E
46: D
47: E
48: D
49: B
50: D
51: A
52: C
53: B
54: A
55: D
56: A
57: E